Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3912: Car 2 comes back

Chen Taizhong's recovery was very fast. In about fifteen or six days, his broken ribs healed seven or eighty eight, and all the fractured bones were basically recovered, and he wanted to be discharged.

While lamenting that District Chief Chen is in good health, the hospital resolutely opposed his discharge from the hospital. Other leaders in the district also expressed the hope that he would raise him for a while, even Liu Haifang joined the persuaders.

After the Hua Heng incident, District Mayor Liu avoided Mayor Chen a little bit in the first two days, but afterwards, just like other deputy district heads, he came when he should ask for instructions. There was nothing unusual.

In fact, several deputy district mayors were not very diligent when they asked for instructions. Chen Taizhong thought at first that everyone was concerned about his health, but later discovered that several deputy district mayors were in charge of their stalls and were so busy with their heels and spanking. District Mayor Chen was injured, and everyone wanted to do what they wanted, so they wouldn't come to disturb the District Chief.

This is really true that anyone can turn the earth away. After District Chief Chen confirmed the news, Suo Xing was relieved to "heal".

In fact, he was still somewhat uncomfortable with him suddenly becoming insignificant, so he could only say to himself: With the improvement of the system, everyone can adapt to their jobs more and more, and the leader has become idle. This is Good thing.

But what’s interesting is that although fewer people come to ask for instructions, there are more small reports. Especially, some small reports come from the mouths of patients, but those contents are not accessible to ordinary people. owned.

Finally, at the end of August, Chen Taizhong could no longer bear to sit all day long, and left the hospital regardless. Liao Dabao was still waiting to persuade him. District Mayor Chen said directly, “You care about patients so much. Do you want me to treat you? Transfer to the Health Bureau and become a deputy director?"

Director Liao saw that the leader was so anxious, he didn't dare to say anything, so he drove the leader and looked around.

The No. 2 car in the district rested for 20 days and was dispatched again at this moment, which immediately made Beichong officialdom tense. Fortunately, the weather has begun to cool, and there will be rain from time to time, so even those cadres who go to the construction site , You can also get off the scene at four o'clock, take a step forward and use your brain.

However, Chen Taizhong is not concerned about this. At this time, his attention is basically on agriculture. The purchase of grain, ramie and tobacco. The greenhouse built at the beginning of the year began to produce strawberries, mouth mushrooms, bisporus mushrooms, and agricultural electricity. Problem-Beichong wants to be prosperous and strong, it relies on industry, but if it wants to be stable, it must first protect agriculture.

After caring about agriculture, then education. It’s September 1st. The students are about to start school. During this holiday, Tan Shengli spent a lot of money and rebuilt many school buildings. Hope Primary School donated by EasyNet Construction is also in full swing.

Chen Taizhong has always been uneasy about Tan Shengli. The one who fell in the Chaotian sauna was so terrible, and he was in the hospital. He also heard people say that there were certain problems in the construction of the school building by the Education Bureau. Tricky.

The person who spread the word had a nose and eyes, and District Mayor Chen naturally inspected it carefully. He didn't expect that he saw it and realized that the rumors were actually wrong. On the contrary, he accidentally discovered: Tan Shengli has many problems, but he organized construction. Still no problem.

Most of those rumors are plausible and reverse the black and white. As long as you go to the scene to get a little understanding, you can know the authenticity, especially when you see a classroom to be demolished, the beams are all decayed, but to others, this is still a "good building". Chen Taizhong even gave birth to a little doubt: Is this Tan Shengli annoying?

However, it has nothing to do with District Mayor Chen. After watching the construction of the school for two days, he turned his head and went to Xiaojia Village. The post-disaster reconstruction work there is a lot of work, and it is now At the end of summer, if you don't hurry up, the people will be frozen in winter.

At this time, a small episode came out. There were six Luo family brothers in the village. When the lottery was drawn, they robbed two suites with their own power. Moved the belongings in.

The two families that were robbed quit, and asked them to vacate them. They say nothing is vacated, saying that my old lady is in poor health and it is inconvenient to live in a tent-I robbed your house and turned back to my house. You can do it.

The head of Village Shi came out to coordinate, but the Luo family just refused to let him live and die. To say that the head of Village Shi was also considered a hegemon in the village, but the Luo family's uncle was still the deputy director of the credit union in the district, so he was not good enough to act unscrupulously.

The two families quit. They called friends and friends to greet people, and planned to move each other by force. The Luo family did not call anyone, but the six brothers and a few half-and-half children, holding axe, hoes, etc., put on a desperate pair. Stance.

This is how things happened in the village. It was originally just a little temperament dispute, but once the dispute arises, it is very likely that life will be killed-no way, the neighbors of the whole life will be counseled for a moment.

At that moment, Chen Taizhong came in a Santana car. When Liao Dabao saw a group of people making noise, he went down to inquire, and then returned to report.

"Call me some brothers from the Luo family," District Chief Chen was a little annoyed when he heard it. Everyone was working on construction wholeheartedly. Such a large group of people gathered together for a little shit.

Within two minutes of Director Liao, six similar-looking men walked up behind him dejectedly.

District Chief Chen sat in the car, the door was not open, he just lowered the window, and asked blankly, "It's your six brothers, who robbed someone else's house?"

"During the lottery, we didn't catch it well. The Shi family and the Li family bullied us on the Luo family," a slightly older Luo family replied-people who do extraordinary things always have reasons they think.

"You can file a complaint," Chen Taizhong ignored these details. It is difficult for an upright official to break the housework. He said coldly, "I will ask you...Is the house you dominate now, is it allocated to you in the village?"

"No, but our house..." The Luo family still needs to defend.

"You shut up," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly and interrupted the other party. "I stayed in the hospital for a few days, and you dare to be lawless... when I am dead?"

The Luo family brothers exchanged glances, but no one dared to speak again--this is District Chief Chen, the official said, and the hands were unambiguous, so the scene froze there.

"Why, I thought I had a bad body and couldn't beat you?" Chen Taizhong pushed the car door, and walked out of the car with a face, "I'll stand here for you to fight, who has the courage?"

"How dare we attack District Chief Chen?" The oldest Luo family replied with a smile, "You are our benefactor."

"Then what is it crooked? Move out!" Chen Taizhong's eyes widened, "I'll stand and watch... Give you half an hour."

"But my old mother is not in good health and can't live in a tent," a slightly younger person said.

"I live in a relaxed place, let your old mother live with me," Chen Taizhong's face sank. "Because of the fight, one or two casualties... Has your old mother become physically and mentally healthy?"

District Chief Chen came out, it was really a tyrannical arrogance. The six brothers who were desperate just now, bowed their heads and went back to move.

They moved, and the head of Village Shi, who heard the news, hurried over and explained with a smile, "District Chief Chen, it’s not what they said. This time the lottery is fair. Secretary Lin came to supervise it. My family is the last one. One batch."

"Don't talk about this stuff with me. When this kind of thing happens, you are not there," Chen Taizhong raised his hand and pointed at him. "Old Shi, I will tell you. Next time, I will deflate you. Re-education through labor... This is called the leadership responsibility system."

After saying that he got in the car and left. Village Chief Shi didn't even taste it. It took him a long time before he sighed, "I said, who did you not learn well with Lin Huan?"

After inspecting Xiaojia Village, Chen Taizhong went to the Bureau of Agriculture to learn about the publicity and popularization of this loach breeding technology. Xu Ruilin was still very reliable and called experts to give lectures.

Seeing that District Mayor Chen came, Mayor Xu stepped forward, "Mayor, I just have an idea to report to you. I want to set up an agricultural school again. Many farmers come to learn technology and live with relatives and friends. Convenience is also not conducive to communication. First, build a few small bungalows, which can't cost them much, to provide them with board and lodging.

"I support, old Xu, you are ready," Chen Taizhong looked at Xu Ruilin and found that his face was a little pale, "Your face is not right, so you have to take a break."

"I'm okay, you can hold it out. How big is it for me to go to the town?" District Chief Xu smiled.

"Don't take it People are middle-aged," Chen Taizhong raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "After a while, Bai Fengming will go to Europe and America. You have to help him with his part."

At the beginning of September, Bai Fengming and Liu Haifang will go to the Paris Fashion Festival, also to do market research for ramie cloth, and then go to the New York Fashion Festival, which is wider than the inspection scope of Mayor Xu.

This investigation is quite formalistic, in fact it is public money play, but Chen Taizhong believes that it is a good thing to appropriately expand the horizons of Beichong cadres—especially because Beichong’s current economic prospects are becoming more and more recognized. A small amount of money is justified, no one will say anything.

Even the next batch of inspections are already being discussed. District Mayor Ge and Mayor Tan hope to participate in the autumn and winter fashion week next year, and Mayor Bai said that this time is only to investigate the sales prospects of ramie cloth. , Far from what he wanted.

Looking back, when the economic conditions in Beichong improve and everything is on the right track, Mayor Bai will go to Europe and the United States to inspect the industry.

This is a long way off. The key is that their investigation will take more than ten days, so the person in charge must also take care of it. There is no need to help the heart in everything, but at least there is an emergency, someone has to take it. Idea-similar in quality to the xìng on duty during chūn.

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