Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4430: All living beings

Is this a mistake? The corner of Chen Taizhong's eyes twitched. In fact, he didn't expect the helper to bring this girl, because Beichong people are really relatively simple.

He even thought about it, to take the defenders to catch the girl in person, and explain it. At the moment, it seems that he is thinking too much...just and free.

But if you go on like this, don't take the old road in the south, right? In order to obtain low-cost labor, no means is used.

Probably, maybe, shouldn't, the population flow in Beichong still can't keep up with the city where Chen Taizhong went.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Secretary Chen still ordered, "Containment, you can't arrest people, just catch those who beg, those who ask for money, and those who ask for food...If it goes beyond the scope, don't blame me for being polite."

"That is, if the beggar is not caught, it is difficult for anyone to be in a hurry," the Secretary of Civil Affairs nodded, let alone, although he is timid, but once he can keep up with Secretary Chen's thinking, he will understand a lot. .

You are really late bloomers! Liu Haifang glanced at him speechlessly, and added, "Contact Director Wang more. Secretary Chen said, don't arrest people casually. You have this right and you should cherish it."

"That is," the Secretary of Civil Affairs nodded repeatedly and glanced at Wang Yuanyuan, before he said, "In addition to communicating more with Director Wang, I will also ask you more for your instructions."

This is your book, right? District Chief Liu hummed softly and stopped talking.

The helper brought these people over, and the beggar who interrupted his leg swinging was still screaming, especially when he met several young men and women with great momentum in front of him, he shouted, "I paid the protection fee. ... paid the protection fee!"

"Protection fee?" Wang Yuanyuan frowned and looked at a female defender. "Sister Li, what's the matter?"

"Director Wang, it's like this," Sister Li was about 30 years old, a big-waisted female man, she didn't have the pretense of being a sister, and answered with a smile, "A few ignorant hairy boys..."

Then, three sixteen or seventeen-year-old guys were pushed out. Among the dozen or so people, there were locals from Beichong.

These three little guys don't learn well either. After watching some young and Dangerous movies, they have to play the underworld. First, they must unify Bei Chong and become the boss of Bei Chong.

However, the people of Beichong are more sturdy, and they don't dare to mess around. It happens that this lame man puts a bowl to ask for money, so they approached to collect protection fees-who asked you to put a bowl here?

The crip didn't dare not give it, and after the little guys received the money, they greeted the people around him. We covered this person and then went to the Internet cafe with the money.

The Beichong people in the shop next to him can only smile and shook his head. Can the kid's house cover people?

They are all from the village folks. Everyone doesn’t want to care about it. Even if a helper came and said, lame, you have a wrong posture. Someone next to you said that if someone from someone’s family receives some money from someone, it’s pitiful to blame—the small place is like this. , Know everyone with everyone.

The defender went to grab the lame man just now, and the lame man said that I paid the protection fee, but this time the district was serious, so the defender went into the Internet cafe and even the three were arrested-but still ran away One.

"Has all the hair grown, play?" Chen Taizhong glanced at the three with disdain, and said to his heart that these middle and second youngsters are really emerging in endlessly, one crop after another.

"District Chief Chen, we are very convinced of you, and Boss Di also recognizes you," a young man raised his head and said unyieldingly, "but you are always getting old. Today we are planted and we will recognize you, but I want to say One sentence...Don't bully the youth to be poor."

"I have read too many online novels," Chen Taizhong raised his hand and snapped his head up, "I will give you ten years. Today, ten years later, you will be singled out with me... tease you, call the parents Right."

"Today, ten years later, you remember," the boy's lips were pressed tightly, with unyielding anger in his eyes.

"I really singled out with me. Let your parents give you a younger brother first, so you don’t have to be... the fine for super-birth is paid. I can’t stop paying because of your challenge." Chen Taizhong turned and left. Does he say so much is useful?

Immediately afterwards, a minibus came. This was called by Liu Haifang. In addition to the Civil Affairs Bureau, she also took charge of the Transportation Bureau. It was really not too easy to temporarily transfer a car to use it.

The CMB drove there directly. This, right next to the newly-built orphanage, has a total of only one person, the director of the establishment-Beichong has not taken in people for so many years, and has not enough to eat.

The yard is not small, there are four or five rooms, Liu Haifang raised his chin, "Close it."

This person can't be shut down casually, and then he called in the two city bureaus to check the beggars.

The first to be identified was the mother and daughter. By this time, Secretary Chen didn't need to speak anymore. He sat in a corner of the room and drank tea slowly, while Wang Yuanyuan served him back and forth.

Tea is Kung Fu tea. Director Wang has seen Lin Ying brewing tea, so she studies hard. Now her ability to brew Kung Fu tea is no more than that of President Xiao Lin. There is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid of the people who care.

District Mayor Liu is sitting next to Secretary Chen. At this time, she doesn’t need to care about anything. Now Chen Taizhong is Bei Chong’s heaven. No matter any leader, as long as he appears on the same occasion with Secretary Chen, it must be close to Chen. Secretary, no exceptions.

As for **** scandals or something, everyone doesn't need to care. There are too many female district chiefs in Bei Chong, and they simply can't care.

Liu Haifang also took a cup of Kung Fu tea and drank it. In fact, people in Beichong didn't drink tea like this before. Often the tea leaves were soaked in taste, so they grabbed a handful of tea and threw it into the teapot and continued drinking.

Even if you pay more attention to changing the tea leaves frequently, like Secretary Chen, if the tea becomes stuffy, you have to pour it out immediately, and the hot tea has to be dried in one mouthful. For Bei Chong, this is really not a habit.

In fact, Chen Taizhong is not used to this. What he likes most is to make a cup of green tea and drink it slowly. If the water is less, add a little. Kungfu tea is too much trouble.

But Wang Yuanyuan didn't take much trouble. She discovered that District Mayor Chen liked Lin Ying's Kung Fu tea, and she determined to learn it. Now in District Mayor Chen's courtyard, as long as Director Wang is here, everyone must drink Kung Fu tea.

It's not easy to get better from the top, and the kungfu tea is popular in Beichong.

They were drinking tea here, and the two police officers were investigating, perhaps because the district leaders were present. The police officers expressed restraint, but after only a few questions, the question came out.

The scruffy woman said, this little girl doll is her daughter. Jǐngcha asked her to confess his identity. She was only a stumbling block, and Jǐngcha asked, are you a kidnapped child?

If you don’t talk about everything, you will be afraid of being serious. When you are serious, the woman will be afraid, saying that I am really—rented.

The woman came from Yangzhou. When I heard that Beichong was very popular, she took a child and begged. In real life, the "gang of beggars" really exists—not a well-organized group of beggars, but Loose exchange of information between beggars.

So there are people who provide services for renting children, ranging from 20 to 30 yuan a day, and there are business processes such as appointments and queuing. Of course, if someone adds more money, there will be auction scenes.

The child in the woman's hands is rented. The child is born deaf and mute and will not reveal anything. For the lessor, she doesn't know much about it. She only knows that this child can be rented.

And she rented the child to Beichong for only fifteen yuan, fifteen yuan a day-this is a test of the new market, there are discounts, and next to her, there are supervisors to prevent her from running with the child It's just that Beichong's shot was too fast and too strong, and the supervisor saw that the situation was not good, and ran away.

"This will continue to be investigated," the investigators said, "The older woman, we have taken it away, and continue to investigate, little girl, please take it in."

Three or four-year-old female doll, what can she do? The Secretary of Civil Affairs curled his mouth and nodded with a smile, "Okay."

"What can this little girl do?" Wang Yuanyuan didn't understand, so she glanced at Secretary Chen, "Is it too young?"

"It's always okay to roll a cotton swab and paste an envelope," Chen Taizhong replied with a calm face, his heart is always extremely hard, "Do it if you want to do it, don't want to do it... hungry!"

Leaving it to others, seeing that these three or four-year-old female dolls have no way out, there is always a pity in his heart, but Chen Taizhong doesn't think so, he should be self-reliant, three or four-year-old children, he should be confused.

You feel pitiful? To put Li Siyi here, she must be able to paste a lot of good envelopes to eat—the child is really sensible.

Whoever thinks that the child is innocent anymore, come, you take the child away, or adopt it, don’t play silly talk.

In fact, he is also angry, and the child's true identity has to be investigated.

The investigators also knew this, so they handed over the big woman to a colleague to continue the and called the card girl in and asked the other party to tell her situation.

The girl didn't look too ugly. It was too ugly to beg for money. She confessed that I was indeed a college student, and I just came to beg after I lost my wallet. I also lost my ID card.

Then you can provide a phone number that can prove your identity. The investigators are usually too lazy to care about these trivial things. If you really want to care about it, there are ways.

The girl provided a phone number, saying that it was her home number, and she called it right away. Originally, she wanted to swindle someone, but it turned out to be the girl’s house, and the girl’s father answered the phone.

But this dad doesn't really look like a dad. I heard that his daughter was taken into custody, so he just said, then you buy a ticket and let her come back.

"I Bei Chong owes you? You can answer it yourself," Jǐng pressed the phone with anger, and glanced sideways at his colleague, "Really, what kind of people come out of them."

He just pressed the phone, and he called the call back over there, saying that I can answer it, but now there is something wrong with the unit and I can’t go away. Can I wait for three to five days? (To be continued.)

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