Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4431: Negative

This kind of professional beggar is really annoying. Bei Chong is tough on this side, but he is soft on that side, but he doesn’t say he will pick it up right away. He wants the girl to stay for two days to increase Bei Chong’s Containment costs-make you trouble more in the future!

During this period, if the girl is wronged, the person who comes to pick up someone can still have an attack.

"It seems that I have to call your school." Jǐngcha knew this too well. After saying this, he glanced at Secretary Chen and found that the Secretary did not respond, so he continued to speak, "Tell me the phone number of your school. "

Regardless of her youth, this girl has experienced many battles. She said that I didn't know the school number. There was a phone stored in the phone, but the phone was lost. The university she was talking about was never heard of.

I haven’t heard of it. It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. The beggars of this year know that they report to a well-known university. Don't do that.

But it’s not difficult to check it out. I made a few consultation calls and found this school, which is a private technical school.

The school immediately jumped up when it heard that this was the case. Fucked, this woman is not from our school, and this liar is too wicked — co-authored by more than one person who lost her wallet under the banner of this school. I told the students that if you lost your wallet in the field, don't look for someone else, go and check.

"People say you are a liar," Jǐng checked the phone and looked at the girl with a smile. "It's a pity, you are young, and you don't look ugly. Why do you have to do this business?"

"I just pretended to be," the girl was anxious immediately, she thought she was just begging, not cheating...

In fact, Jǐngcha also scratched his head a little—how do you deal with this kind of person?

Whether the girl has any other bad deeds, this can be checked slowly, but in a few days, the father is coming, and it is not easy to use excessive means before there is clear evidence.

Beggars are disgusting people, so disgusting is here. You call it true, or you don’t call it true.

So Jǐngcha looked at Chen Taizhong, the secretary, please give me something.

"She doesn't understand her identity now. Let's take it in first," Secretary Chen faintly instructed. "When her family arrives, confirm the identity, and then check her other possible illegal acts... anyway, it is involved in fraud."

Seven or eight beggars asked, and two hours passed. Except for the little girl and the girl, the identities of everyone else were well determined-they were professional beggars.

Professional beggars, there is nothing to say. After being contained, just let them do the work, even if it is the broken leg, just find a hand for the girl, but this girl is more difficult to deal with.

So the Secretary of Civil Affairs, the director and others came over to understand what Secretary Chen meant.

"Bei Chong wants to stop begging. I think there are two points to be emphasized." Chen Taizhong ignored them, just watching Liu Haifang say, "One is to increase their begging costs. Don't you think it is easy to get money like this? It happens to make them feel that it is difficult to get money; secondly, this thing must be strictly grasped to spread the reputation of Bei Chong."

"Let those who have been to Beichong never dare to come again, and those who have never been...he dare not go this way."

"Can you tell me the specific measures?" Chang asked aloud. He is the person directly in charge, so he should ask clearly, "For example, they are all old, weak, sick and disabled, and low-intensity work is not very good. turn up."

"Look for those who do, just take care of the food, and you still care for them to make money?" Chen Taizhong replied coldly, "What do you mean by shelter? Provide you with a place to live and want to eat? You have to work... believe it. This kind of work is not hard to find."

This is the big truth. Although Beichong is poor, the people who work to solve the problem of food and clothing are not a problem. For example, those who smash pecans and sweep the roads do not make much money, but no one will know how to eat. Go do it.

"What should I do if someone steals and plays slippery?" The director already understands what direction he has to work hard in. This kind of work is really easy to find, so he has to finalize it again.

"What do you mean?" Chen Taizhong was a little unhappy. I am the district party secretary anyway. Is there something appropriate to say?

"If you don't do enough, you will be hungry," the Civil Affairs Bureau said viciously. He had a complete character explosion today. "In Secretary Chen's words, they have to increase their begging costs and teach them an unforgettable lesson... Do enough and don’t let them get full."

"If you have done enough, don't let them eat?" The director is a bit regretful. He still wants to make the stall bigger-if this is the case, there will be few beggars in Beichong in the future, and he has no place to play.

"Containment is at least one month or more, so that they will not dare to come again," the chief of civil affairs said, and carefully glanced at Secretary Chen. Seeing that the other party did not respond, he knew that he was a bet. Find work by yourself...just don't beg."

For this reason, Chen Taizhong nodded slightly, and he emphasized once again, "Beichong people's money cannot be wasted casually."

After these remarks, Chang's heart also knew what to do with the girl, he thought about it-work, not work, and even no food.

You have to say that you are a student, the money is very expensive, and your father wants to pick up people and don’t want to work. Okay, you can sell your rice at a high price. A small Wangzi steamed bun will sell you a dollar. You have to pay the bill-say you ate a hundred steamed buns for a meal.

In fact, once the leader sets the tone, some of the people below are the means to toss people.

Even if you are full of food, it depends on what you eat?

But Liu Haifang was a little puzzled, "Boss, a beggar's question, there is no need for such a big fanfare, right?"

"You think so, it's really wrong," Chen Taizhong shook his head, "The problem is not big, but it is a social phenomenon."

"If we sit and watch and beg to make money, it is by default that we get something for nothing. What do those who use labor in exchange for remuneration think? And their behavior is essentially taking advantage of people's compassion, compassion... that's using a little less One point, over time, it will seriously affect the social atmosphere and corrupt moral construction."

Having said that, he took out a cigarette to light it, took a silent sigh, and sighed, "Don’t do small things for good, don’t do small things for evil, ignore small things, over time, you may This has caused a very serious impact. As cadres, we must pay attention to discovering and stifling these bad signs."

Everyone is silent. Secretary Chen has raised this issue to the height of moral construction. What else can everyone say?

After a while, he asked aloud, "What about those who really lost labor?"

"Let's just take care of Beichong," Chen Taizhong didn't even think about it, and replied directly. The people of Beichong had no labor, and they were not willing to raise them at home. There were not many, and it was not convenient to eat and drink in this place. As for outsiders? "Outside people died in Beichong, just a barrel of gasoline, how much money can it cost?"

Everyone was silent again...

This is the prosperity of Beichong, one of the troubles it brings, and the second trouble is...the number of young ladies is increasing.

This phenomenon is very troublesome for Chen Taizhong. Do you think it should be better or is it better to ignore it?

Strictly speaking, selling was banned after the founding of the country and should not be allowed to exist. However, the world has changed over time, and even the landlords have come back and arrogantly seek ancestral wealth.

Moreover, although the existence of women who have misplaced has greatly affected the image of Beichong, it also has significance. To Dali, it is even related to the social development and stability of Beichong.

At present, Beichong is a large-scale construction site. Construction workers can be seen everywhere. There are a large number of outsiders, all of whom are brawny. They also have their own physiological needs after work.

The same is true for the big truck drivers in the logistics center. The drivers have a lot of knowledge about going north and south, and the risk of work is high. They have to concentrate on them. When they relax, they just want to relax completely, and they earn a lot of money and are willing to spend.

If Bei Chong had never had such a thing, then it would be fine. It already has it, and if it is banned, it is really not very good-the existence of women who have missed the foot can indeed effectively reduce the crime of xìng.

There is another influence. The existence of the ladies can boost the consumption and popularity of Beichong. Chen Taizhong is not very concerned about it, but this influence is real: women who stumbled have to consume goods; and those who could leave and stay. Because Beichong has these "fun", it is possible to stay one more night.

The key is that if this is banned, public security cases may rise.

The young Bailihou has a headache for this, but this problem can’t be solved without catching it now. It will soon be the “Three Festivals” of Beichong, the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day and Ramie Festival.

So he went to Qi Taishan to discuss Do you think it is necessary for Beichong to completely ban those things?

Hasn't it been controlled in a small area? Secretary Qi is a bit strange-Beichong's pink light-sand shampoo room existed before District Chief Chen came, and later concentrated in the logistics center, and the facade room of the logistics center was rented.

There were several times when the pink light strips wanted to enter the district, and they encountered strong resistance from the residents. No one wanted to have these things at their door. The last time they tried to rent the facade of the school. Some people reported to the district. Chen Taizhong thoroughly Runaway: Who dares to do this at the school gate, I will clean up from top to bottom!

Zhu Fenqi was shocked when he heard the words, and instructed the Chengguan police station to invite the renter into the station and did three days and three nights of work. After that person came out, he left Beichong and went to Chaotian.

Since then, the pink light strips have never tried to enter the district again, and there is no need for Chen Taizhong to greet them. The police bureau will not allow them to come in. If you want to toss, you can toss about outside the downtown area, don't go to the center.

"The current logistics center has an increasing influence," Chen Taizhong sighed sadly. (To be continued.)

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