The police were busy checking the vehicles ahead.

"Brother, it's bad! There are police officers checking vehicles ahead." Vodka was very sharp and noticed the police officers ahead.

Gin did not lose his mind. He knew that he could not be exposed. There was no surveillance at the back door of the exchange. He was sure of this.

The police only had artificial portraits at most. Both of them were wearing wide-brimmed hats, and the guys at the exchange should not be able to see their appearance clearly.

So they could not conflict with these guys for the time being, otherwise, they would face a nationwide wanted list, which might even evolve into a global wanted list.

In this case, let's avoid the edge for the time being.

"Let's go." Gin turned around and left directly.

But no matter which way he went next, he would be questioned by the police.

This was aimed at the two of them.


I'll take note of this grudge, and I'll pay it back tenfold one day!

In the end, Gin abandoned the Porsche 356A that had been with him for many years, and he and Vodka sneaked out of the blockade area.

The armed gangsters robbed the Koban, and the paparazzi could not hide it. That night, major newspapers began to prepare to publish reports.

The next day, early in the morning.

New newspapers were delivered to thousands of households, including the Maori Detective Agency.

Maori Kogoro picked up the newspaper and saw the robbery of the Koban occupying the entire panel.

"What! There are gangsters who dare to rob the Koban?!"

Maori screamed like a little girl, causing Conan to be dissatisfied.

What the hell is going on? How could there be a robber who is stupid enough to rob the Koban.

Although he complained in his heart, Conan still got close to Maori and tiptoed to look at the newspaper.

Gin? ! Vodka? !

Conan, who had just woken up, was immediately alert. He snatched the newspaper from Maori and examined it carefully.

There was no mistake!

Although the two people in the portrait looked a little different from Gin and Vodka, the one dressed in a bright blond hair was definitely Gin and Vodka.

Very good, I didn't expect them to expose themselves! !

If only the police could catch them.

Just as Conan was thinking, his head was hit hard and he couldn't help but screamed, "It hurts!"

Maori beat Conan, snatched the newspaper back, and said sullenly, "You stinky boy, you actually snatched my newspaper! I haven't finished reading it yet!"

Conan rubbed his head and began to analyze why Gin and Vodka did this.

Could it be that there was a secret in this interlude?

But they ran away after they broke in, and they didn't look like they were looking for something.

So strange, why did they do such a stupid thing.

Don't they know that this will anger the entire police?

Gin, who Conan has been thinking about, is dyeing his hair. His blond hair is too dazzling and has obvious features, so he plans to dye it silver.

If Xiaosong knew about this, he would definitely complain immediately.

The reason why Gin had blond hair in the early stage and silver hair in the later stage is here? ?

(In fact, Gin has always been set to have silver hair. The reason why he has blond hair in the early stage of the animation is entirely the fault of the animation team.)

Xiao Ai didn't know anything about this. She packed the bedding meticulously, opened the door skillfully, and then pushed open the door next door, and then said:

"Conan is here."

Xiaosong suddenly opened his eyes, and after making sure that there was no Conan around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't say that Conan is here all the time. It will scare people to death." Xiaosong looked at Xiao Ai with some complaints, and then started to get up.

"Are you afraid of him?" Xiao Ai was a little confused.

She suspected that Xiaosong might have committed a crime, otherwise how could he be so stressed out by Conan.

Xiaosong put on a short-sleeved shirt while asking back, "Don't you think that wherever he goes, people will die?"

"As a physicist, are you afraid of this?"

"I study quantum mechanics."

When in doubt, use quantum mechanics.

Even if there are really ghosts and elves, quantum mechanics can explain it to you clearly.

"Hurry up, Mr. Planck, it's time to go to school."

Max Planck, the father of quantum mechanics, was obviously teasing.

"It will be ready soon." Xiaosong was a little helpless.

It feels like Xiaoai is getting more and more sinister.

Does this mean that she has relaxed her vigilance and opened her heart?

This is indeed the case. Compared with before, Xiaoai today is indeed a little more relaxed.

I just don't know why.

However, it was soon closed.

The answer to this doubt was solved.

As soon as the two arrived at the classroom, Conan hurried over and took out a cut newspaper and said directly:

"Hey, Huiyuan, what do you think about this?"

He thought about it all morning, but couldn't figure out why Gin and Vodka robbed the team.

It's impossible that they walked into the wrong door when they were idle. They must have other intentions, and their intentions are very big!

This definitely reveals some unusual signals, so after Conan thought about it, he was ready to ask Xiao Ai, a former member of the Black Organization.

Xiao Ai took the newspaper with a puzzled look on her face. She rotated the newspaper 360 degrees and tilted her head 45 degrees, but she couldn't understand the newspaper.

She knew every word, but why didn't she recognize it when they were combined together?

Gin and Vodka robbed the team?

Are you sure you are not kidding me?

Xiaosong also came to Xiao Ai, looked at the news in the newspaper, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and then he couldn't stop rising.

Wow, it's really good. I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain.

I originally wanted them to take a detour, but I didn't expect these two people to be so powerful.

There must be a misunderstanding. After all, how could a normal person rush into the police station with a gun?

The only flaw is that Gin and the others didn't shoot. Even if they scratched the police station a little, the police in Beihua would have gone crazy looking for them.

After all, that is the face of all the police.

Xiao Ai noticed the smile on Xiao Song's mouth. Her intuition told her that Xiao Song knew something about this matter, and she immediately said:

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I remembered something funny, hahaha..." Xiao Song couldn't help it.

I haven't received professional training, so it's not too much to laugh twice.

It's certain that he definitely knows something, but Xiao Song doesn't want to say it, so Xiao Ai didn't ask.

Conan didn't notice too many details, and was still thinking about getting some clues from Xiao Ai.

However, his idea was doomed to fail, and Ai didn't know what happened.

"Okay." Conan put away the newspaper, returned to his seat, pinched his chin, and kept writing and drawing on the paper while thinking.

A diversion?

Could it be that he went to hand in the information of the investigators?


I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all!

It's totally illogical.

No, since the two of them did this, there must be some other meaning.

Conan scratched his head and continued to think.

This famous high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, is facing an unprecedented challenge.

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