It was night.

"Brother, you guessed right, she really called again!" Vodka opened his mouth wide, grinned cruelly, and then immediately started to operate the computer, ready to decode and counter-track.

"Humph! Still so childish." Gin took out a cigarette and lit one for himself slowly.

When Xiao Ai's voice came from the phone, Gin frowned a little.

The woman was talking about that person again. Although she didn't mention the name, Gin felt that the two should have a close relationship.

From the conversation, Gin found that the two should have known each other for a long time, but now Miyano Shiho kept talking about that person.

Shirley, you are actually interested in men.

After layers of decryption and countless hardships, Vodka finally got an address.

"Brother, it must be right, this is the address. Although it is encrypted four times, it is still not difficult for the organization's new software." Vodka was very confident.

"Very good, let's go." Gin couldn't wait any longer and got up and left.

Soon, the two came to a mansion.

Every failure is a lesson.

This time, Gin carefully observed the area and confirmed that it was not a place like a koban or a government agency, so he took Vodka in.

Soon, there were shouting and gunshots in the mansion.

"Killers! Killers are coming! They must be sent by those guys from the Yamaguchi-gumi!"

"Stop them, don't let them rush into the boss' room!"

"Damn it, they're running to the young lady's room, stop them!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"


The sound of gunfire rang out, and two figures climbed over the courtyard wall in a panic and retreated back into the car.

Gin couldn't keep his mind, glared at Vodka, and cursed: "Asshole! Is this what you said for sure?!"

"Brother, stop talking, run, they're chasing us!" Vodka was in no mood to explain, he just wanted to run away quickly.

"Ding ding ding ding!!!"

"Stop, stop!"

"Still want to run? Shoot! Shoot them into sieves!"

The constant whistle and gunshots behind him made Gin realize that he couldn't delay any longer, and he stepped on the accelerator hard, trying to escape from this place.

Vodka fought back from time to time, and even took out a grenade and threw it back.

But this did not slow down the speed of the vehicles behind at all, and more and more vehicles gathered, and even had the tendency to chase and intercept.

"Brother, it's bad. If this continues, we may be surrounded!" Vodka's face changed slightly.

If he knew earlier that it was the mansion of the gang leader, who would rush in for nothing.

"Shirley! I will kill you!" Gin's eyes were red, and his back teeth were almost broken.

"Brother, are we being fooled again?" Vodka was still adding fuel to the fire.

This made Gin bite harder, and he accidentally broke his teeth, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Brother, are your gums bleeding?"

"Shut up!"

Vodka shut up immediately and didn't dare to say a word.

Such a big commotion could not be concealed from the Metropolitan Police Department. This was a big deal. There was actually a gang fight.

Megure, who had just entered the bed, immediately crawled out. What's wrong with these guys? They are so arrogant.

No, we must gather all the people and make them look bad!

So, a large number of police cars also appeared on the street.

After Megure understood the situation, he couldn't help but ask: "What? Those gangs are chasing two men in suits with wide-brimmed hats?"

"Yes, according to speculation, they are the two men who attacked the night battle a few days ago."

"Quick, chase them!" Megure immediately gave the order.

This time, we can't let them run away no matter what.

The police officer next to him hesitated, and then said: "What about the gangs?"

"What gangs? They are all good citizens. They found the fugitive criminals, so they cooperated with us to hunt them down, but their actions were more extreme." Megure scolded immediately.

What are you kidding? It's not a simple sentence to catch these gangs. They are not desperate criminals, they have bases.

If the two gangsters run away, they will really run away.

Of course, we can't do nothing. At least we have to surround them, and then it's better to persuade them to surrender.

As a result, Gin was in trouble, with police cars and gang vehicles everywhere.

"Chased and intercepted" is not enough to describe his current situation, it should be said that he is ambushed from all sides.


No, big brother, if we continue like this, we won't be able to escape. "Vodka reminded him.

"I know!" Gin's eyes turned cold, and he made up his mind to drive straight to the rushing river next to him.

As long as he entered the water, he could escape their pursuit in the dark.

The only pity was this Porsche 356A, which was his favorite car, but compared to his own life, he still sacrificed this car.

The car fell into the water, and the two climbed out of the car skillfully, and began to go downstream in the dark.

"Quick! Quickly salvage, everyone search along the river! "Megure gave the order.

At the same time, the gang members also started to move.

Inspector Megure couldn't control them either, because these guys had already sent the troublemakers to the Metropolitan Police Department, and they didn't cooperate well.

The people being searched now were just ordinary people. They were looking for something by the river, and he had no right to interfere.

Megure was a little curious about what the two guys had done to make these guys hold on to them so tightly and make such a big sacrifice.

Such a big event naturally couldn't be hidden from the ears of the media, and overtime work began that night.

Someone had already thought of the title, which was called the stupidest thief in the world who broke into a wealthy family at night and intended to do something bad to a 78-year-old man.

They didn't dare to name specific names, so they could only be vague. The Metropolitan Police Department followed the rules, Those gangs don't care about that.

Conan saw the news report early in the morning, and his mouth twitched.

Could it be that he really analyzed it wrong, these two people are not Gin and Vodka at all.

Or do they really have such... special hobbies?

Tsk, the 78-year-old man is too exaggerated.

No, it must be that the newspaper and the Metropolitan Police Department did not figure out their action goals.

Gin and Vodka took such a big risk, they must be looking for something extraordinary, yes, it must be like this!

Their actions must have other deeper meanings.

No, I still have to go to the school to ask, maybe Huibara forgot something.

In the classroom.

After listening to Conan's report, Komatsu couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hahaha! "

The silver bell-like laughter made Xiao Ai hold her forehead with one hand, feeling a little headache and helpless, and then she couldn't help it, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

Conan immediately noticed the abnormality and thought:

It's bad! The two of them have a secret, and they must know something I don't know.

At the same time, Gin and Vodka finally climbed out of the river, and then fell to the side, shivering, and spitting out water.

Last night, the two of them were chased all the way, and they didn't dare to show their heads in the river at all, only occasionally taking a breath.

Swimming in the cold river water for a whole night, and also drinking a lot of river water.

"Shirley! I will kill you!"

Gin screamed, tilted his head, and retched non-stop.

When he was breathing last night, I don't know what stuck in his mouth, and his mouth was full of strange smells, which was very disgusting.

He didn't even want to think about it!

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