The old man was so angry that he was not able to escape the influence of Conan.

Conan is indeed Conan. Even the machine cannot avoid being affected by Conan.

Just like now, the machine reported an error and it was directly marked in red.

Komatsu patted Conan on the shoulder and said, "You are really amazing. You have absolute concept-level ability."

I think you are playing tricks on me, Conan.

"It's strange. Why did it suddenly go wrong?" Yuan Jiaming has started to check the equipment, but strangely, he can't find any damaged parts. Even after tapping twice, the machine resumed operation.

Conan opened his mouth and wanted to explain to Komatsu, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Now he himself can't explain it clearly.

He is even a little confused. Is it true that he will have murders wherever he goes as Komatsu said?

Conan didn't have much time to think, because Tokiwa Mio finally made time, and Sawaguchi Chi Nami was going to take everyone to the top floor.

The highest floor is the 90th floor. When looking down from above, there are only black dots left on the ground.

Komatsu's calves began to tremble again, and Xiao Ai glanced at him without leaving a trace.

Still want to pretend?

Do you think I will be fooled by the same trick?

Bah! Shameless!

Just want it...

Humph, I won't let you succeed.

Komatsu stood up and shrugged helplessly.

Well, it's just a little dizzy and palpitations, it's no big deal.

There are many people busy on the top floor, and it seems that they are setting up the venue.

There will be a banquet here next week, and many celebrities will come at that time, such as Suzuki Sonoko.

That is to say, Suzuki Sonoko is still in school, otherwise, with the identity of a daughter of the Suzuki Group, there will be countless suitors behind her.

Sawaguchi Chinami took Mori to find Tokiwa Mio, and Xiaolan followed closely behind, fearing that her father would be seduced by Tokiwa Mio.

Komatsu was not interested in following, but instead noticed an old man in Pinocchio.

The old man had a very long nose and looked just like Pinocchio.

"What are you looking at?" Ai came closer, and she felt that Komatsu's eyes were looking around.

Komatsu pointed at the old man over there and whispered, "Look at Pinocchio."

Uh, this answer obviously exceeded Ai's expectations, but if you look closely, it really has the meaning of Pinocchio.

This guy always looks at things from such a strange angle.

The old man in the distance seemed to feel something, and immediately turned around and looked at the two people.

After seeing that they were two little ghosts, Kisaragi Minemi directly retracted his gaze.

"I want to go back!" Kisaragi Minemi said, and turned around and left.

Obviously, this is a willful old man.

"Very willful." Komatsu added.

"Of course he can be willful, after all, he is a master painter in China - Kisaragi Mine, famous for painting Mount Fuji." Xiao Ai repeated what she had just heard.

"Oh, so amazing, that's true." Xiao Song praised sincerely.

Being able to do one thing to the pinnacle is undoubtedly worthy of admiration.

After Mao Li was done, they could finally go home.

However, just after coming out of the building, a pink Beetle stopped on the side of the road.

"What a cute car." Ayumi's voice attracted the attention of many people.

Including Gin who got out of the car.

Gin was instantly angry, slammed the door hard, and looked at Vodka fiercely.

It's okay for you to find a Beetle, but it's a pink one. Do we look like members of an evil organization now? !

Vodka knew that Gin was angry, so he shrank his head and didn't respond.

Gin fled away from the pink beetle, and then walked towards Komatsu and others as if nothing had happened.

After seeing the two, Xiao Ai's mind went blank, and her body couldn't help shaking.

It's over, I'm going to be recognized, and I'm afraid I'm going to die here today.

It will even implicate Komatsu.

No, maybe no one will be spared.

And this is all because of me.

Fine sweat continued to overflow from Xiao Ai's forehead, and in a short time, her back was wet with cold sweat.

At this moment, a tender little hand held me.

Komatsu held a black umbrella and gave Xiao Ai a reassuring look.

If there weren't so many people here, he would have wanted to shoot Gin and Vodka directly.

On the other side, Conan found Gin and Vodka.

How did the two of them appear here? Did they find Huiyuan and me?

To Conan's surprise, Gin seemed to not recognize them and walked straight past them.

Didn't he recognize us, or was it difficult to attack because there were so many people? !

Conan was a little unsure, but Huiyuan gave the answer.

"They must have recognized me."

Komatsu didn't think so. How could Gin recognize Xiao Ai now?

But this time was just the right time for Xiao Ai to recognize the matter.

"Hey, two uncles, your wallet fell." Komatsu suddenly called Gin, which surprised Huiyuan and Conan.

Gin glanced at the pink wallet on the ground and kicked Vodka hard. It was a shame that he didn't even pick up the wallet when it fell.

Since he lost the 356A, Gin felt that his temper was getting worse day by day, especially recently Vodka was becoming more and more unruly.

You, a big man, actually like pink things. Gin couldn't even bear to look at the big-eyed pink Beetle parked outside.

Especially when he heard the words "cute car", Gin wanted to kill Vodka.

I am the killer of the organization.

I was praised for being cute!

Vodka didn't care, he smiled and quickly picked up the wallet.

After the two of them left, Ai resumed her actions, but the sweat on her forehead could not be explained.

"Don't worry, they didn't recognize you." Xiaosong whispered.

Xiaosong didn't need to remind her, Xiaosong also found this.

From beginning to end, Gin didn't look at her once. If Gin really recognized her, he would never give up so easily.

Even if he didn't take action immediately, he would definitely take action, instead of nothing happening like now.

Then, what was the reason for her fear all this time?

Xiaosong suddenly felt that she was very ridiculous.

"Sister Xiaolan, I have to go to the bathroom. Sorry, you get in the car first." Conan was very brave. After finding that Gin didn't recognize him, he immediately wanted to follow him to investigate.

Gin and Vodka must have some purpose for appearing here, and he must find out.

However, Conan followed them for a long time, but he did not see Gin and Vodka again.

Conan had no choice but to return.

"Hey, Komatsu, where are the two people just now?"

Komatsu pointed to the empty parking space outside and answered, "They just drove away."

"What?!" Conan regretted secretly. If he had known this, he should not have followed them. He should have waited for them.

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