The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next person to come to the rescue.

"Didn't you leave anything in Gin's car just now?"

In the Beetle, Conan crawled to Komatsu's ear and whispered.

"Of course not. What can I do in front of everyone?" Komatsu answered truthfully.

He is not an impulsive person, and he will not follow them directly.

Since Gin and Vodka appeared here, they must have taken some action.

Do they still need to follow?

They will deliver it to your door.

Conan also figured it out and agreed that it would be difficult to do it with so many people, and it would be easy for Gin and the others to target them.

Gin has changed his personality. He actually drove a pink Beetle. Conan didn't recognize it at first glance.

After all, in his impression, Gin has always driven a Porsche 356A.

Oh, yes, it seems that he jumped out of the car and escaped a few days ago. The 356A has been discontinued for a long time, so he should change the car.

But Gin, you are an evil organization after all, and as for getting a Beetle, it is pink.

Gin thought so too, so he got out of the car resolutely.

He would rather walk than stay in this broken car.

The previously widely reported incident of the stupidest thief of the century has spread throughout the organization.

This made many people in the organization discuss it secretly and made themselves a laughing stock.

Especially that woman, she even called me and laughed a series of silver bell-like laughter, and then laughed to death.

If they knew that my current car was a pink Beetle, wouldn’t they laugh to death?

Vodka leaned out of the driver's seat weakly and asked in a low voice: "Brother, how about changing another car?"

Gin glared, glanced at Vodka, and shouted with anger at the limit: "Get lost!"

"Okay!" Seeing Gin's rage, Vodka immediately stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

The accumulated water on the roadside instantly hit Gin, and the cigarette in his mouth was extinguished.

Vodka saw it clearly through the rearview mirror, but he didn't dare to look back. He just pretended not to know. When the big brother's anger subsided, it should be fine.


While Vodka was terrified, Xiaosong on the other side finally returned home.

Xiaoai stopped Xiaosong who wanted to go to bed and said: "Did you do that Gin and the others appeared in the twin skyscrapers?"

"You overestimated me a little." Xiaosong's mouth twitched slightly.

This really has nothing to do with me, don't talk nonsense.

I just knew a little bit that they might appear in the twin skyscrapers, and I definitely didn't lure them.

However, things still surprised Xiaosong. He didn't expect to meet Gin face to face.

Is it because of the change of car? The Beetle is not as fast as the 356A?

Xiaoai stared at Xiaosong suspiciously, and Xiaosong felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, forget it." Xiaoai gave up asking.

Today, she gained a lot.

Unexpectedly, Gin couldn't recognize her, which undoubtedly reduced Xiaoai's Gin phobia a lot.

It was a bit embarrassing that she had been worried all day for so many days, but now, she was told that everything was just her imagination.


Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise Xiaoai would not know what to do now.

If Xiaosong had exposed it at this time, Xiaosong's family would at least have an extra three-bedroom and one-living room.

Purely picked out by toes.

"With current technology, it is impossible to achieve rejuvenation, and normal people will not think about it, so you can rest assured now." Xiaosong comforted.

After this incident, Xiaoai's mood will definitely change in the future, at least not so negative.

However, there are people in the winery who know Xiaoai now, and they have to find a way to get rid of him.

"Well, I know." Xiaoai responded, still a little scared in her heart.

She grew up in the organization since she was a child, and someone definitely knows what she looks like now, but Xiaoai didn't say much.

Before there is a solution, some things will only increase fear if they are said out.

Xiaosong didn't say much, and prepared to go to bed after dinner.

I thought I could sleep well at home, but I didn't expect that the police car would stop at his door early the next morning, saying that Xiaosong and Xiaoai would cooperate in solving a case.

You don't need to think about it to know that someone must be dead. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the person I saw in the twin skyscrapers yesterday.

They will only be called out if they are related to the case.

Thinking about it, what I have seen these days

There were only a few strangers.

Just as Komatsu expected.

The deceased was called Oki Iwamatsu, a council member of Nishitama City, and he was the one who helped build the twin skyscrapers.

Originally, Nishitama City did not allow the construction of high-rise buildings, but he amended this order to make Tokiwa Mio's wish come true.

The two of them seemed to be in cahoots with each other.

Komatsu had a deep impression of this man named Oki, or rather, he would usually pay attention to people with the surname Oki.

After all, he had once obtained a water turtle from a man named Oki.

But this Oki Iwamatsu not only would not give you Pokémon, but was also a bit lecherous.

He was much more lecherous than Maori Kogoro, who was as pure as a blank sheet of paper in front of him.

When Komatsu and Ai arrived, everyone else had already arrived.

The next step was to discuss the case. It is worth mentioning that there was a broken wine glass next to the deceased, and there were no other clues.

This immediately reminded Conan next to him of Gin.

The two of them had been in and out of the building yesterday. Could it be that they did it? !

"Hey, you two, is it possible that it was Gin and Vodka?" Conan asked them in a low voice.

Xiao Ai immediately shook her head and denied: "It's impossible. They were wanted not long ago. How could they leave such obvious clues at this time?"

Besides, this is not in line with the style of the organization. The organization has killed many people, but it has not been discovered or wanted for so long, which shows that they are more cautious and covert.

Moreover, Gin will not leave such a loophole. That guy is simply a ruthless killing machine and will not do anything to expose the organization.

"That's right." When Conan nodded, he suddenly found that Ayumi and others were planning something.

These guys must want to investigate secretly, and even want to avoid themselves.

We can't let them mess around. Call Xiaosong and others to follow them.

Before Conan opened his mouth, he heard Xiaosong invite Xiaoai: "You will definitely miss the class today, let's go watch a movie later."


"Okay, let's go eat first and decide on other things later."

"You decide, my money is in your hands."

Conan listened to the conversation between the two and instantly lost his mind.

It seems that these two people are going to leave them and play.

In other words, I have to take care of those three little ghosts by myself?

Okay, although I also want to investigate the case.

Speaking of which, Huiyuan adapted to her identity a little too quickly.

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