In the video, Qin fan meets Jiang Yanzi for the first time and helps her cross the road.

Qin fan, with a pair of black high-heeled shoes in his hand and Jiang Yanzi in his hand, crossed the road until he got into Jiang Yanzi's Bentley.

Originally, it was Jiang Yanzi who broke her high-heeled shoes and couldn't walk. Qin fan helped her into the car, which was totally reasonable.

However, Jiang Yanzi, no matter in appearance or figure, is too good.

It happened to be very hot that day.

A classy beauty in a Bentley appears on different occasions at the same time with a student.

They are so close to each other.

It's hard not to let outsiders think.

But, where did Lin Xue take this video?

Feicui Valley is next to Shengde hospital. It's not a business district. How could Lin Xue happen to be there?

"This is an ordinary friend of mine who happened to fall that day. No matter what the reason, it's OK to help an injured lady get on the bus, isn't it?"

Qin fan took a breath and began to feel that it was a little difficult.

"No problem?" Lin Xue sneered, "so coincidentally, is it her every time? Why don't you say it's arranged by God, and if it's not taken care of by her, how can you afford to live in a good hospital? And if I'm not wrong, I haven't been discharged yet, have I? I've inquired about it. It's the best private hospital in Nandu. It costs thousands of yuan a day. Where do you get the money? Don't tell me it's the demolition of your hometown in the countryside. Even if all the demolition money is given to you, you won't be able to live in this period of time! "

This video, in fact, is Lin Xue in tracking Qin fan to the hospital during the period of time accidentally shot.

She also specially waited for the hospital to get off work, caught the passing nurses and asked about the situation of the hospital.

When she learned that this hospital is a high-level hospital with 5000 yuan per day, and not everyone is qualified to go to see a doctor, she guessed whether Qin fan is a very hidden super rich second generation.

However, after seeing Qin fan and Jiang Yanzi appear together several times, and seeing that Jiang Yanzi is still driving a luxury Bentley, and even yuan Shihao is so afraid of Jiang Yanzi, she realized that Qin fan is not a rich second generation at all, but is taken care of by this woman!

Originally, she took these videos in order to send them to the school forum in the future and completely destroy Qin fan's reputation.

But I didn't expect that this loser even dared to offend Lin Hao. On the contrary, these videos became the evidence of expelling Qin fan from school. So as soon as she received Lin Hao's phone call, she immediately rushed over and made sure to get Qin fan out of the school today!

Of course, Qin fan doesn't know this. He's just still curious. If Lin Xue doesn't do anything during this period of time, but deliberately tracks herself, and then takes these videos as evidence of being fired today, then this woman will be a little too terrible.

While pondering, President Wang pointed to the table and said: "yes, we did find that Qin fan had obvious extra consumption during this period. He bought fruit mobile phones for his roommates, led his friends to eat and drink outside, and even went to some improper places. The consumption was far beyond the average level of your four-year college life. Moreover, if I didn't have it If you're wrong, your roommate Wang Chao is driving a Mercedes Benz worth nearly two million yuan, right

"Mercedes Benz? What kind of Mercedes Benz

Lin Xue also looked at President Wang in surprise. "The president made a mistake. Even if the loser was taken care of by a woman, how could he be willing to buy such an expensive Mercedes Benz for him? It's impossible. You must be mistaken. "

Dean Wang looks at Lin Xue with a headache. It's ok if you don't explain. Now you're not careless about Qin fan's biggest source of funds. It's really a stupid woman.

However, Lin Xue responded quickly, tut tut said: "however, just today, I saw Qin fan and that woman shopping in Lv's clothing store. You didn't see the intimacy of holding hands Tut tut... "

"Why do I have to say that I am taken care of? Even if I have a good female friend, I haven't violated any of the school rules? I think it's too far fetched for you to fire me just because of this. " Qin Fan said lightly.

"Dean, do you hear me? I've heard him admit it, so I have something to say." Lin Xue sneered beside her.

"Well, tell me, if the video from this female classmate's mobile phone just now spread to the Internet, and then your identity and your school are exposed by online friends, how much potential impact will it have on the school? Do you know what you're doing? offend public decency! The spirit of the school for decades has been destroyed. As a student, can you afford this responsibility? " President Wang's voice was also angry, and the table thumped.

Qin fan didn't have to explain so much that he had already been dismissed.

But now that the Internet is too developed, he is still worried about Qin fan's speculation on the Internet. If netizens really dig out the real inside story, he doesn't believe that Lin Hao's father will protect himself, abandon the car and protect the commander, which is the favorite business of these unscrupulous businessmen."Immoral? Influence the school spirit? "

Qin fan laughs. If it's all immoral, then it's not known how serious the more immoral things about some people have been circulating among schools and classmates in the past year.

Just because the school is faster, the information can't be found on the Internet.

"Well, Qin fan, go back to your dormitory and pack up. I'll let the dormitory give you two days' grace. In two days, you can find a good house and move away by yourself. If it's too late and the things are thrown out to you, don't say that the college doesn't show you affection."

President Wang is now full of thoughts on the three fish that Lin Hao just sent, and can't wait to give Qin fan a guest order.

Qin fan nodded and turned to leave the dean's office.

When Qin fan left, Lin Hao had already left.

In his view, things have become a foregone conclusion, there is no need to waste time.

Qin fan went downstairs and walked directly towards the school office building. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and called Uncle Dong, asking him to inform president Zhang. If there is nothing particularly important, he hopes that he can wait for him in the office for three minutes, and he will arrive immediately.

Hang up the phone, Qin fan just went to the school district downstairs, saw a Qianli figure is running towards him.

"Qin fan, are you ok? I just received the news. I'm looking for you. I didn't expect you here. "

Huang Qianqian, who was wearing a British school dress, gasped heavily and appeared in front of Qin fan.

As soon as she learned about the school's punishment of expelling Qin fan from school, she was packing up in her dormitory and preparing to leave school for internship. She immediately put down her things and wanted to go to the school gate to see the punishment notice. Unexpectedly, she met Qin fan here.

"Well, I'm fine. By the way, do you know where the headmaster's office is?" Qin fan asked.

"Headmaster's office?"

Huang Qianqian looks at Qin fan in surprise, grabs his arm and says, "don't do stupid things. If anything happens, I'll accompany you to the hospital first. It's really no good. Let's go to the Academic Affairs Office of the University. What's the grade of the headmaster of our university? Let's not say whether you can see him or not. Even if you see him, he may not mind your own business."

What Huang Qianqian said is absolutely right.

Expulsion of students from school, for the students themselves, can be said to be a big thing.

But for a university president who manages tens of thousands of campus, it's not a matter at all. He doesn't even have the mind to ask.

"I just came from President Wang. You can take me. Don't worry. I won't make a fool of myself." Qin Fan said seriously.

Despite some hesitation in her heart, looking at Qin fan's insistent expression, Huang Qianqian bites her silver teeth and thinks that it really can't be done. Later, she and Qin fan will beg for the president together. The president should remember that the school scholarship in the past few years was given to her by President Zhang himself.

Two people came to the office building of the school administration area, took the elevator directly to the ninth floor, and appeared at the entrance of the president's office.

At this time, people in the office just went to the meeting room to prepare for an organization and leadership meeting, so no one noticed the appearance of the two students.

Looking at Huang Qianqian's tense powder fists pinched together, his face was full of sweat, Qin fan laughed, raised his hand and knocked on the door of the principal's office.

"Who is it?" In the office, there was a strong response soon.

"Qin fan."

Qin fan spoke lightly.

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