Qin fan frowned and glanced at the content below the notice.

Qin fan's bad life style and long-term abnormal relationship with women in the society have seriously affected the school spirit and discipline. After discussion and decision by the leaders of the school, and reporting to the Academic Affairs Office of the school for approval, it is decided that the student's graduation certificate and degree certificate issuance qualification will be cancelled and the student will be expelled. I hope the majority of teachers and students can take a warning.

Academic Affairs Office of Nandu University.

I'm fired?

Qin fan looks at the notice posted in front of him. At the same time, Huang haozeng and Chen Yu turn their heads and find Qin fan. Without saying a word, they pull him to one side.

"What's the matter with you, old four? It's not really taken care of, is it? Now even the student status has been opened, blood loss

Huang haozeng widened his eyes and looked at Qin fan with a look of hatred.

In his opinion, it turns out that the money Qin fan used to buy them mobile phones, cars, meals and drinks was given by the women who kept him outside.

But this guy even dared to cheat himself that he was demolishing his family. If it wasn't for the notice, he didn't know when he would be concealed.

"That's old four. If you are short of money, tell us. When are you in trouble in the past four years, we will stand by and watch? Well, four years in vain, you've lost your damn money. "

Chen Yu, who has always been rather shy, can't help swearing.

Qin fan has been squinting, vaguely feel that he seems to think of something.

Not only him, seeing Qin fan's state, Huang haozeng also thought of something. He looked at Qin fan suspiciously and asked, "can't that guy do it? Last time when I was in Sihai family, he said that you would regret it.... "

Qin fan shook his head, did not speak, turned and walked toward the office building.

Along the way, Qin fan can feel the strange eyes from all over the campus.

Take care of?

Qin fan smiles in his heart.

If you want to take care of others, he also takes care of others.

Does it take a turn for someone to take care of him?

However, it must be the work of Lin Hao.

On the contrary, it makes him feel more and more interesting.

In front of the dean's office.

Qin fan meets Lin Hao who just came out of the door.

Lin Hao is not a student of this school and has graduated for many years. The purpose of being here today is to witness whether the notice of expelling Qin fan has been printed and posted.

"It's you."

Lin Hao was not surprised to see Qin fan when he went out.

This is exactly what he wants, so he arranges the collar of his shirt and looks at Qin fan faintly, just like a winner.

"Is Dean Wang in there?" Qin fan asked.

"Well, yes, but I don't think he has time to see you now. After all, you are no longer a student of this school, are you?" Lin Hao laughs.

Qin fan takes a look at him and walks into the president's office.

The dean of the Department of computer engineering, surnamed Wang, is in his forties. He is a middle-aged and aspiring type.

His face was white and he was slightly fat.

Dressed in a tailored black suit, dark tie and valuable gold framed glasses, he looks very elegant.

At this time, he was standing beside the fish tank, attentively waiting on the three "golden foxes" that Lin Hao had just sent. He said carelessly, "didn't you hear me say that I'm not free now? Why are the students wrong? I don't even understand the rules."

Lin Hao deliberately broke Qin fan's identity at the door, so that Dean Wang in the room could be prepared.

"Dean Wang, do you have any evidence to prove that I was kept by a woman outside and engaged in improper relations between men and women?" Qin Fan said standing in the room.

"Qin fan, if there is no evidence, do you think the school will easily make this decision?" Dean Wang hung his head, eyes infatuated, in the three expensive species from the Atlantic.

"Well, what's the evidence?" Qin fan asked.

"Photos, videos, and witness testimony, the school is a place to teach and educate people. You don't doubt that a university as big as tangtangnan University will have a problem with you as a student, do you?"

President Wang finally put down the fish in his hand, wiped his hands with a clean towel, turned and sat on his office chair.

"Well, I want to see these things." Qin fan stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

"These things have been sealed into the school archives, but the contents are all written into your archives in the form of words, which will accompany you for a lifetime. If you want to see them, you can read them slowly after you have returned your student status."

President Wang is a turtle studying in the United States. He has five points of talent, four points of background, and one point of luck. In just a few years, he became the head of the first hospital, which is really a bit of a means.

"In other words, I can't even confirm how I was fired?" Qin fan frowned and asked."You are doubting the decision of the hospital and the school!"

President Wang gave Qin fan a light look and said, "if you are not convinced, you can report your emotions to the Academic Affairs Office of the University, or you can go directly to headmaster Zhang. A student does not look like a student at all. He is doing all those terrible things outside to discredit the school. Is this what you should do as a student?"

Said the excitement, Dean Wang patted the table hard, at the same time, his eyes more than light Piao to stand at the door has not gone to Lin Hao, a flattering appearance.

However, he said this because he wanted to cut off Qin fan's back.

After all, the final punishment decision is passed and printed by the Academic Affairs Office of the University. As a student, can he make the Academic Affairs Office of the university turn back and overturn the decision he just made? It's impossible!

As for finding headmaster Zhang, it is even more impossible.

Let's not talk about whether he can meet President Zhang. Even if he does, in the whole management of NTU, who doesn't know that Lin Tian, Lin Hao's father, is the school manager and has a good relationship with President Zhang. It's said that the school is going to build a new teaching building, they all have to ask Lin's group for funding. If this boy really wants to find president Zhang, he will save himself a lot of money.

But what Wang didn't expect was that Qin fan was silent for a moment, nodded, turned and walked out.

Qin fan vaguely remembers that Jiang Yanzi told him that although there was no one in the Shen family working in NTU, President Wu said that President Zhang seemed to be a disciple of the Shen family.

Shen's disciples are in charge of the school, but they are expelled from the school?

This is bullshit.

Rao is totally unacceptable because of Qin fan's temperament.

Turn around and go to the headmaster's office.

"You don't have to look for people. Don't you just want to see the evidence? I have plenty here."

As soon as Qin fan came to the door, he saw a figure outside the corridor. With a sneer on his face, he came over and said, "adulterer, adulteress, I see what else you have to say this time!"

Lin Xue?

Qin fan looks at Lin Xue in surprise. At the same time, Yu Guangli sees the eyes of Lin Hao and Lin Xue. It seems that he understands why this scene appears.

"If you don't want people to know, unless you don't do it yourself, now your evidence is in my hand. Don't you want to see it? Come in with me. "

Lin Xue said, turned into the office.

Qin fan thought about it and followed him.

He really wants to know what these people have photographed, so that the school can directly expel him without asking.

"I took pictures of him with that woman, and the video, all in my mobile phone."

Lin Xue takes out the mobile phone from her bag, presses several keys, and holds the mobile phone so that President Wang and Qin fan can see it clearly.

indeed, the photos above were taken by Qin fan and Jiang Yanzi at the entrance of the clothing store on the two floor of Xintiandi commercial building.

The two people secretly took out their bags from Lin Xue's mobile phone.

Qin fan frowned, did not expect that Lin Xue so deliberate.

At that time, he thought Lin Xue was just talking.

"What does that mean?" Qin fan asked.

After all, in the photo, Jiang Yanzi just gently embraces her arm, and they don't make any intimate moves.

"Hehe, what about these?"

Lin Xue stretched out her finger and quickly slid on the screen.

One by one, he and Jiang Yanzi secretly took photos when they were buying clothes in LV store, which quickly flashed by, but Lin Xue's ultimate goal was obviously not this.

In the end, she opened a video, and when the video was played, even Qin fan couldn't help but look moved and felt a thump in her heart.

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