After leaving the concert hall.

Uncle Dong called and said that Chen Tianyang had prepared a banquet at Royal Yongli in the evening and asked Qin fan if he wanted to go.

Qin fan looked at the side, tightly holding his hands of summer dream, on the phone to refuse to drop.

Xia Meng's body has just recovered.

Qin fan plans to spend the most recent time with her.

I don't want to participate in any activities for the time being.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Just as Qin fan is holding Xia Meng's hand to cross the road, a purple Maserati president suddenly stops in front of him.

The front passenger's window is half open, revealing Chen Sixuan's perfect cold face.

"No, thank you." Qin Fan said with a smile.


Chen Sixuan nodded, closed the window, started the car again and left.

Qin fan and Xia Meng go back to the hospital in A8 and take a walk in the shady path of baihualu. Qin fan suddenly comes to the place where Lin Yihan committed suicide in the lake last time. He can't help feeling more.

There are two brothers and sisters in the Lin family. The gap is not a little bit

The two men were walking on the garden path without saying it.

All the way to the curtain of the night, the light moon and the gauze.

With the wind blowing on his cheek and sweeping up Xiameng's long hair, Qin fancai felt that the night in Nandu was cool. Then he took Xiameng's hand and wanted to go back.

"Why don't you take a seat somewhere?" Summer dream raised his head, good-looking eyes flickering.

Qin fan nodded.

Two people are sitting face to face on the rattan chair by the lake.

Summer dream didn't look at Qin fan sitting opposite, the line of sight has been put in the air that some hazy yellow moonlight.

There is no doubt that summer dream is extremely beautiful.

He has picturesque features and elegant temperament.

Her beauty is no less than that of Jiang Yanzi and Chen Sixuan.

Pure but not naive, mature but not worldly, and graceful and charming posture, it is in line with all the perfect fantasy of Qin fan for the first love.

However, she almost died in the hands of her parents.

As a man, Qin fan feels responsible for rescuing this woman from the fire, so that she can rejoin herself Ah bah, the embrace of a better life.

"After college, I was recommended to the University of Edinburgh medical school to study advanced private nursing." Summer dream suddenly speak, broke the long silence between the two.

"Well, it proves that you are excellent." Qin fan nodded and agreed.

"When I first went to London, my life was very peaceful, and my life and study were no different from those when I was studying in University. It's just that I need to spend more time in my spare time doing part-time work in some shops to earn my tuition. I have seen the sunrise every day in London for two years. Although I am very tired, I live a very full life."

Then there was a long silence.

Summer dream face sad and confused, like the soul has entered another plane, back to the distant, or good or painful memories.

Qin fan felt that the summer dream was real at this time.

Xia Meng, who is polite to everyone and likes to squint her eyes into crescent moon when talking to people, is just an appearance.

This society is too impatient, no one can really be disease-free and painless, live happily every day according to their own mood and wishes.

"At this time, right?" Qin fan asked in a low voice.

"Well, he's also from Nandu. He's a doctor of bacteriology in Cambridge. He's also a senior in my university. When he's away from home, he always attaches great importance to his hometown. The most important thing is that he's excellent and considerate to me."

Qin fan nodded, only such a man can be worthy of summer dream.

"He is the president of the London fellow townspeople's Association. He is very gentlemanly and polite. During our association, he never asked me anything, even we didn't hold hands. He is just like those elegant gentlemen in England. Everything is meticulous. It's just like this. I think he is a man who has been tested and entrusted for life. "

"Then, what happened?" Qin fan asked.

"I was naive." Summer dream face pale shook his head, "that time, I was lucky to get two Simon lat Symphony tickets, intended to give him a surprise, in his school gate waiting for him to finish school, I saw him driving a good car I have never seen, carrying a French girl to leave. That girl is very famous in the circle of studying abroad in London. She is a well-known high-class socialite. I followed her and went into a couple's restaurant. I sat on the seat by the window and hugged and kissed each other... "

Qin fan nodded knowingly. "So you start to hate men, or rich men?"

"Not exactly. What really hurt me was what he told the girl."

"What's that?"

"He divided girls into several categories, and I'm the most typical one.""I've never been in love. My spiritual need is far better than my physical need. I want a Platonic aesthetic love."

"He said that this kind of girl's own conditions are often very good, so why do men have seen this kind of girl, and think highly of her? To deal with this kind of girl, we have to satisfy all her fantasies. You can do whatever she says. After she is dizzy with language and spirit, I solemnly tell her, dear, I don't want to just get your soul and also want to have your body, By that time, she has no bottom line at all, at his disposal. "

"I still remember when he talked to that girl about this, his face was full of complacency, and he had a winner's attitude. It was as if I was not alone, just a plaything under his hands, a prize after the game, that's all."

"So you think that the more beautiful the appearance is and the better the family background is, the darker the heart is, and you can't see through it, right?" Qin fan asked.

"Yes, they have perfect appearance and family potential. There are no lack of flattering women around them. Love is in their eyes, but it is also a plaything that can be bought with money. In these people's hearts, anyone and everything can be labeled with price tag, partner and love are the same."

"Well, what do you think of me?" Qin fan's body leaned back so that she could see her "pretty" cheek more easily.

"You You are a hooligan. " Xia Meng looks at Qin fan and tells her feelings.

When we first met, his eyes were always staring at his legs, and then he picked up such a big lump of used toilet paper in the ward. Every time he met, his eyes were not honest, even at this moment

However, I think of what the accompanying nurse said about the series of reactions and actions Qin fan made after he jumped from the building

He doesn't look like a bad guy.

"The bad days are over, and the good days have just begun. They all say that there will be a blessing if you don't die after a disaster. Just because of the tragic nature of your jumping off a building this time, I'm afraid you can't enjoy it all your life." Qin Fan said with a smile.

Looking at Qin fan's face, Xia Meng pursed her lips and then began to laugh.

In fact, Qin fan has long guessed that if he had not been seriously injured emotionally, who would have refused everyone thousands of miles away, wearing a mask all day long. She is obviously a cheerful girl, but she would make such extreme actions as jumping off a building to commit suicide.

Especially when he told Xia Meng that she was going to the concert, the palpitation in her eyes didn't disappear until the end of the concert.

Qin fan glanced around and said, "let's go back to the hospital. It's windy outside. Don't catch cold."

"All right." Summer dream listened to Qin fan's words, followed Qin fan into the hospital.

That night, Qin fan also stayed in the hospital, but it was obvious that Xia Meng still had to stay in the ICU.

The next day, because there was a class in the school, Qin fan got up early and went to class.

But before he arrived at school, he received a short message from Xia Meng.

"Remember to have breakfast."

Just five words made Qin fan feel better all day.

Entering the school gate, Qin fan saw a lot of people around and pointing at the school bulletin board.

Among them are Huang haozeng and Chen Yu.

Qin fan curiously walked over and stood outside the crowd, staring at the notice in the notice bar.

Notice on expelling Qin fan from computer department

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