That night, Qin fan gave the phone to Kong Sanye, who was far away in Beijing.

There was no accident in Kong's tone when he got through. He seemed to have expected that Qin fan was not dead and would make this call.

On the phone, Mr. Kong answered some of Qin fan's most concerned questions.

For example, the White House Massacre.

"In fact, we know about the white housekeeper who was infected with the virus coming home. Before they arrived at the White House, we told the white family, but I don't know why. They didn't seem to choose to believe me and let these people into the house. In a short week, they were almost infected..." Mr. Kong sighed on the phone.

"The master and Deputy master of the Bai family are all caught in the cloud family. There are no leaders in the house, and people are in a panic. Even though they know that these two people are at risk, in order to stabilize the situation, they still choose to take a risk, but unexpectedly they are killed." Qin Fan said, biting his teeth.

Although the Bai family finally rebelled, for this family, there may be a relationship between Bai Jianjia.

Love me, love me.

Although he didn't like to see the family, he didn't hate it and didn't want to see it destroyed.

"It's not like exterminating the family. Apart from the white family's sidelines, don't the two sisters of the white family also escape from this difficult battle?" Said Master Kong.

"Sister?" Qin fan doubts a way: "you mean, white peach also is all right."

"Of course, it's OK. At the beginning, Bai Jianjia, the eldest miss of the Bai family, fled to Nandu. Bai Tao took her with her. Later, although Bai Jianjia went to Antarctica, Bai Tao was always with me and didn't get hurt." Said Master Kong.

Bai Tao is at Kong's house.

Qin fan breathes a sigh of relief when he hears that the Bai family has been destroyed. Qin fan has been worried about Bai Jianjia's mental state. Although the survival of Bai Tao does not mean anything, it is better than nothing. The sisters can rely on each other to comfort each other's injured hearts.

"When will you come to Beijing?" Asked Master Kong.

"In the last two days, I need to find out their Tibetan location before I can start." Qin Fan said truthfully that he had nothing to hide from third Master Kong.

"After I heard about Nandu, I have been sending people to help you find out their whereabouts. My subordinates have tracked them down. After they left Nandu, they didn't have time to go to Beijing. Instead, they stayed in Tianjin for two days before they left for Beijing." Kong San Yeh whispered.

Sure enough

In this respect, no one can compare with the Kong family.

"Tianjin city?" Qin fan doubts a way, "do they have Tibetan place there?"

"I don't know. Don't forget that when Yunfu was infected with the plague and they wanted to transfer their clansmen to the market, they also went to Jingang. Jingang is the territory of Yunjia. I wonder if they moved a group of people ahead of time by waterway and concealed their whereabouts?" Third Master Kong pondered.

Kong's news network is all over the country. As long as the people they want to track, even if they are hiding in the mountains, he has a way to dig them out. There is no doubt about that.

Qin fan doesn't talk. The cloud family wants to transfer the hostages by water?!


Qin fan took a breath of cold air, and there was no trace of the waterway. If they did, they would transfer some people from the waterway first, so long as they refused to explain, they would be hard to find in their life!

"Can we find out if they went to Tianjin and then transferred the hostages?" Qin Fan said urgently, "or where will the hostages be sent when they get on the ship? Is it on the market? "

"I've been sending people to investigate. After all, Tianjin and Hong Kong are one of the few sites of the cloud family. Especially after an accident happened at home, the prevention there becomes more strict. It's not easy to start in a short time. We need to wait for the right time to get information." Third Master Kong said helplessly.

"Can I help you?" Qin fan asked.

"No, we Kongs are very good at this aspect, and I also contacted the Jin family and asked them to create conditions for my people to investigate the truth as soon as possible." Said Master Kong.

"Did the Jin family agree?" Although know Jinlan won't refuse, but Qin fan still want to confirm.

"Well, the Jin family has agreed, and they are contacting the Su family. The Su family is a great trader. They have more advantages in air routes, and they should also provide help." Said Master Kong.

"Well, I'll go to Beijing these two days. I'll see you then." Qin Fan said.


Hang up the phone, Qin fan looked at the night, after a moment of meditation, was about to return to the room, saw the road down the mountain, a dazzling lamp, is gradually approaching toward the villa.

A red Porsche 911.

when Qin fan saw the car, he immediately went downstairs to go out. Li Peizi, dressed in a black windbreaker, was standing tall from the car and walking to Qin fan with long legs. His eyes were cold.

"When will you go to Beijing?"

Li Peizi is standing in front of Qin fan. She looks taller than Qin fan in black high boots. She looks at Qin fan coldly, with great momentum.

"You're going, too?" Qin fan looked up at her and asked."Well, I'll go with you."

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