Three days later.

When Qin fan in black winter sportswear and Li Peizi appear in Nandu airport.

Hearing the news, Ting personally came to the plane and gave Qin fan some advice.

"When you get to Shangjing, don't be too afraid of your hands and feet. I've already said hello to some old friends over there. If you need to go to them, they will help you." Hearing that, he looked at Qin fan and said.

"Well, I did." Qin fan nodded.

"Going to Beijing is changeable, and many things are out of control. Although it seems dangerous, it is also an opportunity for you." After hearing this, Qin Ting hesitated.

Qin fan a Leng, don't understand a way: "what meaning?"

"All forces are entrenched On the surface, many people seem indifferent to fame and wealth and do not participate in worldly disputes, but it does not mean that they have no old enemies and no opponents who have always wanted to solve them. If you can, you can even deliberately let out some wind and disclose the news that you are going to deal with the cloud family. Then the cloud family opponents who have been hiding their money in the dark will surely try to help you secretly, If you win, it will be a great benefit to them, but if you lose, they will not be affected and stay out of the business. Do you know what I mean? "

Qin fan's eyes slightly stagnated. After a moment, he nodded gratefully: "I understand. Thank you for your advice."

"Also, you can take this document with you. If you have to, you can give it to the family affairs department."

Hearing this, he handed the paper bag he had been carrying to Qin fan.

"What's this?" Qin fan stares at Bao with some doubts.

"The investigation records include some clues about the Jade Valley incident and the cloud family that we have investigated since this period. Although there is no very conclusive evidence to prove that all this is the work of the cloud family, the above content is enough to make the family affairs management department pay attention to it and conduct a thorough investigation of the cloud family. To a certain extent, it can restrict the cloud family's behavior towards you Move. "

The news of the cloud family's involvement in the whole incident has been heard by renting.

The document in his hand was confidential and should not be shown to anyone.

The cloud family is too powerful.

For other people, even if they are sitting in his position, after they get these documents, they will almost always give them to the cloud family first to win over the relationship.

But he didn't do it.

He wants to avenge his unconscious old friend and give a fair account of what happened in feicui Valley!

Qin fan didn't know how to express his thanks to Wen renting. He nodded heavily and then turned to leave.

"Wen renting has a good relationship with your family. If he is willing to do something about it, it will play a great role." Li Peizi saw Qin fan coming and said.

"I know. Let's get on the plane first. Let's wait until we go to Beijing." Qin fan nodded.

The plane took off.

Arrive at Shangjing airport in four hours.

Although Qin fan didn't inform Jinlan of her flight time, when he got off the plane, he saw Jinlan who had been standing in the snow for a long time. Her white coat was flying in the cold winter wind. After seeing Qin fan, her charming face showed a beautiful smile.

Jin Lan, the current owner of the Jin family, has a lot of money. If she is Qin fan, she has to take the initiative to say hello.

"Get on the bus and go to my house first. Bai Jianjia and Bai Tao are still waiting for you."

Welcome to two people, Jin Lan said with a smile.

Qin fan didn't refuse. He hasn't seen Bai Jianjia since he came back from a'heel'ting. Now that Bai's family has been destroyed, he really has to go to have a look.

On the way, Jinlan drives himself, and Qin fan and Li Peizi sit in the back seat.

Li Peizi looked at Jinlan's beautiful cheek and gently shook her head: "it's all my sister's commitment to you at that time, which led to the constant peach blossom around you."

Li Peizi is aware of Chen Sixuan's promise to Qin fan not to ask for fame.

He also had a big fight with Chen Sixuan.

However, Chen Sixuan is resolute, and she has nothing to do with it.

Referring to Chen Sixuan, Qin fan's indifferent face was touched.

"I think Miss Li may have misunderstood that the relationship between Qin Shao and me is not what you think. I should repay him for his kindness." Jin Lan smiles calmly, not angry about it.

"What can a woman's reward be except for personal promise? This is the final result, and the rest is just a means of covering up." Li Peizi is not willing to be outdone.

"I heard that Miss Li was hijacked in xiangdao. It was Qin Shao who saved you. According to Miss Li, you don't know where you have come now?" Jin Lan smiles.

"You Li Peizi's white cheek suddenly appeared a blush, she thought of the car on the hillside of Taiping mountain, and the night with her sister in qinfan villa.

Jinlan also noticed the embarrassment in her eyes and said with a smile: "Qin Shao's side will not be only one woman. As for who the other person is, I don't think it will be me."

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