

When the first ray of sunlight hits the Pacific Ocean.

The huge "destiny" ocean liner finally appeared in the view of the watchtower of this nameless island.

This is the most important core island of the United States in the Pacific Ocean 70 years ago. For this reason, tens of thousands of people's strength and equipment were deployed. However, the situation has changed. With the gradual rise of the sea water, this island has been gradually abandoned by the world. The only remaining abandoned installations and bases on the land of the island are still showing its glorious past to the islanders.

"Destiny is in range!"

Information from the watchtower.

All the old facilities hidden on the island are opened, and the new modern equipment forces will occupy it. The fire coverage of the whole island is all concentrated on the ocean going ship which is slowly slowing down. When the other party enters the range, it can be destroyed instantly and sink into the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!

"Ready! The enemy is approaching the island. Follow my command and prepare to fire! "

The command was again issued from the watchtower. The distant star and the sun, which were berthed at the edge of the island to attract the enemy, floated quietly on the water. The goddess of destiny, which was pursued, gradually drew closer, until the three ships were getting closer. With a loud sound, the clouds over the Pacific Ocean were dispersed!

It's like a shell detonated on the sea!

Far star and sun cruise ship are like two bombs placed on the sea, with a loud noise and strong vibration, instantly exploded!

The huge explosion force made the fragments of the two ships like tens of millions of bullets, instantly enveloping the nearby sea area.

The island is shaking slightly.

The sight of all the people on the island was immediately shrouded by the flames and explosions, and only stayed in the moment when the approaching Sun Goddess was covered by fire and impact.

"Don't give them any chance to escape, cover them with the same firepower, and give them the last leg!"

At the command of the watchtower, countless Taoist figures sprang out from all corners of the island. They were carrying firepower devices on their shoulders that could destroy a building in an instant. Thousands of sights aimed at the back of the flames and pulled the trigger together.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh

It's just like the fashion all over the sky!

Dense, like flowers in full bloom!

After the rocket bow was single, with white smoke, thousands of rockets gathered in the air. From all sides of the island, the flaming flames in the bow of the ship accurately landed on the position of destiny.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The island, which has been silent for decades, seems to have returned to the days when the iron armor was rushing and thousands of ships were fighting.

Smoke rose in the sea, and water droplets all over the sky even covered the flames burning on the two ships in an instant.

Thousands of undifferentiated fire coverage, there is no intention to give the other side any breathing space.

At the end of the first round of launch, the watchtower gave instructions again, which was the second round and the third round of undifferentiated remote coverage.

Until more than half of the ammunition on the island was emptied in a minute.

Then there was a long period of peace.

Everyone, including the watchtower, stopped attacking, waiting for the fire and water curtain to disappear, and watching the outcome.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes

More than half an hour later, the chaotic island waters finally subsided.

Although the fire of the two ocean going ships is still burning, it does not stop people standing at the commanding heights of the island from observing the scene behind the fire.

"The ship sank! The ship sank

With a loud scream, everyone began to gather at the top of the island.

They huddled together and looked at the wreckage of the huge ship, which had changed beyond recognition and was slowly sinking behind the fire.

"The ship sank! The ship was sunk by us

Cheers, like a wave, enveloped the whole island.

In an underground base on the island, Ying Wangshu sighed with relief as he watched the red dot on the satellite map flicker a few times and then disappear completely.

"Father, we made it!"


Ying Jun opened a bottle of champagne, filled the two cups in his hand, went to Ying Wangshu and said excitedly.

Ying Wangshu reached for the glass and drank it with a smile.

"Qin fan never dreamed that he would be buried at the bottom of the sea if he hadn't seen us for so long. Unfortunately, he didn't see the scene of struggling and begging for mercy in the sea. Otherwise, it would be very interesting to record it..." Win Wang Shu tone some regrets to say.

"Come on, how can you compete with me? You know, in order to deal with him, we've spent almost all of our family money, just the explosives hidden in two ships and the firepower on these islands, which cost us tens of billions. This is still under the condition that Rothschild came forward to help us buy them. Otherwise, his pure blood people are really hard to deal with. " Ying Jun is afraid of the future."Well, it's not the only way for them to get out of the village, but we just want to help them There are bigger surprises waiting for them. "

Ying Wangshu shook his head and said: "it's still young and impulsive. He thinks that victory is at his fingertips, but he doesn't know that the more victory is around the corner, the greater the risk is waiting for him It's really boring that it's over so soon. "

The fire outside the island is still burning. The gasoline leaked from the cruise ship is spread on the sea, forming a huge sea of fire. Against the dawn, it turns into a blue sea of fire and floats quietly on the sea.

People on the island did not let down their guard.

The watchtower always pays attention to the movement of the sea, and those who come out come back to their secret places. They have to live here for a long time, and they have to wait a year before the first group of pure blood people show it. They need to adapt to it quickly.

The time of the day passed so quickly.

It's evening.

The setting sun reddened the sky.

The fire near the island has also died down.

People on the island began to come out to enjoy the rare sunset scene in the deep Pacific Ocean, and even some people set up barbecue grills to carry out the sea area where the big guys came out for half a day in the Houshan sea area, prepared seasonings and beer, and prepared to have a good drink ,

a man was peeing at the guard of Houshan sunset, and suddenly he was stunned.

Then he rubbed his eyes as if he saw something unbelievable. He watched huge black shadows scurrying under the sea, then suddenly rushed out of the water and onto the beach of Houshan.

"Yes, it's an amphibious vehicle!" The man screamed wildly.

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