A scream of terror sounded on the top of the mountain.

Those sitting on a nearby stove preparing for barbecue looked at him with disdain and said, "what are you shouting about? Also, amphibious vehicles. Why don't you say the other side has an aircraft carrier? Is this something that ordinary people get? Don't force it. Come here to roast fish. I just want to be lazy. "

Can wait for these people to complain, harsh air defense alarm sound, suddenly sounded in the whole island!

"LVT found in Houshan! Get ready to fight! Prepare to fight

The rapid and urgent sound sounded on the horn, and the sound was very penetrating, ringing all over the island.

Those people didn't respond after hearing it.

"What LVT? Damn, just killed Qin fan, the aliens came? "

“LVT…… It's like a walking amphibious landing vehicle! Someone's on the island. Get ready to fight

A cry awakened all the people on the island. They dropped the grill and smoke in their hands, got into the secret place one after another, took up arms and rushed out.

"Four lvts are approaching in the direction of the back hill. Kill them quickly! Come on

The voice on the watchtower is no longer calm and calm. The voice shouts again and again for anxiety and urgency, just like the arrival of a great enemy.

The basement.

Ying Wangshu looked shocked at the four red dots that suddenly appeared on the satellite map. They were the four red dots that had already appeared on his island!

in disbelief, he pointed to the red dot on the satellite map and said, "what's the matter? What LVT? How they got ashore! Who is this? Why come to our island! "

Although he has the answer in his heart, he still can't accept all this!

"LVT is a combat amphibious landing vehicle, known as the vanguard in the battle for islands. It has very strong combat effectiveness. It can tear a hole in the coastline covered by the enemy's firepower, capture the firepower point, and land the large forces behind it..."

There is also the winner's consultant standing behind him, he explained in a low voice.

"Isn't this thing supposed to be in the station yard? Why is it here?" Win Wang Shu eyes red, staring at the red dot on the satellite map roar.

The people behind them did not speak. They even wondered if there would be a place nearby where they were practicing. They just broke into the area after they delimited the island.

If that's the case, it's going to be a lot of trouble!

And they would rather believe that this is true than believe that what they destroyed with more than half of the firepower on the island is just a useless ship. On these four terrible lvts, there are enemies they would never dream of meeting.

"Whoever it is, blow them to pieces! Never let them near! Even if you blow up half the island, you'll blow them to the bottom of the sea! Never let them near! Never

Ying Wangshu roared out of control, just like a wild animal with crazy hair.

At the same time, he turned his head to stare at Ying Jun and said coldly, "let all ships turn around and rush here to support immediately. No matter where they are or what they are doing, come to me right away! At once

"Yes, yes!"

When did Yingjun see such yingwangshu? He was so scared that he was sweating. He followed the others and ran out to deal with the sudden battle.

Four amphibious chariots broke through the confinement of the sea and appeared in the back of the island.

They walked slowly, along the beach and towards the interior of the island.

The sea water is still flowing on the chariot, facing the sunset, just like the flowing blood, quietly moving forward, breaking the silence of the island.

"Find the enemy ahead."

After entering the mountain road, the leader's combat vehicle sounded a low voice.

"Exterminate." MUKANG gave the command without hesitation.

The gun barrel of the combat vehicle turned to the group of people hiding in the middle of the mountain, carrying a rocket launcher, ready to fire at them



There was a huge explosion in the middle of the mountain, and the fire was all over the mountain. The group of people almost didn't cry out, and they were melted in the violent explosion.

"1 o'clock to find the enemy."

"Find the enemy at 12 o'clock."

"We'll find the enemy at 6 o'clock."

"We've got the enemy at 9 o'clock."


With the sound of a report in the combat vehicle, four amphibious combat vehicles all stopped moving forward, the barrel aimed at the coordinate position, the fire erupted, and the sound of explosion began to ring on this quiet island, and it never stopped.

Ten minutes of precision.

There are also some firepower points on the combat vehicles, but these firepower without any armor piercing ability will not do any harm to the four world's top combat vehicles.

Round after round of fighting ended.

All that remained was the smoke of the islands and mountains, and the four combat vehicles that were still standing there."The danger is removed and we can move forward."

"Danger removed, you can inform the backup to land!"

On the satellite map in the basement, Ying Wangshu looked tremblingly at the map, and ten red dots flickered out of thin air. They were located in the sea near the back mountain, broke through the sea and entered the island land.

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