It's cold

In the dark, Qin fan curled up.

His consciousness still stays at the moment when he rolls down from the mountain.

He took Zhou Lulu's hand, and the two rolled down the mountain with gravel and soil. As they were dying, he saw Zhou Lulu's figure rushing towards him, and then the darkness of the infinite.

Confused for a moment, the whole body ache, let Qin fan can't help but open his mouth, issued a long groan.

But then, the body will be a warm slowly shrouded.

"Zhou Lulu, is that you?"

Qin fan opened his mouth difficultly and responded to him with endless silence.

"Zhou Lulu?"

Qin fan couldn't help but called again.

"Well, it's me, young master. Are you ok?"

Finally, Qin fan heard Zhou Lulu's voice, and he was a little relieved.

"I'm fine. How are you doing?"

In the dark, Qin fan can't see anything. He can only feel that a delicate body is holding his upper body in his arms. Although the smell of soil fills the tip of his nose, he can still smell the sweet smell of girls.

"I'm fine, too, but it seems that the situation outside is not very good now. Young master, you should be prepared."

Zhou Lulu has always been an optimistic person. No matter what happened in the hospital before, she never heard her voice tremble.

"Well, you let me go first. I'm fine."

Feeling the soft body slowly released, Qin fan sat up with the help of Zhou lulu. Then, a dazzling light cut through the darkness and lit up the scene.


Narrow and moist.

Next to the body is all the mud coming in from outside the cave, a thick layer, overflowing his instep.

However, the position where he lay should be cleaned by Zhou lulu. Although there is a thin layer, it doesn't affect anything.

"Is the hole sealed?"

After finding out his current environment, Qin fan turned his head and looked in the direction of the light.

At the moment, the small entrance has been covered by several boulders. There is still soil mixed with rain flowing in from the cracks. The sound of rain outside the cave is more and more enlightening.

"Fortunately, I found this cave. Less than a minute later, the hillside we rolled down collapsed, and then the cave was sealed." Zhou Lulu said with lingering fear.

"Thank you."

Qin fan turned his head and saw that Zhou Lulu also turned his head and turned his face to one side.

"What's the matter with you?"

Qin fan frowned and held Zhou Lulu's cheek in his hand.

"No, don't look..."

Although Qin Lu insists on cutting into Zhou Lu's cheek, he refuses.

"I thought it was a big and complicated matter. It was just a small wound. As for people, they didn't dare to see it?"

Qin fan smiles, then looks at it carefully and says, "it's OK, a little bit of skin trauma. When I go back, I'll ask the hospital to arrange the best skin suture doctor for you. Just deal with it a little bit. It's OK."

"Really?" Zhou Lulu asked incredulously.

"Of course, I've been in the hospital for such a long time. After a long illness, I can still see this little problem. It's OK. Don't worry." Qin fan smiles and comforts.

At the same time, the heart is tangled.

Fortunately, in the dark, Zhou Lulu didn't see the look change in Qin fan's eyes. As soon as she eased her mood, she said in a lonely way: "Qin Shao, we may have lost contact with the outside world."

"Lost contact?" Qin fan frowned.

"Well, your mobile phone was broken when it fell down. Now it can't be turned on. Although my mobile phone is good, there is no signal in the cave and I can't contact the outside world." Zhou Lulu explained.

"Broken?" Qin fan noticed that the scattered mobile phone parts lying at his feet were his own. He could not help but yell, "what a broken mobile phone is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I will never buy this brand again."

"But don't worry, Qin Shao. I believe that when your two classmates escape from the mountain, they will pass the news to the police station, and the police will come to rescue us." Zhou Lulu said in a low voice.

Will you get out?

Qin fan shook his head.

He knows too much about the physique of several people in the dormitory.

I'm almost asthmatic after running one thousand meters in the physical examination. I'm afraid that running with two strong foreigners in such an environment will only make their situation worse than themselves, and maybe their lives will be in danger.

However, in the current situation, the most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the military.

No matter what, Zhou Lulu is also a girl. Although she tries to be calm, Qin fan can still feel her inner helplessness and panic from her cold palm."Well, they'll find it." Qin Fan said with a smile.

It's twelve thirty.

The rain outside the cave did not abate at all.

The air in the cave is more humid and cold.

Two people from sitting side by side, to hugging together, each other to warm each other, a second to spend the most painful period.

"If today is the last day of your life, what are you going to do?" Zhou Lulu curls up tightly in Qin fan's arms. Although the boy is several years younger than her, at this moment, Zhou Lulu feels inexplicably that he has a sense of security, which can make her feel a trace of warmth in despair.

"I ah, look back on the past and see what I've done in the first half of my life and what regrets I've left behind. Anyway, I can't make up for it. I'll repent in my heart." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Oh." Zhou Lulu nodded and pushed her cheek into Qin fan's arms.

"And you?" Qin fan lowered his head and asked.

"Let you live." Zhou Lulu said without thinking about it.

"Me?" Qin Fan said with a smile, "everyone is going to die. How can you let me live?"

Zhou Lulu shook her head and said softly, "I'll tell you when I really get there. It's disgusting now."


Qin fan was stunned.

But then, in his mind, some foreign rescue teams rescued some of the trapped people and saw a scene of tragedy.

"I don't have the habit of eating human flesh."

Qin fan slaps Zhou Lulu on the back, but forgets that she is so weak that Zhou Lulu groans when she is in pain.


Just a moment later, Zhou Lulu blushed and said.

Qin fan's face turned red, and the two were close to each other.

Each other's bodies close together, dispelling the cold left in the body.

Although the contact between the two people has always been in the stage of shallow taste.

But this time, Qin fan can feel that Zhou Lulu seems to have determined that this is the last moment of her life, and wants to take the last step with him.

But the environment is too bad.

It's not convenient

Qin fan is about to cry.

"Are Qin fan and Zhou lulu in there?"

Suddenly, a sonorous voice suddenly sounded outside the cave.

"I'm here!"

Almost subconsciously, the two men cried out at the same time, and quickly stood up, looking at the light coming in from the cave excitedly. At the same time, there was the noise of the helicopter engine, which broke the rhythm of the rain.

"Please don't worry and keep calm. I'm Zhang Zijian, captain of the silver bear special corps of the Nandu military region. I've been ordered to come and rescue you!"

With that, you can see that the boulders blocking the entrance of the cave are surrounded by iron ropes like claws. Then, the sound of the helicopter engine becomes more and more shocking. The entrance in front of you is like the first ray of sunlight tearing the dark clouds after the rain. The boulders are slowly pulled up by the helicopter.

A column of strong light came in, and dozens of armed special forces stood neatly at the entrance of the cave, leading the team leader and saluting.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Zijian, commander of a special field unit in a brigade of Nandu military region. I've been ordered to rescue you two. Please rest assured that the enemy is all in ambush and can leave safely."

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