The rainstorm outside the cave is still pouring down.

Three as332 "super leopard" helicopters, painted camouflage protective color, hovered in the heavy rain.

The 18 Silver Bear special combat team members, fully armed, escorted Qin fan and Zhou Lulu out of the cave by lifting rope and were slowly transported out of the Luoxia mountains.

"Super leopard" is a military carrier based transport aircraft. In such bad weather conditions, only by using the silver bear special team can Qin fan and Qin fan be safely rescued from the mountains and complete the escort task.

On the plane, Captain Zhang Zijian gave Qin fan a brief report on the current situation.

"our mission has sent three rescue teams and a complete combat squadron. According to the information provided by the escapees, the squadron has been controlling the two suspects ten minutes ago. One killed on the spot and two victims were safely rescued. Now they are under the mountain, and you will soon see each other."

"three suspect?"

Qin fan and Zhou Lulu look at each other.

In each other's eyes, you can see the fear and palpitation that cannot be concealed.

In fact, when Jon said he was a reporter for vogue magazine, Qin fan roughly understood what the routine was.

When he was chatting with Jiang Yanzi before, Qin fan asked Jiang Yanzi how she developed the collocation and aesthetics of clothes. The styles she picked out casually were so good-looking, so Jiang Yanzi told her experience with vogue magazine and the Newhouse family.

However, in order to determine the specific location of Lin Xue's hiding, he still plans to take the risk and go up to have a look.

But I didn't expect that the sudden heavy rain almost killed several people.

What he didn't expect was that long legged girls didn't say that the two gangsters were foreigners, and even the number of them was not accurate.

Sitting on the plane, Qin fan looked at the sunset mountain in the rainstorm, and felt boundless emotion for a moment.

Three "super leopard" transport aircraft slowly appeared in battle formation over the open land at the foot of the mountain.

Dozens of black Cadillac "president one" double flashing, divided into two columns, neatly extended from the open space to the national highway.

The first aid helicopter of the scarlet letter 10th meeting also stops in the center of the open space, surrounded by the medical staff of Shengde hospital who has been waiting for a long time, and the heavily armed Silver Bear special combat team members. The whole Luoxia mountain is now in the same iron barrel, presenting a luxurious scene that Qin fan could only see in Hollywood movies before.

"Uncle Dong!"

As soon as Qin fan got off the plane, uncle Dong immediately came up with a black umbrella.

"Young master, you are back." On Uncle Dong's deep sea like face, there was a rare excitement.

"Let uncle Dong worry." Qin Fan said sorry.

"Ah, young master, it's US servants who didn't do our duty to put you in danger, but it's good to get out of danger. We still have a long life in the future. Let's talk about it when we go home."

Uncle Dong said, the medical staff of Shengde hospital rushed to help Qin fan and Zhou Lulu to the Red Cross emergency plane.

"Qin fan!"

just then, a hoarse cry came out from the "president one" car.

Qin fan turns his head and sees Lin Xue with hair on his head. He leans his head out of the car window and looks at himself with a complicated look.

"Let's go."

Qin Fan said faintly, a nurse closed the cabin, the plane slowly lifted off in the rainstorm, and flew to Shengde hospital on the other side of the city.

The experience in recent days undoubtedly made Qin fan develop a big heart.

He was lying in bed, thinking a lot.

About life experience, about family, about career, about feelings

Gradually he understood.

The money you saved for your family is not worth mentioning at all.

As Jiang Yanzi said, how can a person who has never seen the sea design the best cruise ship in the world?

you can not spend the money you should not spend, but you can not save a cent for the money you should spend.

To understand this, Qin fan has a new understanding and goal of his future life.

During this period, Shen Jianping and his wife devoted themselves to Qin Fanna.

No matter how busy he was, Shen Jianping would come to the hospital every day.

Chen Menglian cooks three meals a day and takes good care of them.

Originally, Qin Zhigang and his wife were most worried. After finishing their seven day tour around Nandu, they rushed back to take care of Qin fan.

However, when they saw Jiang Yanzi, who was in the ward all day, they were very happy and ordered a luxury package to go to other provinces.

Time goes by carelessly.

I don't know whether Jiang Yanzi and Chen Menglian took good care of them or other reasons.

Qin fan's recovery in the hospital is surprisingly good.It's so good that all the medical staff can't believe it.

You know, when Qin fan was sent to the hospital, he was escorted by combat helicopters and transport planes, covered with blood, which scared the whole hospital.

However, only Qin fan and his doctor knew that Qin fan suffered mostly from skin trauma, and some small fractures also needed to recuperate slowly for self-repair, so there was no big problem.

However, the news from Tokyo was like a cloud in Qin fan's mind.

Although Xiameng's cells and tissues were sent to the research room for cultivation by the Research Institute.

However, due to the long cultivation time, Xiameng's injury could not be completely contained, and several bleeding recurrences occurred in a short period of time.

Fortunately, the equipment and doctors of the research base are world-class. Although they are controlled for a short time, will this situation continue to happen before the cultivation is completed.

On the day of discharge, Huang Qianqian came.

"Did you call Shen Liangxin that day?" In the lounge on the third floor, Qin fan asked with a smile.

Huang Qianqian nodded, "it rained heavily soon after we left. I called you and didn't answer. I had no choice but to tell Shen Liangxin that I wanted him to send someone to have a look. Otherwise, I was not sure."

Qin fan nodded. If Huang Qianqian hadn't called Shen Liangxin in advance, he didn't know how long he would have been able to get out of trouble in the harsh environment at that time.

"Thank you." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Tut, the young master of the Shen family knows how to say thank you. It's not easy."

Huang Qianqian said, tone suddenly changed, lowered his voice and said: "by the way, do you know, during your hospitalization, Chen zikun was looking for you everywhere."

"Chen zikun looking for you?" Qin fan a Leng, "look for me to do what?"

"Important people." Huang Qianqian was not angry and said, "he told people everywhere that you cheated Lin Xue out that day. In the deep mountains and forests, there is no one who has seen Lin Xue. He said that you must have done something to her. If he caught her, he would not let you go."

"Ha ha, I took so much trouble to save Lin Xue from those foreigners. It's good that I didn't ask him for reward. I can still rely on me." Qin Fan said.

"That is, at that time they left the two girls in the mountains and forests, but they never came back. Now they still have the face to say that Lin Xue is their girlfriend. How can there be such a shameless man in the world?"

Huang Qianqian has always looked down upon dandy like Chen zikun. She used to think that his life style was not good. Now it seems that even his character has a big problem.

"Then Lin Xue didn't take the initiative to say anything?" Qin fan asked.

"Lin Xue is missing."

"Well?" Qin fan was stunned.

"After Lin Xue was rescued, she was sent to the hospital of Nandu military region. She was not seriously injured. After the examination, she cleaned up the wound and disappeared that night."

"No monitoring?" Qin fan asked.

"Adjusted ah, monitoring shows that Lin Xue left the ward at 3 am. Considering that she didn't have multiple injuries and didn't have to pay for medical expenses, the hospital didn't care much about it." Huang Qianqian said helplessly.

Did you walk on your own?

Qin Qian said: "after all, I'm afraid that if she doesn't have the courage to continue the investigation after graduation, I don't want to go on."

Although Huang Qianqian hates Lin Xue, after all, as a girl, she still sympathizes with her for such a big thing.

Qin fan nodded and asked, "did you drive here?"

Huang Qianqian blushed, "how do you know?"

Huang Qianqian did buy a car to go to work and work on the construction site. She is a little polo in her early 100000 years. She pays 4000 yuan a month, and she pays back her salary.

"That's just right. You can drive me to poly. I want to buy a car." Qin fan stood up and said.

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