He quickly put out the cigarette end in his hand and ran to the bathroom to clean the blood on his nose with water.

When I came back, I saw Huang Qianqian lying on the bed with a very unsophisticated posture. One of her stockings was thrown on the ground, and the other just faded to her calf position, and then she fell asleep again.

"It's really dark. Bah! The stockings are so white... "

Qin fan felt that in his mind, the moral villain was about to be beaten into flesh mud by the devil villain, so he hurried forward, lifted the quilt at the head of the bed and quickly covered Huang Qianqian.


Just as Qin fan straightened up and wanted to go, he suddenly felt something flash in front of his eyes, and then his neck was tightly confined. As soon as the soles of his feet softened, he fell into bed

In the next few days, Qin fan didn't go back to school.

Huang Qian is even more afraid to explain to him.

He has been hiding in Shengde hospital, sleeping during the day and chatting with Liu Mengmeng at night.

It was not until Sunday afternoon that he changed his clothes and went back to the school hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of NTU.

The school leaders attached great importance to the celebration. It was said that a group of leaders from the Department of education were invited. At that time, red actress Chen Qiumo would come to sing for the celebration.

The most important thing is that the school requires every student present to register by roll call, and those who do not arrive will be deducted credits, and their diplomas will be suspended.

Qin fan mingled in the crowd. As soon as he reached the entrance of the auditorium, he heard someone calling his name behind him.

"Qin fan!"

Qin fan's heart clattered for a moment. As soon as he looked back, he saw Lin Xue in a white dress and walked quickly towards him.

"I haven't seen you at school these days. I thought you wouldn't come." Lin Xue stands in front of Qin fan with a smile.

"It's you."

Qin fan was slightly relieved.

At the same time, my heart was palpitating.

This dress on Lin Xue was worn by Lin Xue on their first date two years ago.

At that time, he was shocked by Lin Xue.

He also joked that if he had money in the future, he would buy ten such dresses for Lin Xue, so that he could always remember her most beautiful appearance.

After two years, things are different. When Lin Xue puts on this dress again, she no longer belongs to Qin fan. She is Chen zikun's woman!

"What's the matter?"

See Lin Xue has been smiling at himself, Qin fan did not understand asked.

"What's the matter? Can't you break up? There must be something else. At least I once fell in love. I can't even say hello. " Lin Xue pursed her lips and said like a coquettish.

"Oh, if it's OK, I'll go first."

Qin fan is not in the mood to talk to him now. He turns around and leaves.

"Qin fan, stop!"

Lin Xue suddenly raised her voice decibels, startled all the students who rushed into the auditorium and cast their eyes on her.

"You want to go?" Lin Xue said with a gloomy face.

She thought that she was coquettish and took the initiative to talk to Qin fan. Qin fan would surely hold herself in her arms and ask to make up with her. Everything would satisfy her. But now, it seems that she has a hot face and a cold butt, which makes her totally unable to accept.

"What else?" Qin fan's face was not happy.

"Ha ha..."

Lin Xue looks at Qin fan and suddenly laughs in a low voice.

"I didn't expect you to be such a heartless man, Qin fan!"

"I treat you so sincerely. I don't care that you are poor. I don't care that you never buy me gifts. I also give you my monthly living expenses. We eat the cheapest roadside stall together. When you are sick, I skip classes and take care of you at home. Even if I open a house, it's all my money..."

"But what did I get? Knowing that I was pregnant and didn't even have a word of comfort, I went to the black clinic to beat the child! OK, I'll listen to you. I'll have an abortion myself, but you! When I haven't recovered, kick me off like a litter, and then go to other women. But I don't blame you for all this, but why are you so tired of even seeing me now! I will not interfere with your life, just want to talk to you, can't you

Lin Xue said that at last, she burst into tears and even cried hoarse. Then she squatted on the ground and cried bitterly. It was really like a woman who was abandoned by her boyfriend when she was pregnant, without any trace.

Even Qin fan felt that what she said seemed to be true, and could not help feeling slightly moved.

But the biggest reaction was from the surrounding students.

All of them cast their scornful eyes on Qin fan.

"Lying trough, our school has this kind of scum?"

"It's not just scum, it's the scum of society! Shame on Nantah

"I look very honest. As expected, honest people are unreliable. They can even do such rubbish!"Some of the boys were angry, but they had already come up, grabbed Qin fan's collar and raised their fists to hit him in the face.

And some girls, have surrounded Lin Xue, while taking a paper towel to help her wipe tears, while comforting.

"Say, is it you who fuckin 'did all this?"

A strong boy pointed to Qin fan's nose and yelled angrily.

Qin fan was speechless.

He didn't expect that Lin Xue used this kind of abusive means to deal with himself.

And none of what Lin Xue said is true at all.

But Lin Xue's acting skills are so good that she has instigated the emotions of her classmates around her. No matter how she explains it, it's just futile.

"Qin fan, I just want to ask you whether you still love me or not."

Lin Xue suddenly raised her head and said to Qin fan with red and swollen eyes.

"Do you really believe what she said?"

Looking at the boys who are fierce and want to rush up and beat themselves up immediately, Qin fan frowned and said.


A clear and loud slap suddenly rang out in the crowd.

All of them were stunned, and their eyes fell on the sailor girl who suddenly appeared.

Lin Xue is full of shocked cover his face, looking at the eyes of Huang Qianqian.

"You, you dare to hit me?" She opened her mouth tremblingly, in a tone of disbelief.

"It's you who beat me! I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen you so shameless. It's clear that you love vanity and take the initiative to get rid of Qin fan and hook up with Chen zikun. Now you still say that Qin fan dumped you and is pregnant? Which black clinic did you have abortion in? Dare you confront me on the spot with me and ask if the doctor knows you? Is it a boy or a girl who killed you

Huang Qian vented her words like her stomach.

Qin fan stood behind her, shivering.

Secretly happy these two days did not appear in the school, otherwise, do not know what they will face a terrible end.

Just when Lin Xue was at a loss, a figure suddenly jumped in and lifted her from the ground.

"Whoever dares to beat my girlfriend, stand up. If I don't give up his hand today, I won't be Chen!"

See Chen zikun appear, Lin Xue just like saw the straw, a head to his arms.

"Husband, it's Huang Qianqian. It's Huang Qianqian who beat me up. Take revenge for me and kill this bitch!"

"Huang Qianqian?"

Chen zikun turned his head and glanced greedily at Huang Qianqian's beautiful posture under his sailor's clothes. Then he began to laugh.

"Tut Tut, this pair of adulterers and prostitutes have the face to appear in school at the same time. How can you not be afraid of you and this little white face? How can you raise this little white face when the old man who keeps you knows that your maintenance fee is cut off?"

Chen zikun's words, the focus of all eyes, are focused on Huang Qianqian.

"No? Huang Qianqian was taken care of? "

"Oh, my God, even she was taken care of. It's ruined the Three Outlooks!"

"Our goddess, ah, as expected, answered that sentence. Behind every goddess you can't pursue, there is a man who plays with her until he vomits."

Huang Qianqian did not expect that Chen zikun would dare to slander her in front of so many people.

"You, you bullshit!"

Huang Qianqian wanted to argue, but Chen zikun hugged Lin Xue's arm and said with a smile: "wife, today we don't have the same opinion with him. The school anniversary ceremony will start soon, but our goddess Chen Qiumo will come on stage to sing. And as far as I know, she will randomly invite an audience to sing a song at the end of the evening As the end. "

Will Chen Qiumo invite the audience to sing together?

Hearing Chen zikun's words, the students around immediately became restless.

Chen Qiumo is the most popular actress and their idol! If you can get the chance to sing on the same stage with Chen Qiumo, it's worth dying!

But then, Chen zikun said out loud: "to tell you the truth, at last year's annual meeting of the chamber of Commerce, my father invited Chen Qiumo to sing a song, and I had the honor to take a picture with her. I believe you all know what I mean. If Chen Qiumo can choose me tonight, there will be a big seafood barbecue in Qianmen after the ceremony Come home, it's my treat

Many people can't help but look disappointed when they say this.

Obviously, Chen Qiumo will choose Chen zikun to sing together.

Her father's chamber of commerce can invite her to sing alone. What else can I say.

Chen zikun was very satisfied with the effect of the scene, nodded and swaggered to the venue with Lin Xue in his arms.

Qin fan and Huang Qianqian did not speak at the whole ceremony.Two people sitting together, who do not look at each other, just like strangers.

In the end, Qin fan couldn't help but turn his head and whispered to Huang Qianqian: "that night..."

"Stop!" Huang Qianqian said in a hurry: "I'll settle the account with you at the party that night, but you're too worthless today. Lin Xue is like that, and you don't do it?"

Qin fan was speechless for a while. "I can't beat a woman, can I? But I have to thank you for today's business, otherwise in that case, I really can't do anything with her. "

Huang Qianqian nodded and then said angrily, "but later, I helped you so much. Chen zikun slandered me in front of so many people, so you didn't care? It's all men. Fight with him. What are you afraid of? "

Qin fan shook his head, took a breath, said: "I will help you out of this tone, don't worry."

Huang Qianqian heard tone, surprised turned to see Qin fan.

She suddenly felt that this weak and incompetent boy, at this time, it seems that there is something different.

More than two hours of celebration, with the emergence of Chen Qiumo to the climax.

The spotlight on the stage hit Chen Qiumo, and the whole audience cheered and screamed.

Two songs, soon over.

Then, there is the chorus session of inviting guests.

Chen zikun and Lin Xue are not far from Qin fan.

He turned his head provocatively and gave Qin fan a look.

At the same time, Chen Qiumo stood on the stage to greet the students.

"I'm very glad to be here. In order to thank you for your enthusiasm, I decided to choose a student to sing the last song with me."

Even the students were excited when they heard this.

Chen Qiumo is so famous.

The old and young take all, is recognized as the national goddess.

But soon, many students' enthusiasm has subsided, eyes unconsciously, all looked at Chen zikun sitting in the middle.

Chen zikun is sitting upright and proud.

He believes that Chen Qiumo still remembers herself. When she took a group photo, she asked her name.

These students are not qualified to compete with themselves.

Seeing the sudden change of reaction under the stage, Chen Qiumo doesn't care any more. She slightly raises the corner of her mouth, points out her hand, and hits Chen zikun's seat in the spotlight.

With a smile on his face, Chen zikun stood up from his chair.

At the same time, standing up, there is Qin fan with a face of ignorant force.

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