"Well? How could two people stand up at the same time? "

"Wrong? Why are there two people on the big screen? "

"It can't be that there's something wrong with the dance beauty. Ah, Chen Qiumo finally came to our school. What a shame..."

Facing the scene of the turmoil, Chen Qiumo said with a smile: "this student wearing a gray T-shirt, can you please come on stage and sing a song with me?"

Grey T-shirt?

Chen zikun subconsciously lowered his head. Today, he deliberately wore a Burberry plaid shirt, a gray T-shirt, which obviously didn't refer to himself.

Then, the staff came to guide Qin fan out of his seat and onto the stage.

After singing a song, Qin fan and Chen Qiumo bend down to thank the audience.

When returning the microphone, Chen Qiumo quietly slips a note into Qin fan's hand, then turns around and exits with a smile.

Come out of the auditorium.

Huang Qianqian stares at Qin fan suspiciously. She is Chen Qiumo's most loyal fan. Although she didn't expect to sing on the same stage, she still thinks Qin fan is too lucky, which is much lower than the chance of winning the lottery.

A few of the 106 dormitories also gathered around, satirizing Qin fan in their mouth, but envious in their eyes.

Only Qin fan was still confused and didn't understand what happened.

It can be attributed to luck that he was selected by Chen Qiumo to perform in chorus.

But then what happened to the note she stuffed herself with?

There are many people around, Qin fan did not immediately open to see.

But I always feel strange in my heart.

Qin fan just a few people out of the hall, Lin Xue immediately came over.

"Qin fan, let's talk alone. I have something to say to you."

It seems that she doesn't want to give Qin fan the chance to refuse. Lin Xue then turns around and walks to one side of the playground.

Several people looked at each other and saw that Huang Qianqian's beautiful eyes were angry. Qin Fan said helplessly: "you wait for me for a while, and you will come back soon."

It's on the playground.

"Qin fan, are you really so heartless?"

Lin Xue takes Qin fan to the corner of the stands, with a sad tone.

"We've broken up."

Qin fan felt more and more unable to see through this woman.

Two hours ago, she and Chen zikun blocked themselves up with Huang Qianqian at the entrance of the auditorium, crying and crying, humiliating in every way.

At this moment, I talked with myself again.

"Can you abandon all those things before you break up? You used to be so kind to me. You would do everything you could to satisfy me. Do you remember my birthday that year? I just wanted to eat mousse cake from the west city. In order to save the bus fare, you rode back and forth for three hours on your bicycle, and you were almost too tired to straighten up. But you still sent the egg cake to me. Won't you forget that? "

Lin Xue bit her lips, and her expression was very pitiful.

Qin fan laughs. He remembers very clearly that Nantah is in the east of the city. He rides back and forth for three hours to buy the cake for Lin Xue. However, because of the long time, part of the cake is melted, and Lin Xue throws it directly on the ground without looking back.

"Come on, what do you want to do?"

Said, Qin fan looked around, and did not find the figure of Chen zikun.

"Don't look. He left before the party was over."

Immediately, Lin Xue hesitated, bit her lip and said, "Qin fan, I heard that your hometown was expropriated. Is that true?"

Ha ha It is because of this.

Qin fan nodded: "yes, 20 mu of land and 10 mu of barren hills have been conquered and expropriated. What kind of land reserve do you want? What's the matter with you?"

"And ten acres of barren hills?"

Lin Xue scolds in her heart. Huang haozeng is really a thief. He even keeps this kind of thing from himself. Fortunately, he is clever and asks more questions. Otherwise, he doesn't know how long he will be kept in the dark.

"That's quite a loss, isn't it?" Lin Xue pretends not to care.

"OK, it's only one million. I can't do anything. It's not enough to buy a suite in Nandu." Qin fan sighed helplessly.

A million!

Lin Xue clenched her fists excitedly and said to Qin fan, "well, it's not much, but I call you here today mainly to explain one thing to you, that is, the reason why I broke up with you a few days ago, in fact, I have no choice..."

Can we have to break up?

Qin fan sneered in his heart, but his face didn't show it.

"I know you don't believe it, but it's true. In fact, Chen zikun has been chasing me for a long time, but I didn't agree with him when I was with you. But later I heard that he was secretly looking for someone to deal with you, and that day you called and said you were in the hospital. I thought he did it behind his back, so I broke up with you and stayed with Chen zikun, Qin fan, you have to believe me. All I do is for you! "

Qin fan almost believed Lin Xue's reason."Really, I didn't lie to you!"

Lin Xue excitedly grabs Qin fan's hand and sincerely says: "Qin fan, in fact, you still love me, right? I had to break up at that time. Now you have so many good friends, I don't have to worry about how Chen zikun takes you. Is it OK for us to get back together? I'm still your girlfriend and take care of you all the time, OK?"

To tell you the truth, Lin Xue's appearance makes Qin fan's heart slightly throb.

"Xuexue, is that true?" Qin fan was moved and said, "don't you want to make up with me again because my family has been expropriated?"

"How can it be!" Lin Xue cried like being wronged, "if I were such a person as Lin Xue, I would not promise you when you chased me, and I lived with you for two years. I just like you. No matter how your family is, as long as Chen zikun doesn't trouble you, I still want to be with you forever!"

Qin fan nodded heavily, "well, Xuexue, I believe you!"

Lin Xue excited directly into his arms, choked and said: "really? Are you finally willing to make up with me? "

"Yes, you are my first love. I have ten yuan and I will spend all the ten yuan on you. However, my parents have spent all the money on the house rebuilt in my hometown. They will give me twenty thousand yuan and spend all the money these two days. But it doesn't matter. I can continue to work and earn money to support you in the future." Qin fanxin swore.

"All spent?" Lin Xue suddenly raised her head and looked at Qin fan in disbelief. "Do you mean your parents took all the money from your land acquisition to build a house?"

"I'll take you to the old snowy house when it's over Qin Fan said excitedly.

"To the countryside?" Lin Xue suddenly pushed Qin fan away and stroked his messy bun with her hand. "Qin fan, you're not kidding me, are you a million dollars? Are you going to build a house with your parents?"

"No, there are 100000 left to spend." Qin fan took out his mobile phone and opened the wechat balance. "Look, it's all here."

"I hate it. I'm just testing you to see if you will spend money carelessly. But don't worry, I won't use any of your money. Keep it and we'll live a good life in the future!"

Lin Xue hammered Qin fan's chest with her fist, then said calmly.

"I knew Xuexue was the most sensible. My parents gave me the money to see if there was any suitable furniture in Nandu, and then I bought some back. But from now on, I have to accompany you wholeheartedly, and I don't have time to see it. Forget it, I'd better give the money back to them, and I'll save money."

With that, Qin fan transferred nearly 100000 yuan of wechat balance to his father's wechat in front of Lin Xue.

Lin Xue was stunned.

A hundred thousand dollars, is that all?

Finally, she woke up.

"Are you sick, Qin fan? Why do you transfer the money to your father?"

"That's what you said. You can't use any money. Besides, the 100000 yuan is the decoration money of my new home. It can't be wasted. What do you like, Xuexue? I'll work for you to earn it. It's all the same."

Say, Qin fan embraces Lin Xue's shoulder, affectionately looking at her.

"Earn you malagobi!"

Lin Xue pushed Qin fan away and scolded him angrily: "go back to your hometown and farm. How can there be such a wonderful flower like you in the world?"

With that, Lin Xue turned and left.

"Snow, snow, snow!"

Qin fan followed anxiously.

"Garbage, get out of here!"

Lin xueya is almost broken.

Without looking back, he walked out of the playground.

Watching Lin Xue walk away, Qin fan shakes his head silently.

He cried in a low voice: "there are still ten mu of barren mountains that haven't been spent. Don't you ask any more?"

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