Studio three.

The camera crew should be watching as Zhou Jieya prepares to leave the scene.

"What do you want? Rebellious? "

Zhou Jieya looks at these people with venomous eyes. She can't imagine that half of the advertisements she's shooting will be stopped by the brokerage department, and she won't even give a reason. This makes her, who has been enjoying special treatment in the company, totally unacceptable. She has to go upstairs to find the manager of the brokerage department to explain.

But before going out, she was stopped by the man with glasses. After a long time of persuasion, she agreed to let the man with glasses go up and ask about the situation. She was waiting here.

See no one to take care of her, Zhou Jieya more upset.

She stepped forward, kicked open the model's high stool with one foot, then angrily grabbed the director's arm and sternly asked, "if I ask you, are you dumb? Why should I stop my advertisement? Do you want to quit

The director, with a copy in his hand, looked at her angrily and said, "Auntie, what's the relationship between stopping advertising and me? If you have any questions, go to the agency department. We stopped shooting only after receiving their notice. You're a big star. Don't make it difficult for us to work. Do you believe it?"

"Yes, other models can finish shooting in an hour. You haven't even got one tenth of the progress in the past two hours. You've thrown dozens of silk stockings away. You have pity on us. Let's have a meal, OK?" One side of the assistant is not angry said.

Huang Huanxi had been short of the last one, so he could have finished shooting the silk stockings advertisement.

And it's super quality and super schedule.

A few people are happy. They say that when the advertisement is finished, they will apply with the brokerage department to see if they can keep Huang Huanxi.

After all, their own conditions are so good, they are so dedicated to their work, and they have no airs. What they like most is to cooperate with this kind of model, which saves time and effort, and they are very happy working hours.

Unexpectedly, a Zhou Jieya was killed on the way.

In the whole superstar media, or more than half of the entertainment industry, who doesn't know that Zhou Jieya has no professional level and no professional quality. She has been held up to now by the gold owners behind her all by her face and chest.

Huang Huanxi's advertisement, which can be completed with super quality in more than an hour, has been with her for more than two hours. All kinds of staff problems, all kinds of NG remakes, can't find fault with herself at all. Several people have been scolded many times, especially the prop assistant.

For a while, the lighting problem, the essential oil problem, the silk stockings problem

In a word, Zhou Jieya found all the problems that could be found in the whole studio.

Props assistant to help her change stockings, wipe essential oil, tired sweating, but also all kinds of almost threatened to be fired directly.

Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, several people were sulking when they suddenly received a notice from the brokerage department to suspend the advertising shooting in shed 3, so that all staff could go home from work.

No matter what the reason of the agency department is, let this invincible artist stop shooting, they are happy to get what they want, and they are ready to go.

"Ha ha, how dare you as a prop assistant talk to me like that?"

Zhou Jieya looked at a small assistant even dare to reply, suddenly raised her hand, a hand fan in her face.

The assistant was directly beaten.

She turned her head and looked at Zhou Jieya strangely. Her eyes turned red and she asked, "why do you hit me?"

"Why? With your mouth open, you don't know what to say! " Zhou Jieya looked at the assistant contemptuously and sneered, "do you still have the face to cry? Just now, if you didn't fold the silk stockings for me every time, would I waste time and effort with you garbage again and again? I really don't know what the company thinks. I'll arrange you to advertise for me. Now I'm playing you. I'll teach you how to be a man with such goods! "


Without waiting for the assistant to react, Zhou Jieya slapped her again and slapped her on the other side of her cheek.

All of a sudden, two bright red palm prints, one left and one right, were printed on the face of the female assistant.

The female assistant looked at Zhou Jieya with tears in her eyes. She never thought that a traffic star like Zhou Jieya would really have a problem with her props master and beat her personally.

This time, even the other people in the studio could not look down. They all put down their things and went to the female assistant, comforting her and glaring at the killer.

"Zhou Jieya, you've gone too far. Xixi has worked hard all day and has been lying on the ground to change your silk stockings and apply essential oil to you. Even if you don't say a word of thanks, how dare you beat people? I will report this to the company and ask the company to pursue your responsibility! "

The first one to speak to the assistant was the photographer who had a good relationship with her.

"Hold me responsible?"

Facing each other's responsibilities, Zhou Jieya seems to hear the funniest joke.At the same time, her eyes swept the indignant people in front of her, shook her head, and said in disdain, "just you? A group of ants still want to fight with elephants? Ha ha Yes, one of you can count as one. Don't squat to get off work. I'll call the personnel department now and fire you all. Get out of here! "

Said, Zhou Jieya took out the phone, in the phone book out a name, directly dial out.

Shut down?

Zhou Jieya was stunned when the mechanical female voice prompt came from the receiver.

But soon, she sneered and called Su Xue, the president secretary of Li Qingcheng.

After a long period of silence, the receiver indicates that the phone is in an unanswered state.

"Grass Mud Horse, what's the matter? Everyone is not here today. They are not hiding from me on purpose, are they?"

Even made a few phone calls, no one answered.

Again think of advertising was suddenly stopped, Zhou Jieya heart faint rise a kind of ominous premonition.

However, just at this time, the door of the studio was suddenly pushed open, and the man with glasses came in sweating.


Glasses man ran into the room in a panic. Before he had time to finish what he said, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In the studio, five or six staff members surround Zhou Jieya in the middle. Everyone's face is filled with anger. And inside these people, there is a little girl who hides her face and sobs. The man with glasses remembers that this girl is a prop in the company, but what's the matter with the handprint on her face?

"Tony, you are back. Come and have a look. These stinky employees want to rebel and stop me from going out."

See glasses man, Zhou Jieya immediately restored to a pair of high above the appearance, two hands embrace chest, full of disdain to scan in front of everyone.

Not allowed out?

Glasses man Leng Leng, but now he simply can't manage so much, anxious to go forward to push away the crowd, holding Zhou Jieya's arm, to go out.

"Ai Ai Ai, what are you doing? Let me loose, an agent. What does it look like?"

Who knows, Zhou Jieya knocked off the eyeglasses man's hand and pointed to the group in front of her. She said, "if you don't talk about anything else, go to manager he of the personnel department and give me all this rubbish. What's the quality? Give me an advertisement. I really don't know how the company arranges it. You have to ask me later. If the company doesn't give me an account today, what's the notice I'm not going to any of them. Let's see what they do! "

After listening to her words, several staff members suddenly turned red.

Obviously it's your reason that leads to the extension of shooting time. I've been working overtime until now. Even if I don't say a word of thanks to us, I'm still beating people inexplicably. If it's not for Zhou Jieya, who is now the star of the group, they have to find her to have a clear theory no matter what.

After all, discontent belongs to discontent. People always have to eat when they are alive.

And the glasses man's mind is not here now, listen to Zhou Jieya said, repeatedly nodded, while answering, while also pulling her hand to leave here, but Zhou Jieya reluctantly, continue to point to the sobbing female assistant, ferociously said: "tell the group, let this smelly bitch now roll for me, this kind of goods is not qualified to stay for me as an assistant, let him Go away, now

"But now you..."

Looking at Zhou Jieya, the glasses man suddenly turned her eyes to herself and said, "don't you understand me? Do you even dare to be stubborn? Go and tell the personnel department, just this bitch. If she stays, I'll quit. "

"In fact, you have been snowed."

The glasses man hesitated for a moment, almost biting his teeth to say this.

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