"What did you say?"

Zhou Jieya was stunned for a moment, then widened her eyes, looked at her eyes with an incredible expression.

"You said I was snowed?"

As if uncertain, Zhou Jieya asked again.

The eyeglasses man looked at the staff around him, nodded and sighed: "I just came from the brokerage department. Manager Zhang said that they have received your order from xuezang and are cooperating with the public relations department to cancel all your current and future announcements. It is estimated that during the time when I go downstairs, you will not have any announcement on hand..."

Even now, the eyeglasses man can't believe that the c-position of the women's group, which the Group vigorously promoted this year, was only in the fourth month of its debut, and it was the agency department and the public relations department that jointly launched the attack. According to his years of experience in the entertainment industry, this is not a simple short-term snow hiding, but a direct ban!

As long as it is in the remaining four years of cooperation between Zhou Jieya and superstar media, Zhou Jieya will face no announcement, no activity Even if there is no income, directly from a traffic star known all over the country, people will disappear overnight, and the cost of living will become a problem.

For a little girl, it's a fire that can't be imagined.

It's just like falling from the clouds to hell.

Although I don't know the group's intention to do so, there is no doubt that Zhou Jieya's arrogant and invincible temper has provoked some big men. Moreover, the eyeglasses man can feel that the storm has just begun, and the real rainstorm is still behind.

After listening to the glasses man's explanation, Zhou Jieya stood in the same place for a minute, then looked up at him and said, "are you sure manager Zhang said these words to you?"

The glasses man nodded, "when I went to the brokerage department, manager Zhang and manager Rao of the public relations department were there. They were discussing your snow hiding order, but now, I'm afraid it has been issued..."

"It's impossible!" Zhou Jieya suddenly yelled, "I'm the hottest star in our group. Why do these workers hide me? I don't believe it. I'll call Mr. Li now and ask her how to educate the people under her hand. Even I dare to hide in the snow. These garbage really treat me as a thing. "

Zhou Jieya never takes the executives in the group seriously.

In her eyes.

Only she is making money for the company.

Other people are just a bunch of moths. Without her, they can't even afford to eat.

Even other artists in the group are just like this.

Said, Zhou Jieya in front of everyone's face, once again took out the mobile phone.

She didn't have Li Qingcheng's phone, she could only contact Su Xue, the Secretary of the president.

However, even after several calls, although the phone is connected, it is still unanswered.

"It's too much for Su Xue to rely on her being the Secretary of the president. How dare she not answer my phone? No, I'll go to Mr. Li and see how he can deal with you! "

Zhou Jieya said, will leave the studio, directly to the top floor to find Li Qingcheng.

But the glasses man stopped her directly. In her fierce eyes, he sighed deeply and said, "don't look for it. It's useless. Your snow hiding order is actually signed by Mr. Li himself."

"It's impossible!" Zhou Jieya yelled, "I'm the most important artist in the whole group. Why should she block me? It's impossible! You get out of the way, I'll go to find her now, and I don't believe she really dares to block me. If Li Qingcheng really dares to do so, I'll let Chen always want her to look good! Get out of the way

When they went out of the elevator, they couldn't even change their legs.

At the same time.

A pure black Mercedes Benz Maybach s650 stops magnificently at the gate of Nandu commercial building.

Su Xue, dressed in a tight uniform, got out of the car first, bent down to open the door of the back seat, protected the door with her arms, then lowered her head and said to Qin fan, "Qin Shao, please get out of the car."

Qin fan is not polite either. He gets off the bus and goes shopping under Su Xue's leadership.

Qin fan plans to buy a mobile phone this time.

It's Vertu that he bought before and was smashed in the debris flow of Luoxia mountain.

It's not that he's vain.

After using Vertu for a period of time, he felt more and more that this kind of mobile phone, which was criticized as paying IQ tax, could not pick up the phone of other brands after using it for a period of time. In other words, it was very difficult to use other brands as the main mobile phone.

The main reason is the personal butler service provided by Vertu mobile phone.

The invisible call function that saved his life in an emergency is not mentioned before. The personal butler service of Vertu mobile phone is the main difference between Vertu mobile phone and 8848 local tyrant mobile phone.

If you want to continue to use it later, you will have to pay a service fee of 20 thousand years.A lot of upstarts bite their teeth, slap their faces and become fat. They buy a constellation series at the lowest end of Vertu, and they can't afford the service fee. This is really low energy.

Qin fan's preference for personal butler service of Vertu mobile phone is that no matter where he is in the world or in any corner, just a voice message, a phone call or an e-mail can arouse Vertu's personal assistant with British Butler professional quality to provide 24-hour one-to-one butler service, and the service covers a wide range of areas It can be said that he can't think of it without Vertu.

You just need to arouse Vertu's personal butler, such as:

you say, "I see that Korean women's group is very popular recently. Can you call me to sing, dance and press a massage on my birthday for two days?" The private Housekeeper will immediately arrange a special person to contact the other party's performing arts company. As long as he is willing to accept the business order, he will immediately send the whole women's group to your home in accordance with the specified time to serve you.

You said, "in the latest movie of shimadu, the heroine's technique is very good. She has rich feelings and her expression is in place. Can you contact me? I want to learn Japanese with her at home."

It doesn't matter. Vertu will help you. As long as her schedule is not very full, make an appointment in advance to ensure that your Japanese will be upgraded to level 8 in one night.

As for playing basketball with Kobe, having a cup of coffee with Warren Buffett, or sitting together with Bill Gates for a chat, trying to take photos and make friends, as long as you give enough money, there's no Vertu PR team that can't make it.

Even when you talk about the diamond business in South Africa, there is a riot. It's very simple to arouse Vertu's personal butler, and Vertu itself has come from PSG to escort you away safely.


Although there are many things in it, Jiang Yanzi can also do it.

But you can't let someone be a business genius. The PR Manager of Shen's group is on call 24 hours a day to deal with this mess.

After all, it's better to learn Japanese and invite Korean women's groups to massage by themselves.

After arriving at the 6th floor of Block C of Nandu commercial building, Qin fan spent another 250000 yuan to buy a Gothic series with a limited number of diamonds.

This Nokia model is very ugly on the Internet, but it's very low-key in reality.

After buying the phone, Qin fan looks back and follows her all the time. Respectfully, Su Xue asks, "is downstairs the women's clothing area?"

Su Xue nods and looks puzzled.

"Go and pick out some clothes, then call and I'll check out."


"Well, I just saw that there seems to be Hermes and Burberry downstairs. Your temperament is more suitable for this brand. Choose some clothes and accompany me to an activity tomorrow."

In the face of Qin fan's plain eyes, Su Xue felt that her heart beat missed a beat.

"No?" Qin fan asked with a frown.

"I, I, I will go now!"

Su Xue is slightly stunned, waiting for the reaction, but does not forget to maintain the demeanor and elegance, gently bows to Qin fan, and then turns to the elevator.

Qin fan watched Su Xue leave and sighed silently.

Three years to learn to eat, five years to learn to wear.

Tomorrow is the family party. Don't lose face with your parents

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