
Zhou Shuang turned his head in dismay and looked at Liu Baoguo: "is he the owner of rice?"

Liu Baoguo first looked at Qin fan uncertainly, then took out his mobile phone, opened the video to Zhou Shuang in his circle of friends and said, "you can see for yourself, who else can he be?"

Zhou Shuang didn't believe in the result of the mobile phone. Until he saw clearly the thick face of Qin fan in the video, he opened his mouth, looked at the mobile phone, and then looked at Qin fan.

There are many versions of Rolls Royce that have been hit in the circle of friends just now.

The video shooting angle of Zhou Shuang's mobile phone is relatively outside, only half of the car and the owner's back can be seen.

Liu Baoguo can clearly see the owner of this luxury car, which is Qin fan!

Qin fan drives Rolls Royce?

In Zhou shuanglengshen's Kung Fu, Zhou Lulu also looked at Qin fan curiously, "what video, Rolls Royce? Did you come by car? "

Actually, she wanted to ask, can you drive?

But considering the current scene, it's too refuting Qin fan's face.

Qin fan laughed awkwardly and said, "well, the car was hit on the road, but it has been dealt with."

The car was hit?

Zhou Lulu looks at Qin fan nervously. After all, with her understanding of Qin fan, Rolls Royce is just a starting car, and he never drives. Today, he drives suddenly, which must be to save his face. But when the car is hit on the way, Zhou Lulu feels a little upset.

"Qin fan, you drive a Rolls Royce? How can it be

Zhou Shuang doesn't believe it. Qin fan has always been a complete loser in her mind. Let alone Rolls Royce, even BMW and Audi have nothing to do with this kind of person.

"Yes, Lulu's dad, what's the matter? I don't mean to work overtime in the company. Why don't I even say hello when I suddenly come here? What kind of Rolls Royce is it? No matter how good a car is, how expensive can it be? Is that right, Shuangshuang

Seeing that Qin fan covered his daughter's boyfriend as soon as he appeared, Zhou Shuang's mother immediately winked at Zhou Shuang's name, as if to make her stand up and explain.

"Qin fan, what do you do and how much do you earn a month when I don't know? Can you afford Rolls Royce? "

Zhou Shuang looked at Qin fan suspiciously. Then he suddenly realized, "I know. Did you rent the car in the car shop? No wonder when something happens here, someone comes to deal with it immediately. But if your renter's car is hit, don't you have to be responsible? Now I have the face to come here to see us. In case the people from the car shop chase us and lose money for you, in such a high-end restaurant, you don't want to be shameful, we still need to be shameful. You'd better go to solve the problem first, and we'll leave food for you. As long as you don't bother us, we can pack one for you! "

Zhou Shuangyi's deputy general Qin fan broke it down, and then said with pride to Liu Baoguo, "my husband, I don't have a place for him. If I bring this kind of person into the restaurant to have dinner together and wait for the car company and the troublemakers to come, I'm sure it's a shame."

"Lulu, what's going on? What kind of rental car crash? What's the matter with Qin fan? If he's making trouble outside, he'll come and implicate us. I tell you, no matter how good a person is, he can't break the law. You should ask me quickly. I don't want to have dinner with the offender. If I pass it back, will I have the face to go back to my hometown? "

Seeing her mother's fear of driving Qin fan away, Zhou Lulu shook her head and said, "Mom, you misunderstood that Qin fan accidentally drove someone's car in order to see you in a hurry, but it's nothing serious. You can rest assured that everything has been dealt with."

Qin fan even more dare to explain for Zhou Lu.

She will argue with Zhou Lulu immediately.

However, she was held by Liu Baoguo beside her.

Since Qin fan appeared, Liu Baoguo has been looking at him.

Especially when he's calm.

As a result, he came to the conclusion that Qin fan was richer than himself.

After all, in his eyes, we can see that Qin fan's top brand and his limited edition Patek Philippe, which is worth more than three million yuan, are not fake.

"Come on, stop it."

"I think Lulu is right. It's just a friction. There's no accident when driving. And now that everything has been dealt with, let's stop talking about it. Let's go upstairs to have dinner and don't let our uncles and aunts starve."

Liu Baoguo said in a round way.

Seeing Zhou Shuang's boyfriend, Qin fan was surprised that he would talk to himself.

However, when he noticed Liu Baoguo's eyes and intentionally or unintentionally swept his watch out of date, his heart suddenly became clear.

"It seems that judging people by their appearance is not a bad thing. It's interesting."

Since Liu Baoguo even took the initiative to speak, Zhou Lulu's parents doubtfully agreed that their daughter would not mention this matter, and several people went upstairs to eat.However, in Zhou Shuang's eyes, Liu Baoguo just took the overall situation into consideration and did not want Zhou Lulu's family to continue to make a fool of themselves.

Liu Baoguo had already reserved a place in the restaurant and ordered a set meal suitable for everyone's taste, but he had to call the waiter for the menu and ask Qin fan to order another one.

Qin fan didn't ask for anything to eat. After thinking about it, he said, "forget it, I won't order any more. Just give me a meal according to Lulu's set meal. It's a bit more delicious."

"If you know what set meal we ordered, just have the same one. You can have a look at the menu. Maybe you like it?"

Samsung's Michelin menus are all in English. Zhou Shuang is sure that Qin fan is afraid that he doesn't know the names of the dishes in them. In front of so many people, he says that he wants to be the same as Zhou lulu.

"Ha ha, I'm not picky about what I eat. I can eat enough." Qin Fan said with a smile.

Random, he added: "I think our taste should be similar, otherwise we would not meet twice in the same restaurant, right?"

Zhou Shuang knew that Qin fan was referring to the rich restaurant. As a white-collar, she was not willing to admit it. She would take the initiative to go to that kind of cheap restaurant for dinner. She snorted and stopped talking.

Soon, the free pre meal mushrooms from the restaurant were brought up.

The mushrooms attached to the root of the tree are placed in front of everyone according to the rules, with scissors and sauce. They look very beautiful.

Except for Liu Baoguo who brought Zhou Shuang here once, no one else has ever been here.

Especially Zhou Lulu's parents and Zhou Shuang's mother, looking at the mushrooms in front of them, were puzzled and asked, "what kind of food is this? Just give them two mushrooms. Can you have enough? Do you have any other dishes? I can't eat them... "

Liu Baoguo had expected the scene. He picked up the tableware with a smile and was about to explain it. Then Zhou Shuang suddenly looked at Qin fan and said, "you're a Rolls Royce driver. This kind of place should be a routine for you, right? But we haven't eaten much. Why don't you show us how to eat? "

"Haven't you eaten this?" Qin fan looked at the mushroom in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

"Ha ha, where have we ever been to such a high-end place? It's just that you're eating a mushroom today. Isn't it hard for you?" Zhou Shuang is deliberately tricky.

Qin fan nodded. Instead of moving his chopsticks, he explained, "giant mushroom is Michelin's favorite appetizer. It's usually fried in butter. It's expensive. Once 750 grams sold for 180000 yuan. It's not because of how delicious it is or how high its nutritional value is. It's just because of its rare place of origin and poor growing environment. It's so expensive because of its food It's rare and expensive. You can only see it at auction. "

"Of course, the mushroom in Michelin restaurant is far less precious than the white mushroom I said. It's just the shape and name of the white mushroom. Through artificial cultivation, it can be eaten with Michelin's secret sauce. Although the price is far different, the taste is even better than the expensive white mushroom."

Qin Fan said, reached for scissors and fork, skillfully cut the rhizome at the end of the mushroom, gently dip the section with sauce, put it in his mouth, and chew it carefully.

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