Looking at Qin fan's plate, he was like a gentleman.

Then he helps Zhou Lulu cut off the root of the mushroom on her plate. Zhou Shuang stares at this loser who will only go to cheap restaurants, eat maoxuewang and stir fried sausage, but tell the truth about the dishes of three-star Michelin restaurant.

"The mushroom has a smoky taste, but it is not strong. It also retains the delicious taste of the mushroom itself, with a little juice. It tastes surprisingly good."

Qin Fan said, and Zhou Lulu's parents on the plate of mushroom segmentation finished, just wipe his hands with a paper towel, take a cup of water to drink.

Liu Baoguo was stunned. He quickly learned from Qin fan and helped Zhou Shuang and Zhou Shuangma cut the mushrooms. But looking at Qin fan's eyes, it was even more different.

How would you like your steak, sir

After finishing the pre meal dishes, the waiter comes to clean up the dishes and politely asks about the next meal.

"Five points. I'm used to eating raw ones. Only in this way can I show the original flavor of beef and taste better." Zhou Shuang was just as eager to show himself and said with pride.

"Then I want five points, just like my daughter." Zhou Shuang's mother was eating western food for the first time. She knew nothing about how well the steak was cooked, but she didn't want to lose face in Zhou Lulu's family, so she quickly learned from her daughter.

"How much does uncle and aunt eat?"

Instead of speaking, Liu Baogui looks at Qin fan. Qin fan smiles and turns to ask Zhou Lulu's parents.

"This..." Zhou Lulu's mother hesitated for a moment and said, "the fifth club will not be too raw. I think eight or nine points is the best. Usually, the cooking is almost cooked. It's not well done, or That's eight points! "

Zhou Lulu's father also said, "I want eight points just like my wife."


Unexpectedly, as soon as the old couple finished, Zhou Shuang laughed.

"Ha ha, eight percent cooked beef. Ha ha, second aunt and second uncle, you are too old-fashioned. Beef is only three, five and seven percent cooked. Do you understand? It's odd, not even. You don't even have a steak. You're still cooking at home. I'm really laughing. It's Michelin. It's such a high-end restaurant. It's too embarrassing for you to say that! "

Zhou Shuang's words made Zhou Lulu's parents blush.

When did they have western food.

At most, it's watching TV dramas where people always eat.

This has nothing to do with their spending power. It's mainly because people of this age come from the countryside and the county. They reject these foreign things in their hearts. Therefore, they didn't expect that they would seriously think about the dishes they just ordered and would be laughed at by Zhou Shuang.

Zhou Shuang's mother also complained and said, "if you don't understand, you can ask. Why don't you pretend to understand and make people laugh? I think you are just like me. Let's have a half cooked one. Everyone eats like this. Why can't you eat it?"

Zhou Lulu's father hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and looked at Qin fan: "how do you feel about eating well?"

Qin fan was also surprised. He didn't expect that Zhou Lulu's parents would take the initiative to ask themselves.

"What kind of beef did we order?" Qin fan asked the waiter.

"Hello, all the beef we ordered at this table is Formosa Plastics beef. It's all set meal. There's no difference between the dishes. It's just that you need to choose the appropriate maturity for you." The waiter explained.

Qin fan nodded: "then the four of us will be well cooked."

"Well, what about this gentleman?" The waiter turned to look at Liu Baoguo.

"Well, I'll have it well done, too." Liu Baoguo thought about it and said.

"OK, just a moment, please."

After the waiter stepped down, Zhou Shuang turned his head, looked at Liu Baoguo and asked, "what's the matter with you? Even if they don't understand, what's the matter with you? It's like the first time you've come here. Do you want the beef well cooked? Only the country people who eat steak for the first time would like this, OK? Or do you want to take their face into consideration and follow them like this on purpose? "

Although Zhou Shuang said these words to Liu Baoguo, both inside and outside of the words, he said that Qin fan and Zhou Lulu's family are from the countryside, and they eat well cooked steak. It's not humiliating enough to be in such a high-end restaurant.

Instead of answering her, Liu Baoguo asked Qin fan with a smile, "brother, is there anything else particular about this Formosa plastic beef?"

He noticed that Qin fan deliberately asked about the type of beef. When he ate Western food, only those who knew Western food very well would ask. What's more, Qin fan's explanation and eating method of mushroom just now made him marvel. Now in his mind, Qin fan is not a fake rich second generation who rents a car, but a real and tasteful super rich second generation.

"It's not the only way to enjoy the taste of beef tenderloin, but the taste of beef tenderloin is better than that of beef tenderloin."Qin fan light explanation, also did not put the eyes of several people across the table in the heart.

Soon, seven pieces of steak with different degrees of maturity were served by the waiter.

Qin fan still divided the four steaks in front of him and put them in front of Zhou Lulu and Zhou Lulu's parents.

At the same time, Liu Baoguo, who is opposite, has been forced to pick up a knife to cut off a piece of beef, put it into his mouth and chew it slowly.


A groan of contentment came from his nostrils as his masseter muscles stirred.

"Well, I didn't expect that there was so much emphasis on eating a piece of steak. Before I learned from those big boss upstarts, it was always 0.7 or 0.5. I think that's the standard for eating western food. This well cooked beef from Formosa Plastics is really different. It's not fishy and irritating in the stomach. It tastes good. It's never too old to learn. It's going up with brother Qin A lot of insight... "

Seeing that Liu Baoguo was eating while ignoring the praise of his image, Zhou Shuang first took a mouthful of Liu Baoguo's beef from his plate, then put out a fork and chewed it.

"In fact, steak is not entirely suitable for Chinese people. The Chinese people's three meals are mainly cooked food, while the semi cooked food that foreigners like to eat looks tall, but it may not make us used to decomposing fully cooked food in our stomach for many years, and it is easy to have stomach disease after eating it. After all, when we taste delicious food, we should not only consider the enjoyment of taste buds The endurance of the stomach can not be ignored

Qin Fan said, also slowly eating, looks quite gentleman.

Zhou Shuang, after eating the fully cooked Formosa Plastics on Liu Baoguo's plate, praised the taste from the bottom of his heart, but he still looked cold and cold.

Of course, the worst is Zhou Shuangma.

First time to eat beef.

Medium rare.

Almost with blood to the mouth.

Almost nauseous several times.

But looking at Zhou Lulu's family, who are enjoying the food on the other side, their heart is the same as their daughter's at the moment. No matter what time, they can't lose to this family. Even if they eat excrement at this moment, they have to show special fragrance.

After eating the steak, Qin fan's single order of cod fillet shocked everyone.

It's just a fish fillet. I suddenly took out a whole box of knives for them to choose.

has rosewood, ebony, wood, ox horn wood, peach wood, he is dazzled, deeply felt his woodlouse.

However, Qin fan once again showed them how to eat cod willows. Finally, when he served dessert, he asked for a bottle of sparkling wine. Taking the opportunity to go to the toilet, he bought the order by the way.

It took 20 million.

But when he was about to return to the dining table, he met Liu Baoguo who came in a hurry.

"You, are you Qin Shao?"

Although Liu Baoguo had a high opinion of Qin fan before, now he is trembling all over. He looks at Qin fan nervously with fear on his face.

"I'm Qin fan. Why did I suddenly change my name?" Qin fan didn't understand.

"No, no I know your true identity. Although you have been keeping a low profile, I know that you must be Qin fanqin. You have offended Zhou Lulu before. Please forgive me. I know you are wrong! "

Liu Baoguo said with sweat in his hair, then bowed down to Qin fan respectfully and said in a deep voice, "please forgive me!"

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