Uncle Dong led him around the hunting ground. Behind the dense barbed wire in front of him, there were kennels one by one.

A variety of dogs, barking in the kennel, the voice is extremely loud, fierce.

Brazilian mastiff, Italian guard dog, Rottweiler, Caucasian dog, Tibetan mastiff, Dogo, bit

All the dogs raised in the kennel are large dogs, fierce fighting dogs.

Qin fan wanted to find a golden hair or Samoye, but the result was disappointing.

It was the ferocity of these fighting dogs that surprised Qin fan.

The fierce and fierce eyes of each wild product showed their excellent bloodlust.

Especially meeting strangers.

The fighting dogs in the kennel all hissed and showed their teeth. It seemed that they were going to rush out of the kennel and attack Qin fan.

"Are these dogs trained?" Looking at the grinning dog, Qin fan's eyes twinkled slightly.

"Well, they are all trained by special personnel. They feed live animals every day. They hunt in the mountains from time to time to ensure that they remain wild. At the same time, they must obey the orders of the keepers."

Qin fan's reaction in the dog farm was greatly beyond uncle Dong's expectation.

He thought that Qin fan would tremble with fright, or hide away from him and dare not face him, just like the children of Shen and Chen who came here for the first time to visit fighting dogs.

It seems that what happened in xiannvpo that night has a great influence on the young master.

It's no wonder that the master will leave this matter to the young master.

Uncle Dong looked at Qin fan, and there was a little praise in his eyes. At the same time, he made a decision secretly.

"Take me to meet those people at noon. I have something to tell them."

Qin Fan said, side body Dun foot, let uncle Dong lead the way in front.

In the last row of the kennel, Qin fan saw the woman shaking violently in the corner of the cage.

The cages in this row are obviously individually customized.

It's three or four times bigger than the average dog cage.

The pot head and stockings woman, dirty and disheveled, curled up in the corner of the cage, looked in horror at a fierce fighting dog, also chained to the cage.

"This dog is called Weiwu general. It's pure blooded doggy. It's the top three fighting dogs in the dog farm. So far, it has lost two times, and it's also the top two dogs in its own dog farm."

Looking at Qin fan's eyes on Du Gaogou, uncle Dong explained.


Qin fan probably knows what's going on with the so-called dog fighting game.

It was a folk game originated in the Song Dynasty, in which two dogs were allowed to bite and fight until one of them was bitten or even killed, and the final decision was made.

In some places, underground dog fighting is very popular, which is also a gambling game.

Even in some remote rural areas, cockfighting and dogfighting, cricket fighting are still popular.

Including in Qin fan's hometown, dog fighting was very popular a few years ago. There were three dog fighting competitions every day. More than 100 people watched and dozens of gamblers bet. Gamblers bet tens of yuan at least, and hundreds of thousands of yuan at most. In one morning, the total amount of gambling can reach tens of thousands of yuan.

Not to mention such a top dog farm, and dog fighting competition.

The price of a professional fighting dog is in the range of hundreds of thousands to millions, and its gambling capital is even more a day.

But the dog fighting scene, are extremely bloody and cruel, timid people do not dare to watch.

"If you put it in a cage with people, will the powerful general not attack people?"

Qin fan looked at Du Gaogou and didn't tie any dog chains. He just crouched like a mountain and looked at the pot cover and the woman coldly. He couldn't help asking curiously.

"Ha ha, it depends on our feeding and not in time." Dong Shuxiao said.

"When he's full, he'll be very honest, but once he's hungry or in a bad mood, he'll take any living creature in the cage as a hunting target, bite and chase it, and the living creature will also run in the cage. Otherwise, once he angers the powerful general's aggressiveness, the consequences will be unbearable..."

"But what if you're late?" Qin fan is curious.

"Then there's no need to feed." Said uncle Dong.


Qin fan grinned and looked at the two people on the lid.

However, when they were wearing porcelain, it was hard for them to see the scratches on their faces and clothes.

As if the beast was staring at the prey in despair, only the eyes trembled.

Even Qin fanlai was not aware of it.

Qin fan put himself in their place for a few seconds of fantasy, just to see the eyes down, the huge like a lion in general Dugao dog, can not help but shiver, gave up the idea.But at this time.

Uncle Dong suddenly raised his leg and kicked the dog cage.

In an instant, the impact of the cage sounded like a death knell in the head of the pot.

They didn't move. They just looked at the startled dog and got up slowly. The dog's body was like a hill. His body trembled and he was crying. At the same time, he let out a pungent liquid.


Qin fan frowned.

You know, Li Gui has been locked up here for several days. It's said that he can eat and drink. At least he won't lose his body function.

These two guys, who were on the road beside the railway station before, were so noisy, but before half a day, they were scared to incontinence.

In the dog farm, Qin fan really thought of an old saying: bite the dog does not bark, call the dog does not bite.

"Well, let's see who's here."

See two people, completely lost to the outside world of induction, Dong Shu whispered.

But it seems that the head of the pot cover has been completely frightened and confused. I can't hear uncle Dong clearly. Instead, the woman in his arms looks up and sees Qin fan standing outside the dog cage.

"Help, help me..."

The woman's eyes are lax, until she can see Qin fan's face clearly, she opens her mouth dully and says in a voice without emotion.

"Please, help me..."

The woman's brain seems to be completely dementia, her eyes seem to have only Qin fan, opened his mouth, repeated the same words over and over again.

Are you scared?

Qin fan doesn't want to see this result. After all, he has great use for these two people.

"Let them out first, let the doctor have a look, and then come to me."

Qin fan explained that he turned around and took a car with Uncle Dong to the pavilion on the mountain to have a rest. At the same time, he further refined the plan in his mind.

About half an hour.

In Qin fan's eyes, a small electric sightseeing car slowly drove up the mountain from the foot of the mountain and stopped beside the pavilion.

"Yes, it's you..."

Guogaitou and the woman came down from the car one after another and looked left and right. When they saw Qin fan, who was sitting opposite him and was looking at him with the same eyes, they directly softened their legs and collapsed on the ground.

It seems that this man's condition is not as bad as he thought.

Qin fan pointed to the chair beside him and motioned them to sit down.

But the pot cap and the woman didn't dare. He just regained consciousness. He only felt that the hours he spent in the dog cage were more frightening than the 18 levels of hell. Seeing Qin fan was more like seeing the king of hell. He trembled all over. Then he got up and knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately.

"Grandfather, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I'm blind and dare to take your money. Please let me go, next life no In this life, I Liu Yongqiang will be a cow and a horse for you, and I will repay you for your kindness. Please, grandfather, let me go. I really know I'm wrong... "

Pot cover head holding the woman's hand, kneeling in front of Qin fan, crying.

"How long have you been in this business?" Qin fan asked.

"Five, five years..." Liu Yongqiang replied.

"How many people in all?"


"Five more?" Qin fan asked Uncle Dong this time.

"And five of them are in two separate cages, also in the kennel." Dong Shuying said.

Qin fan nodded, looked at Liu Yongqiang again and asked, "do you want to make money?"

Making money?

Liu Yongqiang was stunned. As long as he can save his life and don't go back to the dog cage, he dares to kill and set fire to earn money? He didn't even think about it.

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