When he learned that Qin fan was looking for himself and just asked him to touch porcelain, Liu Yongqiang felt inexplicably relieved.

And when it's done, there's a $200000 bonus.

Of course, the premise is to force the car to take the initiative.

For him, it couldn't be easier.

At the same time, Liu Yongqiang wiped the tears on his face and bravely asked, "well, when this thing is finished, can I stay and work in the dog farm?"

"You want to stay in the dog farm?" Qin fan was stunned for a moment.

"I have loved dogs since I was a child. I used to have no money at home and raise all local dogs, but I also sleep with them every day. I also vowed to buy dogs when I grow up to earn money and build a dog farm! Sleep with the dog every day

In the middle of the story, Liu Yongqiang saw Qin fan's puzzled eyes and immediately shivered. He didn't dare to move even though he was lying on the ground.

"Let's do things first. When things are done, I'll consider your opinion."

Qin fan shook his head, got up and left with Uncle Dong.

Shen's dog farm can't be easily entered.

The cheapest fighting dog here costs more than 200000 euros.

Equipped with the world's top dog trainers.

Pay according to the annual salary.

Every year, I don't know how many pet masters with gold medals want to enter the dog farm.

This is the holy land of dog fighting.

It's not a shelter for dog lovers.

"Send me back to feicui Valley, and reconfirm about Baihua mansion in the evening. I'll be there at 6 o'clock."

Qin fan gave an account before getting on the bus.

"Yes, I'll confirm it now."

Uncle Dong stooped to close the door and watched Benz Maybach leave slowly.

Back home, Qin fan first went upstairs to take a bath, then changed into a clean pajamas, and carefully blew his hair. Then he sat on the bed, staring at the clock on the wall.

Three o'clock



Almost at the moment when the minute and second hand coincide, Qin fan holds a laptop computer, and pops up video applications from the Tokyo Institute.

Taking a deep breath, Qin fan tried to make his face look relaxed and natural.

Then, click accept.

"Qin fan..."

At the moment when the video was connected, Qin fan's dreamy face occupied the whole line of sight.

Qin fan is not a man who has never seen a woman. Qin fan is not a man who has never seen a beautiful woman.

However, he still firmly believes that there is such a person in the world

A smile startles the immortal, ethereal if God.

Looking back once makes people indulge in life.

Because of the final brain cell transplant operation, Xia Meng has not eaten anything for a week. She relies on nutrient solution to maintain her body function. Her delicate face can't see the slightest color, and her face has lost a big circle. However, she has a pair of eyes, just like the star that has been baptized. At the moment of seeing Qin fan, she lights up instantly.

The air fell into silence.

After Xia Meng gently calls Qin fan's name, two people across the East China Sea, thousands of miles apart, silently gaze at each other's eyes, forgetting time and distance.

"It's said in the book that it's happy to be with the people you like, even if you don't do anything So it is. "

After a long silence, Xia mengcai spoke softly and said to Qin fan with a smile.

"Well, when you come back, we can be together every day. I can take you for a drive, go to the movies and eat delicious food..."

"Do you learn how to drive?" Summer dream eyes slightly some pleasantly surprised to ask a way.

"Driving is nothing. I'm going to test my plane and boat license, and then I'll go to Australia to buy a trail. When I'm free, we'll go on holiday on the island, raise koalas and kangaroos, and take you for a ride by plane and ship when I'm free, to watch the sunrise and sunset..."

Looking at Xia Meng's eyes full of longing, Qin fan added with a smile: "then you give me a lot of children, boys must be as handsome as me, and girls must be as beautiful as you, and then we can scan the code without doing, let these little bastards serve us and live the new year, do you say good?"

Although Qin fan's words are boastful, he can only drive straight on the road now, and Shen Jianguo gave him his driver's license, the vision of the future in his words is what he wants from the bottom of his heart.

After all, it is enough to choose an uninhabited island and live there with your beloved, facing the sea and blooming in spring.

Summer dream bright eyes blinked, pale cheeks fly up a touch of light purplish red.

"Light, light gives birth to a child for you. I don't have to do anything..."

"Hey, of course, we can't do nothing, or how can we have so many little bastards?"Although Qin fan was smiling, he could not hide his worries and fears in his eyes.

This scene fell into Xia Meng's eyes, she said with a smile: "don't worry, the doctor said that according to my current reply, the operation will be successful. Besides, if I'm not here, who will have a baby with you?"

"No nonsense!" Qin fan hears those two words, suddenly the facial expression does not look good.

The morning after tomorrow is the last operation time of summer dream. The whole Tokyo Research Institute will try its best to complete the brain cell transplantation of summer dream.

This is no longer simply a brain shell operation for the Shen family.

After all, the cultivation, transplantation and implantation of brain cells, even in the field of medicine in the world, are rarely successful.

Xia Meng's amazing vitality and resilience in the research institute give the research institute a new dawn in this field.

Therefore, Xia Meng is now the focus of all the top leaders in the world's medical field, including cytology, brain science and stem cell reconstruction. In recent days, the top medical experts from all over the world who fly to Tokyo alone have exceeded three figures.

Among them, some foreign Nobel laureates applied to participate in the operation.

His grand event can be called the Oscar of the medical field.

But just because of this, Qin fan's heart can not be released.

The higher the possibility of success, the higher the degree of attention.

But it is this operation that has directly caused a great sensation in the world's medical field and fully proved that the difficulty of this operation is also corresponding to it.

Today, it is Xia Meng's last contact with Qin fan.

When the video connection is broken, she has to start receiving endless preoperative examination and treatment.

Beijing time, the operation starts at 2 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

Estimated time, five hours.

Looking at the video, Qin fan grinned at Xia Meng, thinking of the series of painful surgeries she will face next. He could not help holding his hands tightly and said to her, "don't worry, when your surgery is over, I will appear beside you, waiting to open my eyes."

Xia Meng also nods slightly, and Wu Xiongfei's voice appears in her voice. The video is about to end. Xia Meng is going to undergo the first round of preoperative examination.

In the eyes of the two people, the video hung up, and the computer returned to the start interface.

Qin fan stared at the screen for 20 minutes, then silently sighed and turned off the notebook.

After leaving the villa, Qin fan goes to Baihua revolving restaurant to have dinner with Zhou Lulu's family.

After the lunch at the Michelin restaurant, Zhou Lulu's parents have completely lost their attitude towards Qin fan.

Although in their minds, Qin fan's status may not be as good as Liu Baoguo's.

But Qin fan is good to Zhou lulu.

I have a house in Nandu, and I still work in a real estate company.

It is also confirmed that Zhou Lulu works as a nurse in a private hospital with a monthly salary of more than 8000 yuan. Anyway, he is better than Zhou Shuangqiang, who owes 200000 yuan and has just been dumped by Liu Baoguo.

After dinner, Zhou Lulu's parents live directly in the presidential suite of Baihua building.

Qin fan is with Zhou Lulu, standing under the Baihua building, looking at today's extraordinary night, the roof did not light up the four characters.

But you can see that in the night sky, there is a helicopter hovering over the top of the building hundreds of meters high. Until 10 p.m., with Qin fan's mobile phone receiving a text message, there is a flash of light on the top of the Baihua building. Four big white characters appear in the sky like the brightest stars.

Xiaqin building.

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