Shen Jianping's words, if spread out, will certainly bring a tsunami like impact to the Chinese business circles.

Compared with the competition of foreign market economy, many groups and families in Huaxia, because of the national conditions, are just like the flowers in the greenhouse. They grow rapidly and bloom vigorously without much experience.

Therefore, compared with foreign counterparts, most local enterprises are far inferior in product quality, service and competitiveness.

But it is also a disguised form of economic self-protection.

In order not to be engulfed by these foreign products in the domestic market, once there is any problem, Huaxia will not even have the ability to control the economy, and will be trapped everywhere, repeating the mistakes of many years ago.

"Since our Shen family came into the market, although we dare not say that we are 100% unprotected, we still rely on ourselves to fight in the economic market."

"And our special patents in the medical industry, even in the world, are among the best."

"At present, most of the prescription drugs and daily medical record drugs taken by people in the world are almost all products of our Shen family."

Shen Jianping gently turned the teacup in his hand and said with deep eyes.

Qin fan didn't say anything, but he would be extra careful and cautious when it comes to family and career issues, waiting for his father to continue.

"Judging from the actions of the Jiang family in the shortest time, it seems that the behind the scenes driver is also very interested in medicine. But as far as I know, even if we look at the whole world, there are not many group families that can compete with our Shen family in this industry."

"We have completely occupied the market of Germany, France, the United States and the United Kingdom. We have acquired almost all the companies capable of researching new drugs. At present, only the Japanese market is still under further development..."

"Among them, Dongmao Chemical Co., Ltd., a local enterprise in Japan, is the main resistance. They have a high reputation in the island and have organized dozens of large-scale boycotts against our Chinese products, especially against our Shen family's products. As a result, we have spent more financial resources than several major countries in Europe and the United States, but the benefits are very small..."

"So now you suspect that it's the Dongmao Chemical Co., Ltd. on the Japanese island that plans to take advantage of the Jiang family to open up their market in China and attack our Shen family at the same time?"

Hearing this, Qin fan understood a general idea.

"Well, after all, except for Dongmao, few medical groups can compete with our Shen family. The strength gap is too big. Even if we borrow the hand of Jiang family, it is impossible. Moreover, considering the trend of Jiang family in the medical industry in the past two years, we can almost conclude that Dongmao is behind the encouragement of jianganqiao..."

"In addition, at this Asia Pacific Conference, I also met the president of Dongmao Chemical Co., Ltd. although he was just passing by jianganqiao, the way he looked at each other was not wrong."

Speaking of this, Shen Jianping glanced at Qin fan's dignified face and said with a smile: "I say you don't think too much about this, just to remind you. Don't act rashly about Jiang Yanzi's affairs for the moment. When I find out everything behind the scenes, I will naturally work out a series of counterattack plans. Of course, Jiang Yanzi's return will surely be one of them."

Shen Ziping said, "I don't have to worry about it, but if I don't want to do it myself, it's better."

Qin fan nodded deeply and realized how important it was to keep some useful people around him.

Shen Jianping just came back from a business trip. Qin fan stayed that night and had dinner with his family.

The next day, Qin fan got up earlier than Lin Yihan.

After simple grooming, leave the villa and drive out.

Shen Jianping gave Qin fan a subsidiary last night and asked him to deal with it temporarily.

After all, the project of Beihuan garden new town can not be completed in a day or two.

Qin fan is lack of business experience, some things, just others teach, do not personally experience or it is difficult to understand the essence.

This morning, he planned to go to his own company to have a look and get to know about it. After the merger of Lin and Jinxin group is completed, he can start to deal with this company.

Nandu Bailey investment company.

It is located in the middle of Nandu Financial Street.

It is a financial investment company of Shen group that has not been listed yet.

Only this kind of company is suitable for Qin fan to practice.

After all, once a company goes public, the only thing it has to do every day is to make a beautiful account for the leaders of all parties, and there is no room for substantive learning and operation.

Qin fan read the information before he came here. The company has assets of 1.3 billion yuan. Over the years, no less than 100 small and medium-sized enterprises have invested in it, and it is still in a state of half loss and half profit.

Shen Jianping's task to Qin fan is that if the company can keep balance of revenue and expenditure within half a year, even if Qin fan passes the test, he will be given a larger company to continue to practice.Loss doesn't matter, it's mainly about exercising and learning business rules.

This is what Qin fan asked for on his own initiative.

He doesn't want to become a waste without the help of others. Of course, there is a very important factor. Bailey company has some small business contacts with Dongmao chemical company. Qin fan wants to master some information about his opponent's activities in Nandu and see what he can do for his family.

When Qin fan came to the downstairs of Bailey group building according to the instructions, there were many people standing in line at the door of the building and talking in a low voice.

"Brother, what position are you applying for?"

Asked a man who looked rather pleased.

"Recruitment?" Qin fan was stunned, only to notice that although there are many people here, they are almost all in suits and shoes. Many people are still with eyes and thick information in their hands. It should be their own personal resume.

"Clerk." Qin Fan said casually.

"Yes, brother, Bailey group has the most beautiful women, and they are concentrated in the high-level and civilian departments. Why didn't I think of it? It's a blunder..."

Said the fat man, patting his face with regret.

"Are there many beauties in the group?" Qin fan looked at the upset fat man, some did not agree.

Now Qin fan is surrounded by all kinds of top beauties. He really despises the so-called beauties in the general population, although he hasn't really tasted any of them.

"Of course, looking at the whole Nandu, Bailey group has the most beautiful women and the highest quality. You don't even know this, and you even come to apply for it?"

A man with glasses in an Armani suit looked at Qin fan with disdain and said.

How could there be such a thing?

Looking at almost all the men in suits standing in line, Qin fan shook his head helplessly and was about to find a way to enter directly. At this time, he saw a middle-aged woman who looked quite charming come out and said with no expression: "all the interviewees from the administration department go to the small conference room on the 19th floor and send out the papers in half an hour."

As soon as the woman appeared, Qin fan noticed that the eyes of the men around him were shining like wolves.

"I'll go. It's vice president Qin who came out for an interview in person. It's awesome!"

"Vice President Qin is just my goddess. She's so feminine. I heard that she hasn't married yet. If she can take a fancy to her, she'll be on the top of her life. Less struggle for 30 years!"

"Boss Xu, it's one of the four golden flowers of Bailey. It really deserves the reputation..."

Qin fan looks at these people speechless.

The woman in front of the door must be 34 years old. She has good care. Her skin is white and delicate. She is as good as a girl. She has a good figure. If she looks really good, it's a bit deceptive. She's just full of temperament and femininity.

Do these people like older people? Then you can make yourself struggle less?

However, women are like wolves in their thirties and tigers in their forties. Can these small bodies, which sit in the office every day, support them.

"Man, I'll go first."

The fat man patted Qin fan on the shoulder and walked in grinning.

After all, the administration department is the real beauty. After all, after these people left, Qin fan found that he was the only one left at the scene.

"What are you still doing? If you don't go by yourself, you still want me to invite you?"

The woman with black frame glasses, standing on the steps with a condescending look, pointed to Qin fan and scolded.

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