Qin fan was stunned by the woman.

He's not here for an interview.

This group is all his.

However, it is estimated that only a few people at the top of the group know about it.

It seems that vice president Qin has not entered the core yet.

Qin fan didn't want to pay any attention to her, so he went up the stairs and wanted to go to the top to find the current CEO of the group to understand the situation.

"Go upstairs quickly. The meeting room will be closed in 20 minutes. All the senior management of the group will take part in the assessment in person. If you are late, you will not have your place."

The middle-aged woman gives Qin fan a look and sighs that the children are lazy and casual now, and they are not slow in the interview. It's a long way from their previous hard work in the company.

Then she left.

Qin fan was stunned.

He's here to connect with the top management of the group.

Everyone went to the conference room to invigilate. Who did he go to?

However, looking at the already empty gate of the group, Qin fan suddenly had a whim.

Although I have prepared my resume since I graduated, I haven't really participated in the company's recruitment. I can take this opportunity to have a try on how I am. At the same time, I know some of the company's operation processes and personal experience.

Entering the building, Qin fan presses the elevator and goes directly to the 19th floor.

In the elevator, he received a call from Uncle Dong.

"Young master, the plan for the acquisition of Lin's and Jinxin's group has been drawn up. Will it be sent to your mailbox now?" Uncle Dong asked on the other end of the phone.

"Do two groups merge at the same time?" Qin fan frowned. He didn't plan to buy Lin in the name of Shen group. He just wanted Lin Yihan to stand in the open and win Lin first, and then complete the acquisition of Jinxin group as the president of Lin.

"There are three plans. You can choose for yourself." Said uncle Dong.

"OK, send it to my email. I'll read it when I get back at noon." Qin fan nodded and hung up.

In the spacious and bright corridor of the floor, no one can be seen. Qin fan shakes his head, finds the small meeting room, and sits down on the only vacant seat in the corner. As soon as he sits down, he finds that everyone is still discussing the beauty management group of the group.

Although the discussion among these people is very hot, few of them have met the top management. They only know that the cold hearted middle-aged woman just now is Qin Ru, the vice president in charge of personnel recruitment of Bailey group. She has always been famous for her abnormal work style. In private, some people call her Dongfang Bubai, while others call her abbess extinction.

After all, a woman of this age, one does not fall in love, two does not marry, in character, will always make some incomprehensible behavior.

But Qin fan didn't have much thought. He waited for the exam to start quietly.

At this time, the outside corridor thought of the "pedal pedal pedal" high-heeled footsteps, then, the door of the conference room was pushed open, a faint fragrance floated in.

At the moment when the door was pushed open, all the people turned their heads and heard the sound of "Gulong Gulong" throat drying.

Qin fan looked up and saw an urban beauty in an ol suit. She was tall, and the black professional suit perfectly showed her graceful curves.

To Qin fan's surprise, her appearance is also beautiful and refined. She has a lot of similarities with Su Xue, the president secretary of superstar media.

But more temperament than Su Xue.

After the temperamental women enter the conference room, there are four uniform beauties with the same temperament. They are all uniform skirts and black silk high-heeled shoes, followed by "daddada" high-heeled shoes. It sounds very powerful. It's a bit of the visual impact of the big guys in the workplace TV series or movies.

Qin fan took a look and then drew back his eyes. When he inadvertently scanned other people, he found that all the people were staring, the boss with open mouth, and even a few harrass were about to stay.

The leading woman seems to have seen this kind of situation for a long time. After sweeping her eyes around, she said faintly: "now I will distribute the test papers for you. The test time is half an hour. Please keep quiet and abide by the discipline of the examination room."

With that, the women began to hand out the papers.

When she put a test paper in front of Qin fan, Qin fan raised his head and asked, "after the examination, do you have any other arrangements?"

"Well?" The woman's eyes stagnated for a while, and she didn't seem to understand what she wanted to express.

Qin fan thought about it, reorganized the language and asked, "after invigilating the written test, you will go back to your office, right?"

"Does that have anything to do with you?"

The woman showed her eyebrows and asked in a cold voice.


Qin fan hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to wait for the next exam after this one. After all, he said hello to the senior management of the group in advance. They can't turn a deaf ear to this matter. Maybe they paid more attention to this interview and then came to invigilate the exam."Now that you have come in, just sit down. Now that the examination has started, no one is allowed to enter or leave the examination room. If you want to leave, you'll have to hand in your papers as soon as half an hour later. "

Women do not want to listen to Qin fan continue to explain, a simple retelling of the exam discipline, stepping on high heels turned away.

Qin fan has no choice but to stay. He plans to show his identity when the exam is over. In the afternoon, he has to confirm with Lin Yihan the details of the acquisition of Lin's group tomorrow. He can't stay here too long.

As soon as the examination papers were sent out, other people would immediately answer the questions at their desks. Even if not for those beautiful women, they would do their best just for the well-known high treatment of Bailey group.

Qin fan glanced at the questions. The questions above were not many, only one side, but all the answers.

Most of the questions require corresponding solutions to various administrative affairs and group operation plans. Of course, Qin fan knows the standard answers to these questions, but they are not the answers in his mind.

To be a subordinate, especially a secretary, should not be self-centered, but should be viewed from the perspective of decision-makers.

Find problems, state problems, propose more than two solutions, give the decision-maker simple multiple-choice questions, and try to save the time he spends on these things.

Qin fan never studied administration.

But since then, he has participated in and made decisions on various projects and group acquisitions.

As well as contacting many top Group Presidents like Jiang Yanzi and Lin Yihan.

For this kind of topic, I have some experience.

A little hesitation for a moment, Qin fan waved his pen, in the shortest time, from the first to the last.

Seeing the title of the last question, he couldn't help laughing.

This question is different from the above administrative question. It requires the respondent to negotiate a financial cooperation with Bailey group according to the customs of Japan island.

"It seems that Bailey group does have a strategy to expand its business to Japan island, but I don't know whether this strategy is purely for business needs or for other purposes..."

Qin fan thought about it and began to answer.

Soon, the whole page was full.

Looking at the time, it has just passed more than ten minutes.

Qin fan originally wanted to hand in the paper directly, but he remembered that the woman said that only when she agreed to hand in the paper at the end of the examination time in half an hour could she leave. When she had nothing to do, she looked at the invigilator sitting in front of her.

Because she is sitting in a chair, so the black hip skirt outlines a wonderful arc of her hips.

Two long legs wrapped in black silk are folded together and swinging slowly. The high-heeled shoes on the feet are slightly raised, and a wisp of hair is hanging down.

The woman seems to feel something. As soon as she looks up, she finds that Qin fan is staring at her. And following his eyes, she finds that what he is looking at is exactly where she is.

The woman immediately got angry. She began to look at him. When she was young, she didn't have the same insight as the unreasonable questions he raised. She didn't expect that she was a lecheron like other men.

She immediately beautiful eyes stare at Qin fan, Qin fan is no sense, or quietly appreciate the woman's delicate body.

Qin fan makes a woman feel uncomfortable, as if the other party's invisible hands are blaspheming her. It seems that there are countless ants in her heart

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