

The storm has just stopped.

There are still scattered drizzle falling in this deserted forest.

The West River flows here from west to East. It is divided into two parts by a mountain like a blade and flows north and south.

Because of the strong water and grass, and the stranding of the dark beach, the rapid flow of water here is slowed down.

Vaguely, I saw two dark shadows, down the river, directly rushed to one side, hanging upside down by the river.


Accompanied by a burst of heartbreaking pain, people have not yet opened their eyes, instinctive conditioned nerve reaction, let him unbearable, in the open mouth issued inverted inspiratory sound at the same time, is a mouthful of water suddenly poured into the lung.

"Cough! Cough

The figure opened his mouth, spitted out the stagnant water with his nose and mouth, and then inhaled the air into his lungs. After a long period of hypoxia, his brain began to recover consciousness again,

"where is it?"

After Qin fan opened his eyes, he looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and the raindrops falling from high altitude. He was confused and fell into stagnation. However, he felt that something was firmly around his waist, and his hand was subconsciously grasping a cold object. When he did not let go, his chaotic head was suddenly startled, and soul stirring pictures were suddenly in his mind, Flying fast like a lantern.

"I'm not dead?"

"I'm not dead?"

At the last critical moment, Lamborghini broke the guardrail of the West River Bridge and fell straight into the fast flowing river.

At that time, when Qin fan let Li Qingcheng step on the brake, it was too late for them to see. They directly unfastened their seat belts, opened the door, and jumped out of the car at the moment when the car rushed out of the bridge. They escaped being trapped in the car and then suffocated to death.

"Fortunately, I had the experience of racing with Liu Yingying in the mountain of death last time, otherwise I would have died in the car this time, and I would have no more life..."

After being confused, Qin fan grabs at his waist with an empty hand, only to find that he is entangled by the dense water and grass. He is lucky and has a big life. He is not rushed into the fork in the road, but drowned directly.

But his other hand

Qin fan coldly pulled the object in his hand towards his eyes.

I saw a fiery figure, which was pulled up from the bottom of the water. It was a bit like when he was a child, he saw the dead floating up from the water in the ditch.

All of a sudden, my heart trembled, and I watched Li Qingcheng, who was wearing a red skirt, emerge a little bit.

Qin fan can't remember that Li Qingcheng's skin is so white, or pale.

Like a floating corpse, eyes closed, no blood on the face, even the stomach, because of too much water, also swollen up.

Almost without any hesitation, Qin fan grabbed her hand and went up to the shore desperately.

But the water plants are so wrapped around the waist.

Qin fan can only use one hand to try to pull it apart.

After several attempts, when Qin fan untied the water grass, he almost took off his strength, but he still grasped Li Qingcheng's wrist and swam to the shore.

"Hoo Hoo... "

Qin fan did not know how long he had been floating in the river.

He remembered that when he left Jiangshi, it was just noon, but now it was gray, and he didn't know whether it was in the afternoon or in the morning. Anyway, he couldn't lift any strength at all, so he had to lie on the wet Bank of the river, slowly adjust his breath, and recover his strength a little bit.

However, the bright red in Yu Guangli is so dazzling.

Qin fan took two deep breaths and got up from the ground with his arms firmly supported. He came to Li Qingcheng and lifted her up.

"Qing Cheng, can you hear me?"

Qin fan patted Li Qingcheng on the cheek, but she didn't react at all, and even the ups and downs of her chest were hard to see. Qin fan was shocked, and quickly put her hands on each other's body, and then pressed them hard.

But seeing that Li Qingcheng didn't respond, Qin fan took a deep breath, and then squeezed his opponent's nose to make his cherry mouth slightly open. Qin fan quickly reflected his lips.

Qin fan immediately felt the other side's lips were soft and moist, and there was a strange smell. But now it was obviously not the time to think about this. Qin fan kept pressing the other side's chest, and then breathed for the other side. After so many times, Li Qingcheng suddenly spat a lot of water in his mouth. Qin fan was overjoyed. He squeezed his chest several times in a row, and Li Qingcheng spat again After that, I finally opened my eyes.

"Hoo You wake up at last, but I'm so tired. "

Qin fan sat on the ground beside him and gasped. His physical strength had not recovered, and he gave Li Qingcheng such intensive first aid for such a long time. He was so tired that he almost collapsed.

"No, not dead?"

The situation of Li Qingcheng seems not very good.Although he woke up, his eyes were blank, his lips were pale, and his voice was even more feeble, just like a mosquito buzzing in his ear.

"Aunt, you still want to die. I think Nandu is already in chaos now. It's lucky to be alive. Don't think about death."

Qin Fan said and touched several trouser pockets on his body. When he found that the mobile phone was placed in the car center control at that time and sank into the bottom of the river with the car, his face was not very good-looking.

"Do you have your cell phone?" Qin fan turned his head and asked.

Li Qingcheng said: "I don't know, you look on me."

Because Qin fan shakes his head and says, "you've got a wet skirt, but it's not as red as you can see."

Such a simple skirt can be seen at a glance. There's no need to look for it.

"But what's so special?"

After a short rest, Qin fan got up and inquired about his surroundings.

It's all mountains.

When you look around, the view around you is completely blocked by the mountains.

But also can see the clip in the mountains in the line of sight, that can not see the end, one after another of the mountains.

"What's so special? I'm trapped in the mountains..."

Qin fan frowned, but as soon as he lowered his head, he found Li Qingcheng's face flushed and his eyes closed tightly.

"Qing Cheng, what's the matter with you?"

Qin fan quickly squatted down and put his hand on her forehead.



Qin fan scolded secretly, it rained to cool down, and soaked in the water for so long. It is estimated that Li Qingcheng has a fever.

And it's not too cold.

Qin fan tried to pat her face with her hand, and at the same time changed the name of Li Qingcheng. However, Li Qingcheng seemed to be in chaos. She could hear Qin fan's voice, but she couldn't give a normal response. She just closed her eyes and kept making weak Murs in her mouth.

A fever is not a big deal.

An injection can be cured by taking medicine.

But in such a wild environment, Li Qingcheng's body was so weak that it was not impossible for him to die of fever.

Qin fan was a little worried.

Not all rural children have the same ability of survival and first aid as special forces.

He had heard of some things before. After he lost his way in the wild, he could find his way out by identifying the sun and making an immediate impact. But now it was raining and there was no light at all, let alone the shadow.

Anxious, Qin fan subconsciously raised his hand to look at the time.

Half past six.

Six thirty in the afternoon?

Qin fan was stunned. When he confirmed that the second hand kept moving, he couldn't help feeling that a few million mother watches are good. Not to mention how accurate the time is, at least the waterproof function is not comparable to that of ordinary watches.

In other words, six hours have passed since the accident happened.

"Six hours..."

Qin fan sighed deeply. The highway was built in a sparsely populated village or wilderness. He clearly remembers that the car had just passed a mountain pass where the mobile phone signal was unstable. If there was no accident, it would be unrealistic to find someone else and contact the outside world in a short time.

"There's no time."

Qin fan looks down at Li Qingcheng. He grew up in a remote mountain village like Qin family temple, but he is not afraid of the situation. He is just worried about Li Qingcheng's illness, accidents, falling into the river, drifting, high fever

If you don't find a doctor as soon as possible, Li Qingcheng's life is in danger.

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