Ten hours later.

Qin fan carries Li Qingcheng on his back and finally falls into the endless forest.

Early in the morning.

Qin fan collapsed on the ground without knowing.

He spent almost four years in his dorm.

I'm not familiar with Nandu.

I don't know where I am now. I don't even know the name of this mountain forest.

No road, no direction, no food

Plus a fall from a bridge and a fall into the river.

Qin fan walked so far with his will.

Walk from afternoon to early morning.

Just climbed up this hillside, looking around, in the middle of the night, everything is quiet, can't see any light, let alone find a way out.

"Damn, I haven't heard that there are primeval forests near Nandu. It's been ten hours. Even if it's a mountain climbing, it's time to go out."

Qin fan can't stand up at all.

Lying on the ground, looking at the night sky with speckled stars emerging from the dark clouds, I was relieved.

When the rain stopped, Qin fan touched the arm of the city with his hand, which was boiling hot.

Li Qingcheng has lost consciousness completely in the high fever.

It's like being in a state of unconsciousness, keeping your eyes closed all the time, saying all kinds of incomprehensible nonsense in your mouth.

The body is also more and more soft, back on the body, even if it is separated by two layers of clothes, but also completely like a stove in general, hot Qin fan some at a loss.

However, this is only the previous situation.

Now Li Qingcheng's condition seems to have reached a critical point.

He doesn't talk nonsense, but because of his high fever and severe dehydration, his whole body is as pale as if he had been fished out of the water. Qin fan feeds his mouth with mouthful by mouthful of water, but it's just a drop in the bucket. Qin fan knows that Li Qingcheng's current situation, if he can't leave the forest within 24 hours and can't find a doctor to treat him, Li Qingcheng will become a ghost There's a dead body. There's no chance of survival.

And it's still 24 hours. It's the 24 hours that decide the life and death of the Shen family and themselves.

Qin fan probably already knows what happened before and what's going on through the customer service who calls himself William.

Just go back to Nandu to finish the Jedi counterattack against the Jiang family.

"I hope dad can hold on. My son is on his way back. As long as he goes home, everything will be better."

Qin fan took a deep breath, stood up from the ground with his arm firmly supported, threw away his arm, carried Li Qingcheng on his shoulder again, and went forward to the brightest star in the night sky without hesitation.


13 hours later.

Shen Jianping received the first report call.

"The owner, the five listed companies of Jiangjia, with a total value of 290 billion shares, have completed the containment. Within four hours of containment, the shares have shrunk by 45%, and Jiangjia has lost 130.5 billion. Do you want to continue?"

It's from Shen's group headquarters.

"How much money do we put in together?" Shen Jianping asked.

"100 billion."

"Continue to invest, you have to carry out the final in circle interception of the Jiang family's stock market in eight hours. At all costs, you must let the Jiang family go bankrupt in eight hours. Do you understand?"


After the phone hung up.

The phone call from Tokyo Research Institute also came in an instant.

"Master, although it's beyond the time you ordered, the collection of the 15th Research Institute has been completed successfully. The Xingye family has come forward to control it and fulfilled the plan of the shijiajia Research Institute within four hours. Tokyo Chemical Co., Ltd. has not made a clear statement yet, but it is estimated that it will soon be unable to sit still."


Shen Jianping hung up and looked up at Uncle Dong: "haven't you found anyone yet?"

Uncle Dong lowered his head, "not yet."

"How long has it been?"

"19 hours."

"Ready to go."

Shen Jianping stood up and looked back. Muran found that the living room was full of people. No one could see any expression on his face, but he was absolutely determined.

"It's time to go."

Shen Jianping said.

There is no imagined roar from the sky.

At the command, dozens of people turned around and went out quietly.


When Uncle Dong saw that Shen Jianping was going to go out, he was shocked all over and said, "master..."

"All right." Shen Jianping didn't look back and said, "integrate the resources of the Jiang family and buy them again. Let Menglian take all the family property. Of course, if the smelly boy can come back, let him take the money and show filial respect to his mother. If he dares to float away and doesn't listen to his mother, you can teach him a lesson and fight him to death for me. Do you hear me?""Master..."

Uncle Dong is full of tears. A man's feelings are never crying and noisy, which makes the whole world know.

But after silence, quietly put on the most respectable suit, clean up the sharpest thorns on the body, give the family the warmest hug, and walk alone, cutting through the night before dawn, leaving the dawn to the people behind.

After two days of continuous rain, today's Nandu is finally showing signs of clearing up.

Shen Jianping strides out of the villa, looks at the clansmen who have stood in front of dozens of refitted Range Rovers, waves, takes the black Hummer, opens the door, sits in the driver's seat, starts the engine, leads the motorcade, and slowly drives away from xiannupo Geopark to the outskirts of Beijing.

"What's the matter?"

When the motorcade arrived at the gate, Shen Jianping saw the big iron gate blocked, opened the window and asked directly.

The security guard at the door came forward in a hurry, sweating and said, "I'm sorry, master. Someone is making trouble at the door. I've informed the security department and will take them away immediately."


Shen Jianping nodded, closed the window, took out his cigarette and began to smoke in silence.

After half a smoke, Shen Jianping put down the window again and asked the security guard, "who is the man making trouble at the door?"

"I don't know. It seems that I came from the countryside. It's no use trying to persuade us to know the owners. We can only call the security department and take them away by force." The security guard said truthfully.

"Have you seen this man?" Shen Jianping said excitedly.

"No, the license plate number is out of town, and the accent is not from Nandu. I'm in my fifties, so I should be out of town..."


The hope in Shen Jianping's eyes soon turned into disappointment.

At this time, the security department who received the call also quickly came from the manor. After meeting Shen Jianping, Qi Qi stopped to say hello, and then asked the security guard to open the door and walk out.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to open the door, Shen Jianping did see the dark van at the door and some helpless middle-aged people standing at the door.

With a foreign accent, he tried to argue with the security guard, but when he saw the security guard coming out in a suit, he immediately waved his hand, opened the door and was about to run.

The security guard didn't stop him. He watched the van start and drive away from the gate of the park. Then he turned around and stood side by side in two rows to escort the motorcade away.

"He even said that he knew our master. Nowadays, people in the countryside are so poor and crazy that they can even feel it here. Why doesn't he say that he is our master's brother who has been separated for many years? It's really a wonderful flower every year, especially this year..."

As the car drove away from the gate, Shen Jianping heard the security guard talking.

He frowned slightly, but the security guard had found the car coming, and immediately stopped talking, stood up straight, and looked at the car.

In a flash.

The motorcade has left xiannupo Geopark and is heading towards the highway intersection.

Shen Jianping drove the car himself, but his eyes didn't have the fortitude he had when he first went out.

I don't seem to have any relatives in the countryside.

However, he can help all his relatives and friends who have a little relationship. As long as they are not particularly delicious and lazy, even if they still live in the countryside, they must live in big villas and drive more than 300000 cars.

It's like the Shen family.

This van

Shen Jianping suddenly slammed on the brakes. Regardless of the car following him closely behind him, he released the brakes and turned straight on the accelerator. The black Hummer made a big U-turn on the road, crossed the retrograde road and chased the van in the direction of disappearing!

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