"The car should have been tampered with when it was in front of the Sichuan restaurant."

"The scene is chaotic, and attention is attracted by ah Hao. It's not easy for opponents to find out if they want to take the opportunity to do something on the fuel tank."

The driver is also one of the bodyguards in charge of Qin fan's security. The car was tampered with on the way. He has an inescapable responsibility.

"And the other side has calculated the oil leakage speed. Here is their position. Cheer up! In any case, we must persist until the family rescue team arrives and pledge to protect the young master's safety to the death! "

With a low roar, Qin fan looked through the window and saw several black spots from a distance. They were approaching the vehicle from the front and back of the road.

Five hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

"Get out of the car! They're going to crash! "

Seeing that four or two black Cherokee's face was angry, but he didn't intend to slow down at all, the bodyguard sitting next to Qin fan roared, quickly opened the door, raised his hand, grabbed Qin fan, and rolled off from the back seat!


Dazzled, Qin fan also felt his body rolling quickly on the ground under the cover of the bodyguard. The huge impact sound and impact force hit his back.

"Cover! Fight back

Ah Hao roared. After a quick rollover, he quickly stood up, bent down and ran to Qin fan. He and another bodyguard entangled his left and right hands respectively, and the cat headed into an abandoned construction site on the side of the road.

"The terrain of the water tower ahead is favorable. I'm responsible for covering. Ah lie and ah Liang, you can send the young master to the water tower and set up a defense point, waiting for family support!"

Ah Hao put his body tightly on the turntable of the miscellaneous pile, shot quickly on his side, and directed them in a low voice at the same time.


The driver, named a lie, took a quick look out after covering Qin fan and hiding in the water tower.

"A total of eight people, shooting level, cover ah Hao back, the three of us can handle."

A lie looks at the bodyguard a Liang who is sitting beside Qin fan. They nod. Suddenly, the cat's waist impacts from both sides of the water tower. A series of bullets are shot out, and the scream in the direction of the road suddenly rings.

Qin fan gasped a little. When he grasped the gun in his hand and looked out, he saw a Liang running towards the water tower, the black Land Rover that had been hit on the road, and three bodies lying on the ground.

Three seconds?

Qin fan was slightly stunned. He had a new assessment of the fighting capacity of the three people around him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the moment of Qin fan's meditation, he saw that behind the scrapped car, a head suddenly came out. Then, three shots rang in his ear, and there was a blood hole in the other person's forehead.

"Headquarters, we were ambushed at 368 abandoned construction site. The scene is under control for the time being, but the vehicle has been scrapped. Please rush to support immediately!"

A Liang turns on his walkie talkie and quickly reports the current situation.

The other side is ready to go. They can't fight eight times and three times. Now they have killed four of them, and the remaining four are not the opponents of ah Liang and the three of them.

Just stay behind the water tower, there won't be a big problem.

However, the ambush was obviously premeditated.

Qin fan always felt that the situation of counterattack was too easy. He was not at the same level as the other side's elaborate preparation.

"Ah lie, watch out for the enemy's sneak attack from behind. Ah Liang and I will protect the young master. As long as the other side has no other means, support will arrive in 15 minutes at most. Don't take it lightly and fall into the trap of the enemy!"

Ah Hao is the leader of the escort team. He once served as the deputy leader of the special brigade of a military region in Southwest China. He has many border missions. In actual combat, he has psychological quality and battlefield observation ability that ordinary people can't match.

A Liang and a lie nodded their heads and formed a fortress triangle with Qin fan as the center behind the water tower. They took any corner that might be the enemy's attack position into their eyes without reservation and did not give each other any opportunity.


But just when Qin fan was relieved, he heard a dull sound of "poof" in his ear. It was like the sound of poking through the window paper with his fingers. Then, a warm shower fell on his face.

Almost at the same time, the three men turned their heads to see where the voice came from.

Ali, the driver of the car.

A thumb sized blood hole in the temple is bleeding out!

And a lie himself, with wide eyes, kept a ready posture, shook his body for a moment, and fell to the ground.

"There's a sniper!"Ah Hao roared. At the same time, ah Liang rushed directly to put Qin fan to the ground. Then he heard a bang. The bullet went through Qin fan's head and hit the iron sheet of the water tower. It was just that the water tower had been abandoned for many years and no water came out.

But this time, ah Hao's eyes were cold. Along the direction of the bullet, he locked his eyes on a rotten building in the northeast corner of the three.

"Cover me, I'll get him!"

Ah Hao picked up the gun in ah lie's hand, followed up, and rushed towards the unfinished building.

At the same time, a Liang takes Qin fan's arm and hides to the other side of the water tower. Under the cover of the iron frame of the water tower, he starts to point his gun at a broken window on the third floor of the unfinished building and quickly pulls the trigger.

"The window on the right!"

Qin fan locked his brow. When he saw a black sniper gun in another window, he suddenly gave a low roar, raised his hand, pointed the gun at the window, and pulled the trigger quickly.

Two people a series of shooting, let each other only fired a shot, then quickly disappeared, looking for sniper position.

But at this time, ah Hao has got into the unfinished building, quickly approaching upstairs, vowing to quickly subdue the sniper.


But just at this time, in the direction of the main road, the sound of the car engine suddenly became restless! Qin fan and a Liang look back and see seven or eight big black Cherokees parked next to the scrapped Land Rover. All the doors are open. One by one, people wearing black clothes and holding guns are loading their guns and striding towards the water tower.

"No, I'm in ambush!"

When ah Liang saw this, he was very embarrassed!

He was about to take Qin fan to flee behind him, but suddenly he heard a "bang" shot coming from the direction of the uncompleted building. Then, the whole world returned to peace.

Is ah Hao dead?

There was only one reaction in Qin fan's mind at that time.

But a Liang grabbed his hand and said, "young master, I'll tell you to run back later. If I remember correctly, there should be a piece of wasteland behind the construction site. You must cross the wasteland as soon as possible and hide in the forest. Family support should arrive soon. They will find you."

Qin fan looked behind him.

Running out of the construction site from here, he had to go through the wasteland to get into the forest for refuge. It took at least four or five minutes. He was not sure how long ah Liang could hold on here, so he whispered: "it's too late. At least two people can hold on for a long time. You can stay on your left and right. It's really not good. I still have this in my hand. It can be used 。”

In a Liang's incredible eyes, Qin fan took out a grenade less than the size of a palm from his back.

"Hg86?" A Liang stares at the grenade on Qin fan's hand, and his pupils contract.

Hg86 type small killing grenade is the smallest grenade developed by ajes mechanical and electrical accessories Co., Ltd. of Austria. It contains about 17g explosive, the delay time of fuse is about 4S, and the killing radius is 7m. It is a portable grenade which is more practical in modern warfare and urban warfare.

This grenade was given to Qin fan for later use when Uncle Dong came here yesterday, but he didn't expect that it would come into use so soon.

Ah Liang looked at a dozen figures approaching with short guns on the road. Knowing that it was too late to escape, he took the grenade into his hand and said in a low voice, "I'll go out first to attract their vitality. Young master, you can act according to the circumstances!"

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