In Qin fan's countless shooting career.

Only uncle Dong simply taught him some aiming skills.

A Liang yelled. As soon as he rushed out sideways, he aimed at the man and opened fire. Then Qin fan put out his head from the opposite position, stretched out his gun and quickly pulled the trigger.

The silent construction site was instantly covered by gunfire.

Until this moment.

Qin fancai had a strong fear from the bottom of his heart.

A fear of death.

In the face of more than a dozen enemies with guns, when he pulled the trigger, he was shocked to find that a Liang's left shoulder had been shot and his clothes were soaked with blood, but it didn't affect his speed of blocking the enemy. The standard dodge shooting, almost every time he shot, one person of the other side was killed Lose combat effectiveness, but two fists can't beat four hands, evil tigers are afraid of wolves.

After shooting the bullets in his hand, a Liang turned around, leaned back on the iron frame, threw away his shotgun and held the grenade firmly in his palm.

"They seem to want to catch them alive. Young master, I'll use a grenade to lead them away later. You can run as far as you can. It's almost time. Hold on for another two minutes. When the family support arrives, these people won't be enough to see!"

A Liang covered the wound on his shoulder with one hand, big beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, panting and explaining the final preparation to Qin fan.

After touching his waist, Qin fan takes out a gun and throws it to a Liang.

Since the last xiannvpo incident, Qin fan almost carried a gun with him.

The one that ran out of bullets was handed to him by ah Hao when he was in the car, so the gun he was carrying had no place to use, and he didn't feel that he was a sharpshooter. At this critical moment, a gun can still play a role in turning the war situation around. He can only give it to the person who should use it most and play its greatest role.

"Night cobra, colt 17 new, 0.38 special bullets, can only be equipped with six, self-defense revolver."

A Liang bumped the pistol in his hand, took a deep breath and said: "seventy meters, six rounds of bullets, I can kill six people with it, but after the bullets are used up Young master, even if you step on my a Liang's body, you will have to leave here! "

A Liang said, a flank attack, pull the trigger, in the gunshot sounded, the enemy came in front of an instant fell down.

One shot!

Let other people instantly slow down, cat waist looking for obstacles to cover.

"Young master, there are still eight minutes for the support team to arrive. I don't know if I can hold on to that moment. Besides, there are still 11 people on the other side. I can spell out eight or nine with a grenade at most, and there are still two left. Young master, do you see that unfinished building?"

Qin fan turns his head. What a Liang refers to is the location where the sniper and ah Hao disappear.

"The sniper hasn't moved for a long time. I suspect that he and ah Hao should die together. I'll cover you later. There are still bullets there. After you find them, hold on to any position you can defend until the support arrives!"

Bang! Bang!

In the interval of speaking, he heard footsteps coming from the outside. A Liang quickly turned to his side and shot two times. After killing them, he hid behind the iron frame again and took a deep breath and said, "there are three bullets left. Next time I'll shoot them all at once. It's also the best time for you to go to the rotten end building, young master. Do you understand?"

Qin fan nodded and did not speak.

Although there is a sympathetic sympathy for these men who have only been in contact with each other for two days, at this critical moment of life and death, hesitation and tenderness can only make their casualties meaningless. Only by surviving can we find out the truth of the matter, avenge them and settle their families.


When the footstep outside sounded again, a Liang clenched the revolver in his hand, took a deep breath and said.





The voice did not fall, two people appear almost at the same time!

Facing the coming enemy, a Liang almost blocked Qin fan with his body. He held the grenade in one hand and pulled the trigger with the other hand. He sent out bullets and hit the three enemies on the forehead with the fastest speed.

At the moment of the gunshot, Qin fan ran crazily in the direction of the uncompleted residential building.

He didn't dare to look back and put all his strength into it. After three shots, the door of the uncompleted residential building was in front of him.


There was an explosion.

Qin fan suddenly looked back.

A Liang has fallen in a pool of blood, but his body has become a stumbling block for the last three people of the other party,

the lethality of hg86 small killing grenade makes them stand in the same place with blood hanging all over their body, and they are almost unprepared for the fact that he can take out the grenade, a big killing weapon.

"GoAh Liang fell in the pool of blood, turned his head and gave Qin fan his last roar.

Qin fan wakes up, clenches his teeth, turns around, rushes into the uncompleted building, and quickly climbs up the stairs.

In a broken room on the third floor near the water tower, Qin fan sees the bodies of ah Hao and a strange man.

Qin fan bent down and picked up the pistol on the ground. After checking that there were still seven bullets left, he touched ah Hao's carotid artery with his hand.

"Still alive!"

After perceiving the faint beating of carotid artery, Qin fan's numb nerve finally appeared a wave.

However, after hearing the sound of footsteps coming from downstairs, Qin fan's eyes quickly swept around. When he found that the whole room was empty, even there was no place to cover it, he immediately felt a sense of hopelessness that was hard to cover.

"Corpse, corpse..."

In the sinking, ah Hao suddenly opened his eyes slightly, and uttered a murmur in his mouth.

"The body?"

Qin fan's heart leaped. Without saying a word, he immediately bent down to lift the body and dragged it to the corner of the room. Then he squatted on the back of the body alone. One hand firmly fixed the body to prevent him from falling down, and the other hand went through the armpit of the body. The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at the door.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds!

Thirty seconds!

For half a minute, when the first figure finally appeared at the door, Qin fan pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


One shot in the chest!

At the moment when the dead body fell to the ground, two more figures appeared behind him.

With guns in their hands, the two men rushed into the house and took the lead in pulling the trigger before Qin fan.

Bang! Bang!

Two shots, in Qin fan's incredible eyes, two strong men standing at the door of the chest, one left and one right, each appeared a blood hole.

Before he fell down, Qin fan suddenly pulled the trigger in his hand and hit them with all the bullets in his hand.

Dead bodies on the ground.

Qin fan pushed away the body in front of him, gasped for breath, and walked out to meet the people on the stairs.

"Don't move!"

But when he came to the door, Qin fan was stunned.

He just thought that he had delayed enough time and that the family strength arrived to save his life at the critical moment.

But he knelt down on the stairs and said, "I don't have a gun on my head."

Qin fan frowned and looked at the two people in front of him. His accent was obviously from the north, and he was wearing ordinary black sportswear. However, the coldness in his words made Qin fan feel an unprecedented opportunity to kill!

"Who are you?" Qin fan whispered.

"Put down the gun, get down on your knees, and don't let me say it a third time." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Are you from the Dragon Gang?"


At the moment when Qin fan opened his mouth, the middle-aged man suddenly rushed down the muzzle of his gun and hit Qin fan on the cement floor.

"Put down the gun and kneel down!"

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