After hearing this, the driver began to keep silent until he got off the bus and never said a word again.

Seeing the car go, Bai Jianjia stamped angrily, "how can there be such a counsellor, can't you give a hero a chance to save the beauty? This man is such a coward. He really pisses me off

Give me a chance?

Qin fan looks at Bai Jianjia in surprise.

"Yes, in the scene just now, if he wants to have a wrong idea about me, shouldn't you, as a man, stand up to protect me and teach him a lesson?" White reeds grow in the air passage.

"Ha ha..." Qin fan began to feel a little scared for the driver who had just driven.

But it's not the place to talk about that right now.

Across the road is the luxurious Li mansion.

Qin fan glanced around and took Bai Jianjia by the hand and went into a cold drink shop nearby.

"Two donuts, please."

The cold drink shop is not big. Two people can only sit at the door to continue to monitor the front door of Li Fu.

Qin fan found two places to sit down and heard Bai Jianjia say: "one is enough."

"What's the matter?" Qin fan was surprised.

"I can't eat today." Bai Jianjia gave him a white look.

"Because..." Qin fan opened his mouth and forbeared.

But all of a sudden, because she let a girl who had come to settle the matter run around with her, she felt guilty.

"Treat me to hot pot in the evening. I heard that your seafood hot pot is good. I like sea cucumber." White Jianjia looking at Qin fan eyes show guilt, understanding said.

"Good." Qin fan nodded and looked at the door of Li mansion.

There is only a 33 storey high-rise building inside the magnificent Roman wind stone carved double column gate. Although it is claimed that this is the community built by the Li family, people in Nandu know that this is the Li family's private residence. It was built in the name of the community in the most golden section of Nandu. It can be seen how influential the Li family was in Nandu.

ice cream came up, Qin fan helped White Emperor to have a cup of hot water, and then licked the cheese. He said, "we are looking for Li Gui, a more than 40 year old middle-aged man. After the death of his father, the Li family has the final say. He was the one who tried to tie up Li Jia and Jiang Jia. Let it go easily. "

"But it's hard to see people at the door, isn't it?" Bai Jianjia looked at the cone in Qin fan's hand, swallowed his saliva, and said, "this kind of person must go in and out by car. It's not easy to catch it."

"I didn't say I was going to arrest people here." Qin fan speechless said, "with such a large capital inflow and rapid business recovery of the Li family, he is sure that Li Gui can't handle it alone. I just need to find a person to let her relive the past and believe that she will say everything."

"How many girlfriends have you talked about?"

"Talked about..."

Qin fan turned his head in dismay, "what do you ask?"

"Girlfriend, you didn't answer me completely last time. Anyway, it's boring to wait now. Just talk about it?" Bai Jianjia asked teasingly.


Qin fan gave her a silent look and refused to answer the question.

"Say one and I'll give you two thousand dollars." See dry asked no, white Jianjia simply added a bet.

"Oh Qin fan looked at her with disdain, "do you think my brother is the one who is short of that million and eight hundred thousand?"

"You want to die!"

In response, Qin fan divided one million by two thousand in his mouth, and the result was more than five hundred. Bai Jianjia was holding the water cup in his hand and was about to attack when he saw that Qin fan suddenly raised his eyebrows, lowered his voice and said, "here we are!"

Muran turned around, and Bai Jianjia held a water cup and looked down at Qin fan. In front of the grand gate of Li mansion, an enchanting woman in a flaming red dress, a sun hat and Big Brown Sunglasses came out of Li mansion with a bag in her hand.

"That's what you're looking for?" Bai Jianjia asked.

Qin fan nodded. As expected, after the bankruptcy of the Li family, it was time for all the foreign people to return home and sell their property to support the family's survival.

Even if there is a large amount of capital injection, it is only a matter of these two days.

When a person suddenly declines from being rich to becoming rich overnight, the first thing he has to do is to get back what he lost before.

Like a caravan.

The house doesn't seem to be moving any more. The Li family must be spending like crazy these two days, buying cars and luxuries.

Li Yan, in particular, once appeared at her door full of luxury goods.

How can a woman believe that she can live in luxury until she comes back?

It is said that the early bird catches the worm.It seems that getting up early this time is not without any harvest.

After Li Yan left Li Fu, she stood by the side of the road and pulled her cell phone. It was obvious that she called for a car on the Internet.

"Where is she going?" Bai Jianjia asked excitedly, this scene is completely in line with her definition of stimulating life. It's a pity that she didn't prepare to go out today. If she brought her new pair of sunglasses, she would be more professional.

"Two places, either new world or luxury car shop, I'll know when I call."

Qin fan took out his mobile phone, found a name in the address book, and dialed it directly.

"Qin Shao, why did you call?"

At the moment when the phone was connected, the excited voice of Hu Mei came from the other side of the phone.

"Well, I'd like to ask you something. Is there a woman surnamed Li in your car shop these two days, or a woman who ordered a luxury car and said she wanted to pick it up today?"

Hu Mei is Zhou Lulu's cousin. After the last meal, Hu Mei left Qin fan's phone number on her own initiative, and the Bentley Continental that he helped Chen Sixuan choose was deliberately placed in her hands.

"Well I don't think so. Do you have something to do, Mr. Qin? "

Hu Mei knew that as Qin fan, it was certainly not an ordinary thing for her to take the initiative to call herself, so she left her heart and asked.

"You can check it for me to see if your colleagues in the car shop want to drive today. The customer is a woman. The car must be a luxury car, and the most important thing is a million class cayenne. You can ask me as soon as possible, and I'll pick it up for you in two days." Qin fan thought and said.

According to Li Yan's image in his mind, she must despise a car less than one million yuan, which helps him greatly narrow the scope of his search, but the premise is that Li Yan will really go to poly today to pick up the car.

"Well, I'll ask for you now." Su Mei doesn't dare to be a little careless about Qin fan's explanation. Qin fan's car is enough for her not to work for a year or two.

"Remember not to talk nonsense." Qin fan exhorted.

"Well, I know."

Hang up the phone, a sonata now stopped in front of Li Yan, Li Yan confirmed a look at the license plate number, and looked around, then opened the door to get on the car, seems to have some vigilance.

"Well, do you want to catch up?" See the target on the car, white Jianjia immediately tight road.

"Don't wait for the phone." Qin Fan said calmly.


When Bai Jianjia wanted to talk, the phone rang.

"I found out. One of my colleagues is going to produce a white Maserati this morning. Is it the person you want to check?" Su Mei said excitedly.

"OK, I see. Thank you."

Qin fan hung up, stood up and said, "go, go to poly."

Still using Bai Jianjia's phone to call laiwang for car hailing, but the destination is located in the BMW marketing center 500 meters away from poly.

It's not just poly that sells cars in this area.

It's almost a car marketing street in Nandu.

There are all kinds of automobile brands at home and abroad.

After they got off at the door of the BMW 4S store, they went straight in and sent a wechat to Su Mei asking about the female customer's car collection.

Before Su Mei returned the news, Qin fan stood in the hall, glanced around, and said to the waitress with a smiling face, "what's the cheapest car?"

"Ah?" The waitress was stunned. She looked at the temperament and appearance of the two people, especially the girl's condition. The minimum is to start with a million X6 or 7 Series top configuration. Did she miss it?

"1 series." The waitress immediately changed her face.

"One." Qin Fan said without thinking.

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