When Qin fan took Bai Jianjia's ID card to register his car.

The waitress was still standing in the same place, confused.

Say this kid has money? Come in and ask what's the cheapest car.

He's poor. It's very convenient to pay by credit card.

Watching Qin fan swipe his card to pick up the car and then send it out of the door, the waitress still tangled between the two problems until she got off work in the evening.

At this time, Hu Mei's message came back.

"Qin Shao, the woman has already paid for the car. Now she is washing the car in the garage. It's about to drive out. Don't you come and have a look?"

"No, that's the only way out of the garage, isn't it?" Qin fan asked.

"Yes, it's the same one. It doesn't move." Su Mei returned.

"OK, delete all the information. I'll contact you when I'm free."

Qin fan hung up and looked at Bai Jianjia sitting in the cab and asked, "how are you, are you used to driving?"

"It's OK, isn't it one-time? Hit as you want? " Bai Jianjia doesn't think so.

"It's better to be careful. Don't attract too many people's attention. I'm afraid it's hard to leave at that time." Qin Fan said.

"Well, you go to the back seat, white Maserati. I remember."

Qin fan nodded, left the co pilot and sat in the back row.

"It's better to go a little further. There are too many stores here. Open a little ahead and start again where there are few people." Qin fan thought about it and said with some uneasiness.

"All right, I know the propriety. I'll follow you for a while. You can smoke your cigarette and leave me alone."

When Bai Jianjia said this, Qin fancai felt that he was a little nervous. By the way, he was addicted to smoking. He took out his cigarette to light the fire and looked at the exit of poly car shop quietly.

"Here it is

Before I finished smoking a cigarette, I saw a white Maserati president slowly showing the front of the Trident sign from the exit. At the same time, the attendants of the car shop were standing side by side with plastic fireworks at the front of the car.

Even across the road, Qin fan can see Li Yan driving Maserati through the window with a proud smile.

"Ha ha, you really haven't let me down..."

Qin fan sneered, patted Bai Jianjia on the shoulder and said, "it's almost done, ready to follow."

Bai Jianjia sighed.

"What's the matter?" Qin fan's heart thumped for a moment, and he was at this juncture, but he couldn't go wrong.

"We forgot to refuel." Bai Jianjia turned his head and pointed to the bottom of the oil meter, his face helpless.

"Lying trough!" Qin fan pats his head. When he dismisses the 4S shop, almost every car can only drive to the nearest gas station. How can he forget it.

"Don't worry." Qin fan pondered for a moment and said, "Liyan's car must also go to the gas station to refuel. I know the gas station. There is a section of road under construction going out of the gas station. The intersection is the diversion port. After that, you can start."

Bai Jianjia looks at Qin fan suspiciously and nods. When the opposite president Maserati drives onto the road, the ignition also follows him.

All the way.

The two cars entered the gas station one after another, filled up the gas and left. After passing the road section referred to by Qin fan, at the moment of diversion and turning, the unlicensed BMW I series suddenly accelerated and ran straight into the right door of President Maserati.

The sudden shaking of the vehicle in normal driving makes Li Yan, who is driving while sending wechat, sweat in a cold sweat.


Li Yan looked around. When she found that the president of Maserati, whom she had just bought, had been hit by a small white BMW, she was very angry.

"It's not enough for me to buy a hundred thousand blind cars!"

Li Yan scolded, directly opened the door, get off to teach the driver a lesson.

And Bai Jianjia also got off at this time.

The two women looked at each other. Before Li Yan spoke, Bai Jianjia turned her face green.

"Sure enough, only old women like to drive this kind of car. Fortunately, I didn't buy it, otherwise I would lose my face."

Old woman?

Li Yan was stunned. She was in her thirties this year. It was the time when a woman was most sensitive to her age. Usually outside, when a child called her aunt, she wanted to slap each other in the face. Now she was called an old woman by a girl. Her face turned black and her eyes became venomous.

However, when she remembered that this person was just driving a small BMW with a hundred thousand yuan, she sneered, "little sister, don't pretend to be forced if you don't have money. How much money do you think I don't have in mind? I can buy your broken car with the full amount of purchase tax alone. Do you regret not buying it? Hehe, why don't you choose someone to be forced? Just like you, I really didn't pay attention to you. ""My car?" Bai Jianjia looked back and said with a smile, "my I8 is just for maintenance. The 4S store let me drive their car for a while. You think I can't afford your broken car. My husband is Li Xiang. Have you ever heard of it? He gave me two million yuan to change my car. I don't like your fork."

Li, Li Xiang?

Li Yan was stunned directly and widened her eyes. Her eyes could not help but scan the girl carefully in front of her.

I have to admit that this girl has the ability to make all women jealous.

And has always been used to the usual respect, it is not those who can compare the net red small three.

Damn, this old thing actually maintained such a beautiful little girl outside and beat two million! Before also let oneself and husband sell a car to sell a house?

To be fair, if it wasn't for Bai Jianjia's condition, she wouldn't believe it so easily.

Li Yan's disdainful eyes suddenly became venomous.

"What? Don't you believe it? You haven't even heard of Li Xiang's name, have you? Have you ever heard of the Li family? " Jianbai said with a smile.

"Of course, I've heard of the Li family. Who doesn't know the name of the Li family in the whole southern capital?" Li Yan sneers.

At the same time, in my heart, I not only know Li family, but also I am a member of Li family! Li Xiang is my husband's father! My father-in-law!

The old man is so mean to himself that he has to ask his husband to buy a Hermes bag, but he's good. His original mate is still alive. How can he maintain his junior outside? Li Yan doesn't care what her car is like now. She's just curious. If she takes this woman to Li's house and asks her to openly admit her dirty business with that old man in front of all the people, how beautiful the old man's face is!

"Just know. I'm in a hurry now. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. This car is not mine. Now you've crashed it. Go to the 4S store by yourself and tell people that if you want to lose money, you can fix it yourself. I don't have time to go back again. I won't care about the mental loss. You can apologize now. That's all, How's it going? "

Li Yan never thought that a girl with such detached appearance and temperament could say such unreasonable words.

Rao is that she is willing to bow down.

However, it seems that there are still some means in this woman's bones to think that this bitch can seduce the old man Li Xiang and make him so willing to spend money on himself.

"Yes." Li Yan sneered, "I can be responsible for your car, but tell me that Li Xiang, the Li family, is really your support? Or your husband? "

Bai Jianjia looked at her with disdain, holding her chest with both hands, a condescending look.

Seeing her state, Li Yan forced down her anger and asked in a low voice: "what do you want?"

"I don't like to get into trouble. Well, you can take my car and go back to the 4S shop with me. You can explain to people clearly what needs to be repaired and what needs to lose money. I don't want to waste time in this matter. Of course, it's best for you to drive back by yourself. You can choose one or two. You can do it by yourself." Bai Jianjia said impatiently.

"But what if I don't?" Li Yan said coldly.

"Then I'll call my husband and let him solve it."

Bai Jianjia said that she would take out her mobile phone and make a call.

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