It's the voice of a strange man.

Qin fan hung up the phone and was silent for a moment. Then he asked the driver to change the way and go straight to the guest house of Nandu military region.

The guest house of a military region in Nandu.

A white brand cool road drove straight into the deep environment and the mysterious location of the hotel.


Cooluze stopped at the door of a villa, and immediately a guard came to open the door.

"Is anyone here?"

The middle-aged man, wearing a military uniform and shouldering one wheat and two stars, got out of the car and asked calmly.

"Report to the chief! The guest you want to receive is already in the reception hall, please give instructions! "

The guard stood in a military posture with a sonorous voice.

"The hostess told us not to disturb the guests who had been in the dining hall for 30 years. I told them not to let them come out again."


When the guards saluted, they were both physically and mentally appalled. The last time someone from the Military Commission came to Maotai, they had only opened a bottle for 15 years. How noble are the guests in the room? Are they bigger than those people?

When the middle-aged man walked into the villa and opened the door of the reception hall, the smoke was dim and the room was full of tea.

The young girl in sportswear gently lifted her wrist, holding a porcelain pot with bright sky after rain, and nodded water into the blue and white cup. It seems that it has been done a hundred times.

"Uncle Zhou, you're back just in time. The second tea has just tasted." The girl smiles sweetly.

The middle-aged man put his briefcase on the shoe cabinet and trotted to the sink to clean his hands. Then he went to the sofa in front of the girl and sat down, blaming and saying, "how can I make Jianjia tea here? Isn't there a secretary? I'd like to have tea with my Secretary! "

"I came earlier, and I came here to ask for your help. I can only make tea for Uncle Chen..." White Jianjia indifferent way, "tea is Uncle Chen's tea, water is guest house water, Uncle Chen don't blame me stingy?"

"How could it be?" Chen Feng repeatedly waved his hand, "not everyone is blessed to drink Jianjia's hand-made tea."

Chen Feng took a sip of the tea cup in front of him, closed his eyes and tasted it intoxicatedly. He sighed and said: "the entrance is soft, and the time is long. It's strange that the Secretary and I can't make the same taste with the same tea and water? It seems that it has a lot to do with the people who make tea. "

If you let an outsider see a major general carrying two wheat and one star talking to a young girl in her early twenties like this, I'm afraid it's going to frighten her eyes and teeth. Is the headmaster too approachable?

"Uncle Chen flatters me. Tea art is broad and profound. I'm new to it. If you praise me like that, I'll be too proud to go forward. "

"I don't believe that other people will stop. I don't believe that Jianjia will stop." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Bai Jianjia drank all the tea in the cup, got up and said, "thank you Uncle Chen for helping me transfer more than 400 orphans from the welfare home last night. I'll help them Well, thank you for them. "

Chen Feng quickly stood up, took Bai Jianjia's hand, sat down and said: "this matter is not just to help you. I heard that the Dragon Gang seems to be very restless recently. Even the four families and the Shen family dare to fight. Although I don't have the right to deal with public security incidents, our military region can't just sit back and watch when the anti Mafia and anti evil work is at the critical stage, let alone hear from others The governor has already said hello to me. We should always pay attention to some recent incidents in Nandu. "

"Do you hear the thunder?" Bai Jianjia had heard of this name, mainly because of the Wenren muxue who intended to marry the Shen family.

"Yes, the relationship between Wen renting and Shen family is very weak. Although the marriage between the two families has not been successful, it is after all decades of friendship. Shen Jianping is kind to Wen renting. In the face of such a big matter, Wen renting can't just ask for help."

"This is better..." Bai Jianjia nods. Chen Feng, as his father's old headquarters, is extremely willing to help himself, but there is no particularly good reason for the military to intervene in public security incidents. I'm afraid that people who have a heart will still have nothing to do with suspicion and produce some unnecessary incidents.

But Bai Jianjia knows that the power of the Dragon Gang, the power of the police alone, is difficult to have a fundamental shaking effect on this gang which has been rooted in the Chinese soil for hundreds of years. Unless the military takes action with iron and blood, kills it, and has no chance to breathe, the ideal effect can be achieved.

"Don't worry, those orphans and related staff have been placed in a very safe place by me. No one can know what happened last night, and no one will find them. They are very safe until this matter is solved."

Bai Jianjia nodded gratefully, "thank you Uncle Chen."

Chen Feng kindly waved his hand, "OK, you don't want to give me this set, even if you don't tell me when you come to the south this time, I won't let you go easily this time. Let's stay for dinner. I've ordered the canteen and cooked some home-made meals. If your father doesn't come, you have to have a good drink with me tonight for your father."

Although Bai Jianjia hesitated, he nodded and agreed after thinking about it.Now, now.

At the gate of the military region guest house.

Qin fan has been waiting for nearly an hour.

He didn't answer the phone call to Bai Jianjia and didn't return the text message. Until the sun was setting, he told Bai Jianjia that he had left, stopped a car and went to the bar street at the south gate.

Same bar, same location.

However, people's mood is very different.

Qin fan could feel the strange and scrutinizing look in her cousin's eyes. This kind of look had been felt in Jiang Yanzi and Tang Xin.

There was a long silence.

Liu Yingying sighed and said, "Qin fan, it's not easy to do."

Qin Fan said with a bitter smile, "even you don't know much about the Dragon Gang?"

"Know something about it." Liu Yingying looked at Qin fan and said, "but if your speculation is true, how can you still be in the mood to drink leisurely in front of me? The Dragon gang can attack hundreds of people in a welfare home. To this extent, your life safety should have been threatened. "

Qin fan put the ice into Liu Yingying's quilt with tweezers and said, "what do you think will happen if the Dragon Gang catches those people?"

Liu Yingying, once a powerful woman in the underground world of Nandu, should be better informed than the police.

Liu Yingying shook her head and said, "I only knew about it when I saw the news. They all said it was definitely not the local forces in Nandu I asked someone about it. It is said that this matter has nothing to do with Nandu. According to their sensitivity to foreign forces, either they really don't know or I'm afraid I've received a lot of money

Qin fan's eyes were sharp, and he immediately recovered as usual. He asked, "have you found any news about the Li family's recent contact with the local forces in Nandu?"

Qin Liuying said, "you are too young, you are not very experienced In such a case, if you follow the current practice and go everywhere to inquire about information that may be useful to you, you may not get any results in the end. You still have to tie the bell and bite a line, right? "

"Forgive my ignorance." Qin fan shook his head with a bitter smile. "Since Jiang Yanzi went to the capital, a series of things have happened at home Yu Er, it's really not suitable for me to go to work

"You can't say that." Liu Yingying looked at Qin fan solemnly and said, "Qin fan, you can't have such an idea. You may not understand the significance of your existence in the eyes of most of the Shen family You are the hope of the whole Shen family after all the ups and downs. "

"Since you went to the capital alone and got the criminal evidence of destroying the Jiang family, now the whole Shen family regards you as the hope of the family's future."

"Sometimes, for a big family, hope is far more important than interest. Especially in this critical period, you just think that there are some traitors in the Shen family now. But you have to know how many people would jump out and attack your father's position and break up the Shen family if the Shen family didn't have you?"

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