"If a family wants to survive for a long time, the huge cohesion of the family, and the expectations of the future successors of the family, it will determine whether the family can still stand and complete the transformation of the top family after several decades or even hundreds of people have gone through twists and turns."

"To tell you the truth, before you came back to the Shen family, some of Shen's relatives, even in the inner department, had already started to split up the Shen family and even join hands with outsiders to divide up the Shen family's affairs after your parents had been a hundred years."

"Even when you come back to the Shen family, you just stop these people's desire a little."

"But since you took away the Lin group and the Jinxin group, then you took control of the Chen family, the richest man in Nandu, and then you went to destroy the Jiang family Qin fan, your every move is seen by many people. "

"I believe your father is not unable to solve the current crisis, but I think he thinks the same as I do now."

"Now for the Shen family, any crisis is an endless platform for you."

"How brilliant you are on this platform determines how many people will follow you wholeheartedly in the future."

"Shen's group is not a grocery store, let alone a small supermarket. It's a huge business empire that supports hundreds of thousands of employees. Even your ancient crown prince needs to lead his army to fight and make great achievements. Only after that can the ministers and generals of the imperial court be willing to support you to ascend the throne in the future, right?"

Qin fan didn't expect that Liu Yingying would suddenly say such a big "confession" to him. He could feel the anxiety and hope of this cousin, who is not confined to the same pattern and wanders in the red and white, for the current situation.

Qin fan was moved.

"I'll take care of it." Qin Fan said, "they think I'm a good heir to the family. I don't know if I can be what they think At least, I can't be a loser. "

"I'll say hello to the people below. Although I've washed my hands and intend to keep this bar for the elderly, people on the street will still sell me face. Before you really find out about the welfare home, don't put too much energy on it. Seize the most important line you think and follow it down, it will always be in the shortest time In between, get the answer you want Liu Yingying said, "if you need my help, don't be polite to me."

"Leave the rest to me." Qin Fan said with a smile, "you're right. You have to tie the bell to untie the bell."


Li Gui was very cautious. After he came out of Li Fu, he scanned a large circle around and found no suspicious person. Then he quickly walked towards a white Honda.

Pull open the door to get on the car, the car slowly drove out of the Lifu compound.

Qin fan's head appeared in the window of a black van, pointed to the Honda with the tail number of 7791 in front, and said, "master."

"No problem." The fat driver readily agreed and quickly started the car. "As long as it's the prey that I'm watching, don't try to escape from under my nose Brother, please wake up. Which way did the car turn? "

"The buffet on the right." Qin Fan said angrily, is the East Ring car God inferior?

"Oh, that boy is playing for us Oh, to buy cigarettes. " East Ring God reached out and touched the cigarette box, then threw it back. With a smile, he said, "I almost forgot, little brother, you don't smoke rotten cigarettes."

"Here you are. Just keep an eye on the car." Qin fan will open only a bag of soft China to the driver, said.

"Brother, are you a private detective?" The driver took the cigarette with a smile and asked after he got one on the ground.

"What?" Qin fan was stunned.

"It's Xiaosan who specializes in checking people's emotional infidelity, Lao Lai who doesn't pay his debts, and his private hiding place?" East Central God said with a smile, "it's like detective Conan."

"Conan also helps people to check Xiao San?"

"I think so?" East Central car God is not very sure. "That's what you do? It sounds mysterious

"I think so." Qin fan "admits" it. The reason is that he doesn't want to ask more questions from the East Central car God. He pointed to Li Gui, who had bought cigarettes and got on the bus in front of him, and said, "that guy is cheating on the feelings of the girl students who are in middle school. The girl's parents hired me to trace him to see who he is."

"Lying trough, this son of a bitch is so shameless?"

"Yes, seven girls have been killed by him."

"Damn it, you'll leave it to me. I can't stand this kind of animal that doesn't even let go of the flowers of the motherland. I don't want your car money today. You'll leave me a phone call later. If you really catch this son of a bitch, you call me and let me kick him. It's a contribution I've made to a harmonious society!"

"Yes, he's leaving."

"Just look at it!" East Ring car God stepped on the accelerator, the van toward Honda to catch up."Watch out for cover." Qin fan reminds a way.


Qin Dynasty's bodyguard, dressed in a suit, stopped at the door of the club with a row of white faces.

This is a private club.

"Can I help you with it?" The driver asked expectantly.

"No Qin fan paid the fare, said: "leave a phone, when you need to get rid of the harm for the people, I will call you."

"Good, good! I'm on call. " The driver was very excited. "You don't know, I adore Conan."


Qin fan has pushed open the door of the van and strode towards the gate of the dynasty club.

When I was about to walk to the door, I put my mobile phone in my hand to my ear and said in a loud voice, "Mr. Liu, when I get to the door, I will go up immediately. You drink first, don't wait for me I understand. We won't be drunk tonight... "

The welcome manager saw the guests come quickly, Qin fan waved to her, and she immediately went back.

It seems that this is a familiar guest of the dynasty, and a friend has already reserved a box.

Qin fan was waiting for the elevator when a girl in a red cheongsam came over, put her hand on his shoulder and asked, "what floor is the handsome guy going to, and in which private room is he going to have a drink with your sister?"

"No, there are already people." Qin Fan said with a smile.

The woman pouted her mouth and said, "Oh, are you too many women? Or is he a herbivore and doesn't like to play with our little sisters? "

"I'm afraid you'll spoil me." Qin Fan said shyly.

"Why? Handsome man, what do you think we are The girl coquettishly way, "should not be to bring a girlfriend to come?"? It's not good to bring girls to such a place... "

"I came with President Li." Qin Fan said.

When the elevator arrived, the girl stepped into the elevator first and pressed the number "2".

Qin fan knew that what he had guessed was right. Li Gui often stayed in this dynasty club, and his box should be on the second floor.

I'm afraid I still need to work hard to find out which box he is in.

"I've heard that you have a" kiss of a girl "service. I haven't tried it yet." Qin Fan said suddenly.

"Maiden's kiss?" The girl chuckled, "I'll go to the box to find you when I fill out the form, but if you call too many girls, they will be shy."

"No way." Qin fan shook his head, "do you know where to find me?"

"Yes, 555. Wait for me for five minutes, and I'll get dressed."

The elevator stops on the third floor and the cheongsam girl leads the way.

The music is noisy, and the long legged girls are led by the manager in black uniform to wear ribs in different boxes. When guests order them, they will end this necessary but humiliating tour.

The girl took Qin fan to the door of box 555, turned to Qin fan and said, "I won't help you open the door, lest the sisters inside say I eat alone."

Qin fan nodded and watched her leave.

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