Just before Qin fan went to find Liu Yingying in the morning, Li Yan revealed a very important message to Qin fan.

She found Li Tian, Li Gui's only son, who had disappeared for a long time. Now he is studying in a noble private school in Toronto. She also sent his detailed address, school name and class.

It is not easy to extradite a Canadian in a country like JND, which has no close diplomatic relations with China.

Fortunately, Qin fan found out that the CEO of Li Tian's noble school was a director of Canada's largest international hospital.

And this director happens to be a member of the Shen family.

So Qin fan found Wu Xiongfei and used some small skills to arrange a private hospital plane in the name of the school to transport Li Tian and some of his classmates to Huaxia at the first time. At 7:30, he landed at Nandu International Airport on time.

Although Qin fan has always been very disdainful of such abusive means.

When you are a gentleman, you don't use a lot of bullshit at any special time.

No one cares about the process, only the result.

Therefore, when he heard that his only son had fallen into Qin fan's hands, Li Gui was as mad as a madman. His eyes were red, and his whole face was purple and blue. He yelled: "you dare to touch my son, I will kill you now!"


As soon as Li Gui let go, Qin fan's muzzle went down and fired directly on Li Gui's right leg.


Li Gui fell on his knees in pain. When he opened his mouth and cried out, Qin fan glanced at Wang Xin and said, "go to the door and watch. No one is allowed to come in."

“…… OK, OK, I'll go right away! "

He did!

Waking up from the shock, Wang Xin, just like running away, got up from the sofa, ran to the box and closed the door tightly.

"Damn, you dare..."


Qin fan instantly changed his hand, a shot just opened his mouth to speak cuntou chest.

The dazzling blood instantly dyed his white shirt on his chest, widened his eyes, lowered his head in disbelief, and stared at the wound of being shot.

Does he really dare to shoot?

Still driving so decisively?


It's another shot in the head.

One shot in the head!

Dead bodies on the ground.

"You three, go to the front, burst your head and kneel on the ground. Don't let me see your little movements."

After Qin fan killed cuntou, he turned his gun and aimed at Li Gui again, and then said faintly.

All three were stunned.

They didn't expect Qin fan to shoot at all, and they didn't expect him to shoot so decisively and directly kill people on the spot!

This is not in line with Qin fan's appearance.

This age, long and so beautiful, shouldn't he study hard in school? How can you still shoot in a place like this?

But Qin fan didn't seem to want to waste any more time.

Just when the three thought that Qin fan's purpose of the demonstration had been achieved, Qin fan turned around the gun again


He didn't turn his head back. He shot him in the leg.

Gao Ge fell on his knees because of the pain. Before Qin fan fired his second shot, he heard Gao Ge yell: "grass! Help me to the hell! This guy is a devil! We'll all die here! "

Shooting and killing people, no expression at all, not even a frown.

Qin fan's deceptive appearance made their hair stand on end. What's more, he was thinking of the possible big guy behind the scenes, Charles de Gaulle. Suddenly, he could not resist any more. As Qin fan ordered, he knelt down in front of him one by one, holding his head in his hands. Even his courage to look at Qin fan was gone.

"What do you want to do with my son?"

At this time, Li Gui, who had been shot and almost fainted, gradually regained consciousness, still biting his teeth and staring at Qin fan, asked word by word.

"It's very simple. You tell me what you want to know. I'll reunite your father and son." Qin Fan said.

"But what if I don't?" Li Guihan said in a cold voice.

"It's easier. Anyway, I'm not sure if you want to go with me tonight. Since you don't want to go with me, I'll have to take your son to Kunshan to accompany your old friends for you, OK?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"You Li Gui stares at Qin fan as if he wants to kill the evil devil with his eyes. However, the smile in Qin fan's eyes makes him feel more and more desperate. But he also knows that if he says something today that he shouldn't say, his family, even if he doesn't die in Qin fan's hands, will never see the sun tomorrow."You're afraid." Qin fan read out the fear in his eyes.

"You're afraid that after you tell me everything, that person won't let your family live well, right?"

Li Gui didn't speak. The fear from his heart has made him unable to make a choice in this situation. He will die if he agrees or not, and even lose his family's life.

He now began to wonder why the man had made an appointment to meet here, and until now, he did not appear.

"What do you want to know?" Li Gui looks at Qin fan with a complicated look, and finally asks.

"Who is the person you are in contact with?" Qin fan asked.

"I'll say I don't even know his name. Will you believe it?" Li Gui asked.

"I believe it." Qin fan nodded, "but you can listen to me say a name to see if it's the same as you."


"Poisonous dragon." Qin Fan said.

As one of the four Dharma protectors of the Dragon Gang, the poisonous dragon is specially responsible for spying on the opponent's intelligence. It's careless to let him escape from the abandoned construction site that day. If he is the one who has been in contact with Li Gui, then the next situation will become a bit bad.

"No In Qin fan's expectant eyes, Li Gui shook his head.

"I've seen the poisonous dragon. The person I contacted is not him."

Speaking of this, Li Gui's eyes swept the three servants in the room, and the shivering woman who had been hiding in the corner.

"I don't think it has much to do with whether what you say today can reach that person's ears or not."

Qin fan saw the worry in his eyes and asked with a smile, "how do you contact that person?"

"He took the initiative to contact me. He has my address and telephone number. Every time he needs to order some tasks, he will take the initiative to call me. However, every time the number is different, and I haven't checked it, but it's estimated that it's an anonymous phone card, and I can't find anything."

"So you know nothing?" Qin fan shakes his head and is not satisfied with Li Gui's performance.

Li Gui also said in a voice: "in fact, I'm a puppet in that person's hand. Up to now, I don't even know whether that person is a man or a woman. Every time he calls, the voice he uses has been processed by a simulator. I don't even know if the recorded sound is played to me in advance, so even if you ask me, I can't tell you anything."

What Li Gui said was true and true, and there was no sign of lying.

"Tell me about your actions tomorrow night." Qin fan lowered his head, cracked his mouth and said with a smile.

"What, tomorrow night's action?" Li Gui suddenly stares big eyes, in the vision flash a tiny can't detect of panic.

"You said it yourself." Qin Fan said with a smile, "if I don't kill you today, after tomorrow night, the whole Shen family will kneel in front of you and pray for your forgiveness? Tell me, what kind of prayer do you want? If you say it, I'll let you go and let you and your son reunite with your father. Can you think about it? "

Li Gui looked at Qin fan in a dazed way, and a cold sweat came down from his forehead. "I, what did I say?"

"Well." Qin fan nodded.


Li Gui opens his mouth, and suddenly he hears a "bang" shot. A big blood hole in his thumb suddenly appears in Li Gui's eyebrow.

Qin fan suddenly turned his head, turned the muzzle of the gun and pointed behind him. Then he saw a woman in a red skirt with a gun in her hand among the shivering women in the corner of the box. She said in horror: "it's not me! It wasn't me! Please don't kill me... "

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