The middle-aged man looked warily at Qin fan. He looked up and down and asked, "are you really willing to give us a million dollars each?"

Qin fan nodded.

"How do you want me to believe you?" Asked the middle-aged man.

"I'll give you a million dollars first, and let me go after you get it. I'll call you all the rest at once." Qin Fan said calmly.

"Good." The middle-aged man nodded without thinking.

Then I took my cell phone out of my trouser pocket.

But unexpectedly, Qin fan shot faster!

Just as the middle-aged man lowered his head and wanted to take out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, he suddenly saw a hand flash past in his sight, and then his waist was empty. When the loading sound of the gun sounded, the middle-aged man looked up and saw the muzzle of the gun in front of him exploded.


The trigger went off and the gun went off.

The bloody hole appeared on the middle-aged man's forehead. The middle-aged man's eyes widened. To his death, he couldn't believe that the young man in front of him could finish the action of pulling out the gun, loading and firing in such a short time.

Dead body down!

Before the thugs behind him reacted, Qin fan turned around, pointed the muzzle at the crowd and said in a low voice, "open the door."

The door of the fire passage is locked. Qin fan can only go out from here if he opens it with a key.

And this time, in the face of Qin fan, who took the gun and killed their boss without hesitation, these thugs no longer had the previous unbridled, even some panic. You shot decisively just now, as if human life was worthless in his eyes. Even if you killed a chicken with a knife, you should stab your eyes, right?

"We don't have a key."

After a moment's silence, a skinny thug standing in the corner said.

"Who has the key?" Qin fan asked.

"First floor security..."

"Call and let him open the door."

Under the gaze of Qin fan's muzzle, the thin man takes out the phone and asks the security guard to open the door with the key.

For a time, the atmosphere fell into silence. Qin fan moved his body behind the wall to avoid letting the security guard come here to find out for the first time. At the same time, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the thugs in front of him. He did not dare to relax.

Time passed two minutes in silence.

The security guard with a bunch of keys hanging in his waist is late.

"What's the matter?"

The security guard looked at a group of people standing at the door with a strange look. He opened his mouth and was about to speak. Yu Guangli saw the corpse leaning against the side wall with eyes staring round, and Qin fan with a gun at him!

"Open the door." Qin fan came out of the shadow and said faintly.

Fortunately, the security guard was a coward. The corpse in front of him scared him out of his wits. When he saw the muzzle of the gun in Qin fan's hand, he sat on the ground with a "thump" and crawled to the back door with a shiver.


After the security guard opened the back door, Qin fan pointed a gun at these people and retreated until he left the door. When the light of the street lamp shone on him, Qin Fan said goodbye with a smile and then turned to leave.

The moon is bright and the stars are few.

Qin fan ran wildly in the moonlight. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and was about to send his location to Uncle Dong. But after hesitation, he called Bai Jianjia.

"Shut down?"

Qin fan stopped at the door of a supermarket and looked around. After confirming that no one was following, he called again.

Or turn it off?

In the morning, Qin Jian, who was born in the military area, should call his friends in the military area hostel.

But in order to be on the safe side, Qin fan sent her a message to call her back as soon as she received the message, otherwise she would have to go to the hostel of the military region.

After sending the text message, Qin fan looked at the time. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. He actually stayed in the dynasty club for two and a half hours. In addition to the delay in front of the door for ten or twenty minutes, he really struggled for two hours to escape.

After a high degree of mental tension and relaxation, it is like a tide of fatigue.

Qin fan breathed deeply. He went into the supermarket and bought a bottle of drink and some bread. After paying, he sat on the rest stool at the door, eating and thinking about what happened today.

He is still not sure whether Li Gui really wants to tell him some useful information before he is shot. He doesn't think so. After all, judging from the situation at that time, it's not enough to let Li Gui fight back and confess everything to himself.

But that man, obviously, didn't want any risk or instability in his plan.

Qin fan doesn't know whether the woman with a gun and a red skirt is really Sha Hai Li Gui's murderer. The scene in front of him is too chaotic. It's lucky that she can retreat completely. She has no time to think about anything else."It seems that the Dragon Gang is really all pervasive..."

Qin fan sighed deeply. It is estimated that even Li Gui didn't expect that there were spies of the Dragon Gang around him at any time. All his actions fell into the eyes of the other party. If he was careless, he died.

Li Gui is dead. It seems that the Li family will either re elect new people or lose their use value. They will be kicked out by that person and re elect other puppets.

Qin fan is more inclined to the former. Now he has managed to figure out some of the reasons, and has bought Li Yan. If that person chooses a puppet again, it means that everything has to start from scratch. He doesn't know how much trouble to solve before he can return to the present stage.

After eating a whole bag of bread, Qin fan poured some water into his throat. Then he stood up, left the supermarket and took a taxi back to feicui valley.

Just seeing an empty car approaching, Qin fan didn't know why. He was so flustered that he let go of his hand.

Then he took out a business card from his pocket and got through the phone. After waiting for a while on the side of the road, he saw a black van with a double flash and stopped beside him.

"What about the detective? Did you look for the beast? I've been waiting all day for you to call me and get rid of harm for the people. "

As soon as I got on the bus, the East Ring car God handed me a cigarette and grinned.

Qin fan took the cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then said, "go to Beihuan, drive slowly, and you can arrive before 11 o'clock."

It's less than an hour's journey from here to the north ring. Qin fan has slowed it down twice. Although the God of vehicles in the east ring is curious, he doesn't dare to ask more when he sees Qin fan's tired face.

"How many years have you bought this car?"

On the road, when the east ring God of vehicles is driving slowly to enjoy the night scenery, Qin fan suddenly asks.

"Ah? More than a year ago, I bought it in the early spring of last year. My wife was pregnant and it was inconvenient to go to and from work, so I bought this car for walking. Now that the baby is born, I use it to do some work and earn some money. " East Ring car God simple and honest smile.

"How much did it cost?" Qin fan asked.

"The whole money is 100000 yuan. I bought it with a loan. The down payment is less than 20000 yuan, and it's more than 900 yuan a month..."

"I'll give you 120000, and give me the car."

In the East Ring car God carefully calculate this account, suddenly listen to Qin Fan said.


The sound of the brake pad rubbing against the wheel instantly sounded on the road.

East Ring car God stepped on the brake, turned his head, glared at his eyes and asked, "what did you say?"

"Is it automatic?" Qin fan asked himself.

"Yes, I bought my driver's license many years ago, and I can't drive it manually."

"For sale?" Qin fan turned his head and asked.

"Sell it!"

I don't know why, the East Ring car God doesn't doubt that this boy can buy his car for more than 100000 yuan at a time.

It's mainly this guy. When he talks about spending money, his tone and expression are too understated. It's like the family is not short of money. At a young age, there is always a mine in the family, right?

Qin fan asked him to take the bank card and transfer money through mobile phone bank. After reading the SMS balance reminder on his mobile phone, cheshen of East Ring speeded up to the end and headed for north ring.

Qin fan, sitting in the co pilot's seat, takes out his mobile phone and opens wechat. While recalling, he describes the features of the red skirt girl in words, and then sends it to Liu Ying.

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