North ring construction site.

East Central car God put the car to the side after the flameout, took a taxi to leave.

Qin fan sat in the driver's seat smoking, and then counted how many bullets were still in the magazine.


This is a common 64 pistol in the black market. It is specially equipped by police officers. It has seven rounds. Qin fan has used one bullet on the head of the thug leader.

At that time, Qin fan would not believe anyone.

What's more, the owner of the clubhouse gave each person a reward of 200000 yuan to capture himself alive. He obviously knew his identity, or someone who knew his identity was behind the scenes. These thugs clearly wanted to make a profit before catching him back, but unfortunately, they lost their lives.

"Six bullets..."

After Qin fan put the cartridge back to load, looking at the construction site of the north ring project, which was still in operation late at night, Liu Yingying's message came back in time.

"Yes, this girl with red skirt is Liu Shengyu. She's a miss in every field. It's said that her recent activity is in the dynasty club. I have her detailed address here. Do you need it now?"

Isn't it a killer?

Qin fan frowned and replied, "do you know the background of the boss of the dynasty club?"

"Guo Tao, male, 53 years old, used to be an influential figure in the underground world of Nandu. Later, he was convicted of intentional injury for five years. After he came out, he basically stopped wandering outside. He used his huge contacts to create a dynasty club. This is a paradise for local ruffians and hooligans. You can buy everything you want in the club."

"Can you get in touch with him?" Qin fan asked.


"Then you tell him that I need five clips of 64 pistol bullets, a total of 14 rounds. Let him be ready. I'll go to him in an hour."

"Got it."

After turning off the mobile phone, Qin fan took a deep breath of the cigarette in his mouth, threw away the cigarette end, got out of the car and walked towards the north ring project site.

Although it's late at night, the construction site 24 of Beihuan new town is almost non-stop disappearing.

Here you can see the roaring machines and sweaty workers.

Qin fan directly bypasses them and knocks on the door of the CFO. Huang Qianqian is surprised to open the back door and strides in.


Twelve o'clock in the evening.

The neon light of "Dynasty club" is flashing, and a huge crown pattern appears on the wall of the main building, which is colorful.

The whole building is full of splendor. From all kinds of luxury cars parked in front of the door, we can see that this is a senior club for the upper class.

It's the golden cave.

Qin fan stopped his van on the road, put on his hat and got off.

When Qin fan got out of the car, his eyes changed slightly when he first looked at the "Dynasty club".

The number of bodyguards and welcome ladies at the door has not changed. What has changed is that these people, especially those bodyguards in suits and with earphones, look more rigorous than those in the afternoon.

It seems that Guo Tao is still a little cautious.

Qin fan's eyes swept at the door. Finally, he put on his mask and sunglasses and strode back to the club.


Black tooling, black cap, sunglasses and white mask

Qin fan's dress naturally led to the entrance guard's blocking and questioning.

"Liu Qing." Qin Fan said.

"To whom?"

"Mr. Guo, take the goods." Qin Fan said calmly.

The bodyguard looked at Qin fan suspiciously. Without asking more, he turned on the walkie talkie and talked to the people on the third floor.



The bodyguard turned to Qin fan and said, "follow me."

Dynasty club is the largest underground goods trading center in Nandu, where all kinds of people come here every night to buy and sell goods.

After confirming Qin fan's identity, the bodyguard turned around and took him into the hall, then pressed the light of the elevator.

Qin fan's eyes under his sunglasses swept through the hall. After he left, the vigilance here was obviously strengthened. There were bodyguards in suits and earphones standing in several corners of the original air defense. Their waists were bulging. They should be equipped with guys for everyone.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and the bodyguard led him into the elevator and pressed the light on the third floor.

"Are there so many people watching you all the time?" Qin fan deliberately lowered his voice, through the mask, to make his voice sound low and hoarse.

"It's not. Today, there's a man who wants to make trouble, but we've cleaned him up. There's nothing wrong. You don't have to worry."

If the safety of the guests can not be guaranteed, they will soon be empty and their business will not go on.

"You all have guns?" Qin fan bent down and tied his shoelaces to his feet.The bodyguard laughed and didn't answer him.

When the elevator reaches the third floor, Qin fan still follows the bodyguard, passes through the quiet corridor and stops in front of an iron door.

"According to the rules, we need to frisk you before you go in." The bodyguard turned his head and said.

Qin fan nodded and spread his arms.

After the inspection, the bodyguard nodded and knocked on the iron door. The door inside was opened first, revealing a face full of whiskers.

"Liu Qing, I just called downstairs." Said the bodyguard.

The beard swept Qin fan one eye, Qin fan nodded at the same time: "tiger brother."

Tiger brother, one of Guo Tao's left and right arms, is responsible for helping Guo Tao sell some dangerous goods. Although Qin fan asked Liu Yingying to find Guo Tao to buy bullets, he actually made a deal with tiger brother.

The four eyes are opposite.

Brother Hu opens the iron door and signals Qin fan to enter the house.

Qin fan hesitated for a moment. When he followed in, he heard a bang behind him. The iron door was closed by the bodyguards from outside. Then he put his hands behind him and guarded the gate firmly.

"Five 64 pistol clips, a total of 60 bullets, give you five, it is to see in Sister Liu's face, as a gift."

After entering the room, brother Hu took out a paper box from under the table, took out five chalk boxes from inside, put them in front of Qin fan in turn, lit a cigarette and said.

Qin fan reached out and opened the chalk box, which was the product he came here to buy this evening, 64 pistol bullets. In each chalk box, there were 12 rounds, five chalk boxes, a total of 60 rounds, plus five gifts, a total of 65 rounds, and five black bullet clips.

"I'll try the gun." Qin Fan said.

Brother Hu nodded, took out an empty 64 pistol from his waist, patted it on the table, and motioned Qin fan to be at will.

Without hesitation, Qin fan picked up the shotgun and cartridge clip with both hands. After loading the gun skillfully, he opened the safety bolt, turned his hand to the water cupboard less than three meters away, and quickly pulled the trigger.


The gun is stuck.

Qin fan frowned, then he saw brother Hu laughing and said, "I'm sorry, there's something wrong with this gun. Please try this one."

Tiger elder brother said, and took out a 64 pistol, this time he personally handed it to Qin fan's hand, at the same time charged: "I only spent 1000 yuan to buy the tea cabinet, or you try the mirror."

Qin fan reloaded the pistol, aimed at a mirror on the wall pointed by Tiger brother, and pulled the trigger directly.

Bang! Bang!

Two shots in a row.

Not down four meters of distance, there is no need to aim, two shots are hit in the mirror above.

"Qian, sister Liu has called. You can go after checking the goods." Tiger brother said with a smile.

"Well." Qin fan nodded and asked, "where is brother Tao?"

"Upstairs." Said tiger brother.

"Thank you."

When Qin fan came to express his thanks and was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard brother Hu say, "wait a minute!"

Qin fan turned his head and looked at him puzzled.

"Have you seen this man?"

Tiger elder brother sits on the chair, reaches out his hand and raises the mobile phone. The screen is facing Qin fan, with his photo on it.

"I don't know." Qin fan whispered.

"Well." Brother Hu nodded and muttered: "Damn, I've been looking for a bully all night. I don't even have a shadow. I have to stay up late and work overtime. If I see him, I have to skin him!"

Qin fan's eyes lightly swept him, turned and left the room. Under the guidance of the bodyguard, he walked into the elevator and was about to leave the club.

"What are you doing?"

See Qin fan into the elevator, standing in the corner bent down, bodyguards immediately vigilant asked.

"It's a carry on." Qin Fan said lightly, his hands tied with shoelaces. Yu Guangli lifted the thick carpet in the corner of the elevator, took out his pistol and turned to the back of the bodyguard.

"Take me to the third floor."

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