
Until now, the bodyguard only understood what Qin fan was doing when he bent over to carry it up and down the stairs!

He's hiding his gun!

There is a thick date carpet at the bottom of the elevator, and the people who come here can't wait to go upstairs to play. No one will notice a little raised piece in the corner, so it gives him a chance to hide his gun here.

"There's monitoring in the elevator. You must have seen what you're doing in the security room. If you're smart, you can put down your gun, and maybe you can save a dog's life!"

After all, this is a dynasty club, and the bodyguards will not be frightened by Qin fan's understatement.

At this time, the elevator also arrived on the first floor, but the door did not open, proving that no one wanted to enter outside.

Qin fan quickly pressed the button on the third floor, because he saw that the button on the fourth floor was in a separate position, and there was a brush sensing area below, which needed a specific card to pass.

"You have a chance to think about it in three seconds. If you don't think about it when the elevator reaches the third floor, I don't mind killing you first, then taking your card and going upstairs by yourself." Qin fan whispered.

"Ha ha, you don't dare. If you dare to shoot here, you can't or go out." The bodyguard sneered.

"The last one to talk to me like this is dead. I hope you won't be the second one."


The elevator reaches the third floor.

Just as Qin fan was about to pull the trigger, the bodyguard suddenly whispered, "you are the one who killed people here in the afternoon?"

"It's me." Qin Fan said.

"Hoo..." He took a deep breath, nodded and said, "OK, I'll take you upstairs, but I'll only take you to the elevator. After getting out of the elevator, it's not my business."

"Go upstairs."

After the bodyguard takes out the card from his arms and brushes it through the induction area, the button on the fourth floor lights up directly, the elevator door closes and continues to rise.

"I advise you not to be impulsive. Although the security on the fourth floor is not very tight, once something happens, it's not easy for you to leave." The bodyguard whispered.

"Thank you for your concern. I'll think about it."

What Qin fan didn't expect was that the height from the third floor to the fourth floor was longer than that from the first floor to the third floor. He didn't know what was between them. When the elevator door was opened, there was no one in the corridor outside. Only a few lights were hanging on the ceiling, emitting a dark light.

"There is no fire passage on the fourth floor, but you can go down the old stairs next to general manager Guo's office. Remember to turn on the flashlight when you run, or you will fall."

Qin fan turned off the elevator and began to jump in surprise.

Who is this man?

Qin fan is stunned. He always feels that something strange is happening tonight. He is not sure whether he has entered the whole set set set up by Guo Tao. At least from the immediate point of view, it's not like this. It's just this bodyguard

Qin fan frowned, changed the clip of his shotgun and watched warily.

There was no office on the fourth floor except for a big door at the end of the corridor.

Qin fan felt as if he had been to a prison.

The soft carpet under his feet makes him not need to step lightly. Qin fan stoops to the gate with a gun, leans his shoulder on the door and pushes it inside. The huge jujube red gate suddenly opens!

Qin fan was startled. At the moment when the door opened in, he quickly raised his hand and aimed the gun at the room. In the bright office, full of luxurious European office furniture, on a red desk with more than ten square meters, a fat, bald head was lying on the table, and there was no movement.

I fell asleep.

Qin fan was stunned. After confirming that no one came up behind him and there was no movement in the elevator, he went into the office sideways and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the bald head on the desk all the time. When he got close, he could not see clearly the faces on the desk. A strong smell of blood came to him instantly!

People are dead!

Qin fan's heart clapped, immediately put down his gun and pushed the bald head on the table with his hand.

The polished head was pushed away. Qin fan widened his eyes and saw a face covered with blood, which suddenly appeared in the line of sight.

There's blood all over the table, too!

Qin fan watched the neck cut by the skinhead weapon, dripping blood in the air, and the strong smell of blood in the air came from it!

Qin fan is silly.

His eyes difficultly moved away from his bald head, and then he saw pictures of bald head and different people on the wall next to his desk, and there was a name below, Guo Tao!

Guo Tao is dead?

Guo fan killed a man on his desk?

Is it a coincidence?But just before Qin fan wakes up from his confusion, I suddenly hear the alarm outside. Then, the alarm in the office sounds like a mountain torrent and tsunami!

It's a trick!

Qin fan's face turned black, and he didn't have any chance to react. He didn't have time to see Guo Tao, who was dead. With a gun in his hand, he turned around and ran out of the office!


Qin fan just emerged from the office and saw the end of the corridor. The red elevator number just jumped to "4"! When the elevator door opened, a group of middle-aged people with guns rushed out of the elevator. At the moment of seeing Qin fan, they directly raised their hands and shot!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of shooting, bullets madly close to Qin fan's scalp, Qin fan directly a donkey hit rolled to one side, raised his hand, toward the corridor another crazy shot!

Silent club on the fourth floor.

Instantly swept by gunfire!

Qin fan directly shot all the bullets in the clip at one breath. In his mind, he came up with the words that the bodyguard in black told him before he went. After changing the clip, he fired again. With the sound of gunfire, he rushed into the wooden door next to the office!


Just at the moment when Qin fan broke into the room, a bullet passed his shoulder. The pain made Qin fan take a breath of air-conditioning. In the darkness when he rushed into the room, he could not help falling forward. He felt that the sole of his foot was empty, and the whole person fell down.

It's hard for Qin fan to imagine that behind the door of the room on the fourth floor is such a prosperous revolving staircase.

As soon as his body fell out of balance, Qin fan was like a ball. "Gululu" rolled down the stairs from the door. When he landed on the ground, Qin fan only felt that his bones were going to fall apart, his eyes were glued together, and a stream of heat flowed down his forehead and from his face.


Qin fan was lying on the ground, breathing hard to keep himself awake.

At the same time, he struggled to lift his hand in the dark until he touched the short gun next to him. He was a little relieved and silently calculated how many bullets were still in the gun.

"Look for it! He must have run down from this side. Don't let him find anything in the room, or our Dynasty club will be ruined! "

In the dark, the thugs roared.

Qin fan was stunned.

What's in the room?

What is this place?

Just for a moment, Qin fan's mind suddenly came up with the words that the black bodyguard told him before he left.

There are no fire stairs on the fourth floor. You can only leave through this door. Moreover, the stairs are in disrepair for a long time. You must turn on your flashlight to avoid wrestling?

Qin fan now faintly feels that this person seems to be deliberately trying to tell himself something, and it is very likely that Guo Tao's death is related to him. After all, how can a bodyguard who is looking at the gate at the door have a card that can reach the elevator on the fourth floor?

It's a pity that life was at stake at that time. It's lucky to be able to escape. How can I have time to open my cell phone?

While pondering, the overhead suddenly spread a burst of rapid footsteps.

The sound of footsteps was dense and heavy, and there was a flickering light, which was constantly projected from the top of the head.

Qin fan knew that his opponent was chasing him down, and his body recovered some strength, so he moved his body to one side with difficulty until he touched the wall. He struggled to do it. He held a gun in both hands, lowered his breath, looked up and just watched the flashlight light coming from the top of his head, and the footsteps getting closer!

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