"Be careful, that boy has a gun in his hand. Maybe the cat is in the corner now, waiting for us to show our head first, and then shoot the black gun!"

Overhead, came the voice of staggered vigilance.

At the same time, the sound of walking downstairs began to slow down, and it seemed that it began to slow down. For fear of being exposed first, Qin fan, who was hiding in the corner, would be shot dead.

"Slow down. I think he's in the corner under the stairs. Liuzi will go and have a look. If he's found, he'll shoot and kill him!"

Listen to the tone of the speech, obviously is the leader of this gang of thugs.

Then Qin fan heard someone answer, and the noisy environment of the footstep suddenly quieted down. Then there was the "creak" sound of heavy objects stepping on the iron stairs. Although he deliberately put the action lightly, the old stairs were in disrepair for a long time, and the "creak" sound was clearly transmitted to Qin fan's ears.

Qin fan is under the stairs!

He can even feel the dust that people on the stairs fall with each step.

The short gun is sweating in the palm. If Liuzi finds himself here, even if he can kill him with one shot, his position will be exposed, and the shooter on his head will instantly beat himself into a sieve!

The dull sound of footsteps gradually approached. Qin fan held his breath and took out the bullet clip which had been polished upstairs from his arms. In the opposite direction, he suddenly threw it out.


I don't know what object the clip hit, so I heard a violent tremor, especially harsh in the silent space!

At the same time, Qin fan felt panic and confusion in the stairs above his head. Then he didn't know who fired the first shot first. It was like a chain reaction. All the people on the stairs raised their guns in the direction of the sound, and then pulled the trigger frantically.

Almost at this moment, Qin fan leaned out of the stairs, raised his hand and fired quickly!

After a round of shooting, Qin fan shot out all the bullets in the magazine, then turned back to hide under the stairs, removed the empty magazine, and reloaded the new stretcher.

But by this time, the stairs were screaming!

These people were all shot in the crazy shooting just now. There were wounds on their hands, shoulders and stomach. Five of them had fallen down and blocked in the middle of the narrow stairs. They opened their mouths wide and let out a heartrending cry!

"Draft it, give it to me!"

The only two men, the thug leader and Liuzi, looked around nervously. With one hand holding the shotgun, the other hand taking out the mobile phone, they were about to turn on the flashlight in the mobile phone.


Qin fan looked up at the dim light on the mobile phone screen, gritted his teeth and rushed out from under the stairs again. Aiming at the bright left arm of the mobile phone, he quickly pulled the trigger again.

"As long as you master the skills of anti shake when shooting, even a dog with a gun within 10 meters can accurately hit the bullet on the opponent's body!"

This is what uncle Dong told him when he taught him to use a gun.

Any sharpshooter is fed with bullets.

Qin fan follows Dong Shuxue to learn how to fight and shoot. The purpose is not to kill people, but to let him have the means to protect himself at the critical moment of life and death.

Process shooting and counter capture are his main skills.

Although there is not much time, Qin fan, who has tried his best to deal with life and death several times, thinks that as long as he can keep his mind and mood stable, in this natural protective environment, although he can't shoot each other to death, he can shoot two of the seven bullets on two people.

Bang! Bang! Bang

Qin fan held the gun in both hands and quickly emptied the bullet in the clip towards the target.

Then, without looking at it, he rushed to an iron door illuminated by his mobile phone.

The iron door was not locked. Qin fan directly opened the door and went inside. However, this time, he learned from the previous lesson. At the moment of entering the door, he suddenly slowed down his pace. After testing the stairs in front of him, he threw away his legs and ran downstairs desperately.

He was no longer interested in what was hidden in the room.

Run for your life!

He rushed from the fourth floor to the third floor and opened the iron door in front of him again, which was the familiar fire passage he had just run through a few hours ago.

"I hope the gate is not locked!"

Qin fan raised his hand and wiped the blood scab on his face with his arm. Some places were almost frozen, so he could only reach down to uncover it. Unexpectedly, he pulled the bullet wound on his shoulder. The sharp pain made him take a breath of cold air, and almost fainted directly.


After taking a breath, Qin fan replaced the cartridge clip again, pushed open the door of the fire passage and continued to rush down.

Third floor

Second floor

First floor

Qin fan rushed to the fire gate on the first floor. Seeing that the gate was not locked, he pulled it open. As he was about to rush out, the glare like a searchlight came from outside the door, which made Qin fan stop subconsciously. At the same time, he raised his hand and covered his eyes."Click!"

Before the light intensity dissipated, Qin fan heard a series of bolt loading sounds in his ears.

"Run, keep running."

The cold voice of words echoed in my ears at the same time.

Qin fan opened his eyes from his fingers and saw that on the road outside the fire passage, several cars blocked the exit firmly, all of them were large black SUVs! The light in the gun makes Qin fan unable to look at the people in front of him, but he can still see the head's trademark beard!


Tiger brother, who was supposed to be in the iron gate on the third floor, didn't know when the people had sealed the exit firmly. It seemed that Qin fan had expected that he would definitely run away from here. His eyes were full of pride and disdain, just like a cat who had enough of playing with mice. After pondering, he would bite off the neck of the prey!

"In the afternoon, when you came to us, you first shot and killed Li Gui in the box, and then in the evening, you dare to turn around and shoot our boss Guo Tao. You are really brave, but do you think you can still retreat like that? Ha ha, you are bullying me too much Tiger brother sneers.

Qin fan's eyes gradually adapt to the light. He knows very well that his face is still covered by sunglasses and masks. How does brother Hu know that the person in the afternoon is himself, or has he found out when he was buying bullets?

However, Guo Tao didn't kill himself, which Qin fan knew very well.

"No more talking?" Seeing that Qin fan kept silent, tiger brother laughed and said, "it's no problem not to speak. Whether you admit it or not, it's you who did these two things, but I just need to check whether the warhead that killed our boss is the same as that used in your pistol, and everything will come to light. Do you think so?"

Then tiger brother waved to Qin fan: "go, hand over the gun in his hand, then tie it up and bring it to me."

Smell speech, immediately two big men in black came quickly to Qin fan, without breaking up, grabbed the short gun in Qin fan's hand, then took out his arms, pushed Qin fan to the ground, at the same time took out the tie, tied Qin fan's hands behind him, and then clasped his shoulder, directly dragged him to tiger brother.

"How's it going? Is there anything else to say before you die? " Brother Hu bent down and stared at Qin fan coldly.

Seeing that Qin fan hadn't opened his mouth, he was angry and directly reached out to remove the mask and sunglasses from Qin fan's face. Staring into his eyes, he said in a cold voice, "do you really think I don't know who you are? In fact, when I was in my room, I found you. I just wanted to let you live for the sake of sister Liu's face, but I didn't expect that, far from being grateful, you secretly ran to the fourth floor and killed brother Tao! Now you take the initiative to admit that maybe I can consider keeping your whole body. "

Qin fan looked up at Tiger brother's almost violent eyes and said with a low smile: "do you want to plant me?"

"Planting?" Brother Hu said with a smile, "it's true! The bullet that killed brother Tao is from you. Don't struggle any more. Now all the people in the club are here. You can't live. Now even if Liu Yingying comes by herself, I can kill you. Don't you believe it? "

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