Qin fan raised his head and knew that he had fallen into tiger brother's plan tonight.

Two people in the transaction, they have been seen through.

And he was so sure that the bullet that killed Guo Tao came from his own hands.

It seems that Guo Tao's death has something to do with him.

What's more, it's very likely that it's the person who killed him, and then blame himself for the crime. The purpose is to clear the suspicion and convince the public.

"What? Dumb? "

For Qin fan's silent state, tiger brother is very upset.

"Are you waiting for Liu Yingying to save you?"

Tiger brother squatted down, his eyes parallel to Qin fan, he said with a smile: "don't pretend, don't think I don't know who you are. If you dare to shoot Li Gui in public, it proves that you have a special relationship with Liu Yingying. We naturally know the origin of Liu yingying, but we don't know if she has the courage to show up and fight against the Dragon gang at this time ?”

Although brother Hu's last words were very quiet, he was caught in Qin fan's ear. Suddenly, his pupils contracted violently. He said in a cold voice, "are you from the Dragon Gang?"

"What are you talking about?" But unexpectedly, brother Hu's face was at a loss. "I've never heard of any dragon gang. You can't intentionally pour dirty water on me in order to get rid of the suspicion of killing brother Tao."

Although tiger brother said the tone of panic, but his face is unable to hide.

Qin fan looked at him in a dazed way. Suddenly, his heart trembled and he said in a low voice, "are you the one in Li Gui's mouth?"


Without giving Qin fan any reaction time at all, tiger brother suddenly changed his face and hit Qin fan in the face with one punch.

Before rolling down from the fourth floor stairs, Qin fan's body and face were covered with countless scars.

The blow directly hit the face, making Qin fan feel that the bridge of his nose was smashed. The smell of blood filled his mouth instantly, his eyes were black, and his body fell back directly.

"Catch him, since he won't admit the fact that he killed general manager Guo, beat him and say it."

Brother Hu stood up, and immediately a bodyguard grabbed Qin fan's hair and picked him up. Standing in front of him, brother Hu shrugged and hit Qin fan in the face with another blow.

Blood all over the place!

As the champion of Nandu underground boxing hall, tiger brother fought with all his strength, even the professional boxer had to faint on the spot!

Although Qin fan's constitution is better than that of ordinary people, it is only better.

Two punches down, the whole face will instantly become purple and swollen, just like the pig's head, but there is no gap at all. Another blow, hard hit in the eye socket.

Qin fan can't see anything.

The whole person only felt the whirl of heaven and earth, and could not even stand. His body was like a willow leaf swaying by the wind. When he swayed back and forth in his hand, brother Hu's fist hit Qin fan's other eye.

One punch!

One punch!

Another punch!

Qin fan is like a human flesh sandbag, swinging back and forth in brother Hu's hands. Blood is continuously sprayed in the air along his mouth and nose until brother Hu is tired. He grabs Qin fan's hair, presses his head down, and kicks his face with a knee jerk. Qin fan's body finally can't hold on any longer, and falls down like a corpse On the ground, his hands and feet twitched, and his mouth kept spitting out blood foam.

"Well, I don't think this man can say anything. I can be sure that the bullet that killed brother Tao was shot by this boy. It's the old rule to bury it in a place so as not to dirty my eyes."

Brother tiger waved his hand at will. Looking at Qin fan's eyes was like looking at a dead dog. With a scornful smile, he turned and sat in the back of the Land Rover. After starting, he left.

At the same time, the thugs also lifted Qin fan from the ground, threw him into the trunk of a black van and drove toward the outskirts of Nandu.

The night is as cool as water!

After driving at high speed for an hour and a half, the van stopped in a deserted suburb.

four one meter shovel opened the trunk and lifted the remain unconscious. He carried it to the woods three hundred meters away and dug up a deep hole of soil more than one meter with a spade. He threw Qin into the soil and bought it.

When the tail lights of the van disappear, it's dark.

All of a sudden, a bunch of white headlights are on. In the dark in the distance, a black Mercedes Benz big G suddenly rushes out and drives to the woods at a fast speed. After parking, three middle-aged people in black suits get out of the car and run into the woods.


Late at night!

Dynasty club.

Although it's already two o'clock in the morning, the passenger flow in front of the club is still endless. The red men and green women who come and go are just like the snakes, insects, rats and ants who have just started their night life. After playing in other places, they come here to seek the stimulation that other places can't experience.Fourth floor of dynasty club! In the only office.

Tiger is sitting on a leather sofa imported from Italy with a Cuban cigar in his mouth. His radiant face is full of imperial arrogance and overbearing expression.

Two graceful girls, no more than 18 years old, knelt on the carpet and massaged tiger's thighs carefully.

Behind the sofa, there are several strong men like iron towers, all of whom are brother Hu's confidants.

In addition, there is a middle-aged man in a black shirt opposite tiger brother. His face is resolute and his eyes are gloomy. Just standing there, he exudes an indescribable ferocity!

This man is one of the four Dharma protectors of the Dragon gang who escaped from the construction site in the eastern suburb last time, poisonous dragon!

The last time he left the construction site, he almost abandoned his own arm!

Four shots in the left arm!

Up to now, the bullet fragments have not been completely taken out, but he also shot and killed seven bodyguards who were chasing him. If four special forces did not follow, he even felt that he could kill all the enemies without being injured!

But fortunately, Zhang Hu came to meet him at the first time, so that he was not caught by the special forces. He has been injured until now, so he can show up.

"Guo Tao has just died in this chair. Now you're sitting on it. Aren't you afraid of bad luck?" The Dragon looked at the proud Zhang Hu and said faintly.

"Ha ha, can people in our business be afraid of the dead? Poisonous dragon, you haven't lived in the capital for too long. You've been working hard. A big fart boy can almost kill you. It's not too shameful to say that. "

It seems that Zhang Hu didn't pay any attention to the poisonous dragon at all, and his voice and tone didn't cover up at all.

The dragon's gloomy eyes flashed a sense of obliteration, but still said faintly: "your temper is as smelly as when you were fighting. It seems that the matter of being pulled off the front teeth with pliers at that time didn't have any effect on you."

"I can't believe you remember that." Zhang Hu said with a smile, "back then, our two brothers, known as the southern underground world champion! You Qinglong, I white tiger, have been fighting for five years, and no one dares to challenge the authority of our two brothers. It's a pity that I don't know which big man I've offended, so I've blocked the qualification of our two brothers. White tiger has become tiger brother, and you Qinglong have also gone to the capital to become a poisonous Dragon... "

"However, I didn't expect that you could join the Dragon gang and become the four Dharma protectors. It seems that this Nandu will be your brother's world. As long as you like, I can give you this dynasty club and half of Guo Tao's property. How about it? Have you lived up to your expectations of me? "

In the face of Zhang Hu's complacency, the Dragon just asked: "are you sure the person is dead?"

"I've played more than ten fists, but I didn't use all my strength, but as long as I have the strength, don't you know? As long as the boy is not made of iron, and now he is buried in the wilderness, don't worry, even if the immortal comes down to earth, he can't live. " Zhang Hu said carelessly.

"Are you sure it's buried?" Asked the dragon.


"Now everyone will think that Qin fan was killed by Zhang Hu." Said the dragon.

"That's true, but what's the origin of Qin fan? He can let you go to Nandu in person. I don't think he is the descendant of a big man. I tell you, don't pit me. If you really get into any big trouble, you have to bear it for me..."


Dragon interrupted him, looking at Zhang Hu light said: "because, you will never appear again."

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