MUKANG's hand rises and falls!

The middle-aged man's eyes were full and round, and then he fell down to Qin fan.

MUKANG was quick eyed and quick handed. He opened his hand and clasped the middle-aged man's shoulder to stop him from falling down. At the same time, he grabbed the middle-aged man with his other arm and held him up with his waist. Then he resisted on his shoulder.

"Send it to the base." Qin Fan said to MUKANG.

"Good!" MUKANG nodded. At the same time, a black van without taking a picture came quickly from the end of the road. It stopped at the side of the road, and the door opened. Qin fan got on the bus first. MUKANG also got on the bus after throwing the middle-aged man into the trunk. After driving several kilometers, he raised his wrist and clicked on the black electronic watch, which displayed the time number screen. A line of Chinese characters appeared in an instant Turn off EMI.

The electronic watch that MUKANG is wearing is cispr22cispr15 Jun electronic watch, which has the most advanced magnetic field interference technology in the world. Through this small watch, the high-intensity electronic interference wave emitted can instantly shield all electronic equipment within 100 meters of the nearby area, and can not work normally.

Some covert monitoring devices can't take pictures.

In the van.

In addition to Qin fan and Mu Kang, as well as the middle-aged people in the trunk, they also sit in the co pilot a Qiang and the driver a Ming.

Everything is under Qin fan's control.

Qin fan has been ready for everything from encountering to following. He not only wants to kill a few unimportant killers, but also wants to find out the behind the scenes of the whole thing, including the middle-aged man who has protected himself.

"Qin Shao, it was very exciting last night. 2v9, it can be played for a long time." Sitting in the co pilot's seat, a Qiang turned his head and cracked his mouth and said with a smile.

After a period of time together, especially after experiencing the ambush and arrest in the fish pond of Zhenjiang County, Qin fan and the members of the "Hunter" special action team are no longer just the initial master servant and employment relationship. They are more like comrades in arms, and they are all bloody men. They soon form a group.

"Ha ha, it's a little funny. If it wasn't for limited bullets, I would be enough alone." Qin fan is puffing smoke ring, the cloud is light and the wind is light.

"It seems that team Zhang's guidance is good. All the disciples are so excellent. Don't you have to give him a credit when you go back?" Ah Qiang laughs.

"Where's Zhang Zihao?" Qin fan glanced and found that ah Hao didn't come.

"Team Zhang is still trying the poisonous dragon. The boy's mouth is really hard. You didn't spit out any valuable information these two days when you left, but soon, at dawn today, I think this guy can't carry it. Team Zhang is going to strike while the iron is hot and prepare to attack him directly."

"Well." Qin fan nodded. As one of the four Dharma protectors of the Dragon Gang, the poisonous dragon must know the news as deep as the sea. As long as he is willing to spit out, the news will play a vital role in their next action.

"Qin Shao, the person in the trunk is the one you called last night?" In the "Hunter" special operation team, MUKANG is a little older and has served for the longest time. It's hard to change his belief of superiors and subordinates and obeying orders in a short time, so his voice is quite respectful.

"Well, it's the killer leader he shot, otherwise last night It's very dangerous. " Qin fan sighed.

Chen Sixuan is an excellent woman after all. Even if she is independent in business, she can exercise her psychological quality far better than ordinary people. But last night, if the middle-aged man didn't shoot and kill the killer leader in time, once the target is exposed, I'm afraid she will fall into an extremely dangerous living environment.

"Lurking, tracking, hunting Fifty meters away, he can accurately kill the target and blow his head off. This shooting method and super fighting quality are not comparable to those of ordinary professional killers. What's more, after the battle, he didn't continue to follow you to your residence. It can be seen that he has more than one task to shoulder. It's afraid that he will be able to find out the truth behind every assassination against you The key reason for lurking all night. "

MUKANG's analysis is the same as Zhang Zihao's conjecture in yesterday's phone call.

To conceal a place and nail himself to a preset ambush position without moving, I'm afraid that only veteran scouts can achieve this fighting quality. So Zhang Zihao, who also came from the background of scouts, let Qin fan stay up all night. After confirming that the middle-aged man didn't follow him to the villa area, he decided that he must continue to observe and wait in his original position Real prey appears.

The car left Beihuan all the way, took the ring expressway, and quickly drove into the shipyard by the sea.

Zhang Zihao and other team members have been waiting in the yard for a long time.

Seeing that the car stopped, he immediately went forward to open the door. At the same time, he asked Cao Ziqiang to open the trunk and pull the middle-aged man out.

"Who are you?"

What Qin fan and others said in the car, he heard it clearly in the trunk, very clear that the group of men standing in front of him at the moment, all like him, experienced the test of war, retired Jun people!

However, when his eyes fell on Zhang Zihao in front of him, his pupils suddenly contracted violently, and Zhang Zihao's eyes were even more awe inspiring. First, he was like seeing a ghost, and then he immediately stood at attention, subconsciously saluted and yelled: "Lian...""Forget it."

The middle-aged man interrupted Zhang Zihao's next words.

But between the eyebrows, there was still an uncontrollable excitement!

And excitement!

The two people looked at each other in opposition, and the scene fell into silence for a time.

Qin fan and MUKANG just got out of the car and saw the scene.

Zhang Zihao did not finish the words, also heard in the ear.

Qin fan turned his head slightly in surprise and looked at MUKANG.

Mu Kang's eyes were even more puzzled. He had been scanning the middle-aged people tightly for ten seconds before he clapped! It's exactly the same as Zhang Zihao's reaction just now. Stand at attention and salute!

"I met you two..."

For a long time, the middle-aged man sighed.

His eyes swept deeply over Zhang Zihao and Mu Kang in front of him and sighed: "blue is better than blue. Unexpectedly, I will fall into the hands of you two smelly boys. It seems that fate knows. If you want to escape, you can't escape."

Qin Zimu said: "before, Zhang Zhonghao and I were a little surprised."

It's Qin fan. I understand.

No wonder both Zhang Zihao and Mu Kang were able to analyze his behavior in the first time. They were all brought out by others. My apprentice guessed master. Could that be wrong?

"I don't think that this kind of ambush will catch your attention in the eyes of the two mice. I don't think it's the way to go back after one night's silence." Middle aged people have some feelings.

Zhang Zihao was embarrassed.

For him who was a soldier, nothing moved him more than the friendship between the old monitor.

Unfortunately, when he retired from the army, he only tried to get in touch with the old squad leader in various aspects.

Finally, now.

But the old monitor was caught by himself, and he saw through his disguise.

Although he didn't want to face it, now that it had happened, he belonged to Qin fan's "Hunter" special action team. Even though he was in a dilemma, Zhang Zihao's eyes were still sharp after hesitation. He waved his hand and said, "ah Hui, ah Qiang, take people to the basement."

The basement, the interrogation room.

A place where poisonous dragons are held and interrogated.

The environment is special and the conditions are extremely cruel.

After Zhang Zihao finished, he waved his hand and walked forward without looking back.

The middle-aged man didn't speak. Under the escort of a Ming and a Qiang, he walked towards the factory building.

When Qin fan and MUKANG were left at the scene, MUKANG looked at Qin fan hesitantly and said, "don't worry, Qin Shao, we will handle this matter well, and it will never affect the next task."

Qin fan smiles and is about to speak when his mobile phone rings.

Strange number.

Qin fan put it to his ear when he got through.

"Qin fan! You even dare to catch my people, don't you want to die! "

On the other end of the phone, it was a woman's hoarseness.

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