Although his voice was a little hoarse, Qin fan could tell from his ears that the woman who was angry was Tang Xin.

It's rare for a woman with elegance and sex appeal to get so angry.

Qin Fan said with a smile, "I don't know what you're talking about, what's catching people, your people."

"Don't think I don't know! You took the man 53 minutes ago, and now you have taken him to the shipyard. If you dare not admit it, I will make your secret base public, which will save the Dragon gang from looking everywhere and trouble! " The other side retorted immediately.

"Well, it's just a chess piece. It's worth Miss Tang's anger." Qin fan chuckled. He didn't expect that he just caught a stalker and let Tang Xin, who had always been haunted, take the initiative to call him. He was so angry.

"What piece! Qin fan, don't think I don't know what you are thinking! " Tang Xin patted the bathtub hard, shaking the water in the bathtub gently.

"I really don't know. You sent someone to follow me first. Now it's my turn to explain to you." Qin fan is serious.

"Don't pretend! Leng Yuan has been a bodyguard for five years! In order to protect you, even he has been sent out. If you dare to touch him, believe it or not, I will fly to Nandu and kill you directly! " The tone of the woman was still furious.

"It's not that simple, is it?" Qin Fan said with a smile, "a bodyguard can make you so angry, I don't believe it."

"What do you want?" The woman was angry.

"Let's meet. I want to cooperate with you in some business." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Dream! Qin fan, don't think I don't know what you are thinking. You just want to pull me into the water and help you deal with the Dragon gang. I tell you, it's impossible! Don't even think about it The woman disdains a way.

"But you're already in the water." Qin fan cheeky way, "from the last time you save me from the woods, you are not already a foot in the water, how can I pull you into the water?"

"Ha ha, you only know this, but the Dragon Gang doesn't know it." Women sneer.

"I can say it." Qin Fan said generously.

"You have no evidence." Women don't believe it.

"Not before, but now there is a living witness, who has just been caught by me?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"He won't say anything. You must die of this heart."

When Qin fan was about to continue to speak, the woman on the phone suddenly became serious.

"Qin fan, I know you're in a little trouble now, but although I'm willing to help you, I really can't do anything about it. I sent lengyuan to protect you secretly and collect some evidence from the Dragon gang by the way. It's all good for you. But now you catch lengyuan, it's only bad for you, but not good for you. Can you understand what I'm saying to you?"

Qin fan nodded, "give me a reason."

"You Tang Xin almost lost his breath.

How can there be such a shameless person in the world? He is clearly helping you without asking for any reward. As a result, you don't have to say a word of thanks. He also arrested my person and asked me to give you a reason?

If you can, Tang Xin would rather be choked to death by the water in the bathtub than say one more word to such a rascal!

"I'm very grateful to you for saving me several times. If it wasn't for you, I would have died in the woods that night." Qin fan was silent for a moment and said slowly.

"Just know." Tang Xin snorted. Fortunately, he still had a little conscience and didn't forget who saved him.

"But I have to know what you're doing, don't I?" Qin fan took a deep breath.

"Do you need it?" Tang Xin on the other end of the phone frowned, "I just need to help you. I picked up your life..."

"Yes!" Qin fan interrupted each other's words in a deep voice, "as you said, you picked up my life. But one day, when you say this again, it will ask me to do things that I don't want to do, or even things that are not good for myself and my family. Do you think I will agree or not?"

The other side was silent.

"You can make a condition that I will do anything, kill people, or pay for my life with my life. I can promise you, instead of refusing to disclose my real name, monitoring my life in various names, or even sending someone to follow me. This makes me very uncomfortable, or even disgusted."

The word "heart of Tang" has been pressing Qin fan's heart like a mountain.

If she left the campus and just entered the society, Qin fan might be very grateful to her and even treat her as a benefactor.

But now, Qin fan has to doubt her attempt to do this.

The burden on Qin fan is too heavy.

Shouldering the future of hundreds of thousands of people and the life and death of several families of Shen's business empire!

Shen Jianping, Chen Menglian, Qin Zhigang, Liu Guifeng, Xia Meng, Chen SixuanHe doesn't allow anyone to hold on to his weakness.

This is absolutely not allowed!

And that's what Tang Xin is doing.

There was a moment's silence on the other side of the phone before she said, "I'm sorry."

Excuse me?

In Qin fan's stupefied moment, "pa" sound, the phone was hung up.

Qin fan stood on the spot, looking at the phone in his hand with confused eyes, and lost his mind for a moment.


Beijing, private mansion.

The air is filled with the smell of luxury essential oil and aromatherapy, the sound of piano accompaniment and the slow sound of water. Outside the window is the most pleasant private beauty of the capital. Many old people who have lived in the capital all their lives have never heard of this kind of ecological environment.

In the trickle of water, the beautiful girl is resting with her eyes closed.

The vermilion door was pushed open, and a professional woman in a black suit and black framed glasses came in.

"Miss, your order is ready." Hand out a file to the girl and take it out.

A white jade carving arm stretched out from the bathtub, but there was no desire to read it.

If Qin fan saw this professional woman, she would have to bite off her tongue in surprise.

"Yan Zi, I've wronged you during this period of time. It's really overqualified to let you do these things for me." The girl said softly, twirling the thin paper with her fingertips.

Jiang Yan's purple eyes flashed a complex look and said softly, "this is what I should do."

"Don't belittle yourself. The revival of the Jiang family still depends on you. You just need to spend a little time in my think tank for the time being. When the current project is completed, it's yours or yours. I won't tell anyone anything about your work here."

The woman stretched out in the bathtub and didn't move, but with her unique pleasant voice, she asked, "is the person of Tang Xin caught by Qin fan?"

"Well, just an hour ago." Jiang Yanzi replied.

"This silly girl knows that Qin fan has set up a hunter's action team and has sent someone to follow her foolishly. It's estimated that Qin fan has fallen out with her. During this time, Qin fan has been living on thin ice until now. When she finds out this, she will be in a bad mood. Tang Xin is estimated to have suffered a lot..."

A woman lazily states something that seems to have nothing to do with her. She throws her information aside and gets up from the bathtub.

Jiang Yanzi went over and wanted to pass her the bathrobe.

But the woman waved her hand and said, "don't do this kind of thing in the future. As I said, you're just here for a while. It's different from those people."

The woman walked over barefoot, took the bathrobe in Jiang Yanzi's hand and put it on her body.

Although the white silk covered the warm and fragrant female body, it could not cover the beauty of women.

The peach and apricot are so shy, the Hibiscus is like a face, the beauty is beautiful, and the moon is bright

Especially that pair of beautiful eyes, bright and affectionate, when looking at people as if talking to you in general.

She is the masterpiece of the creator.

Even if she is a gorgeous woman, when she sees such a perfect body, she will feel like she has lost a lot of pride she should have.

The woman stood beside Jiang Yanzi barefoot, opened her thin lips and said, "book a ticket for me. I'm going to Nandu."

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