
Another thug who followed behind, after watching Lao greater than Cheng Yang fall to the ground and die, had no time to cry out, his head was exploded instantly.

Seeing his partner's miserable situation, a large group of gang members gathered in the manor yard, trying to rush out with weapons, also stopped and felt cold.

It was thought that no one would find the gathering place in such a dilapidated village which has been abandoned for many years, and the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Now it is found that the part-time work here is a slaughterhouse, and they have to be slaughtered like cattle.

Who did the boss offend? How could he be so vicious?

Under the night, the sight of the village becomes more and more blurred. The whole village is dead and quiet, just like the God of death is hidden. It doesn't necessarily take away the lives of people in the next moment.

The Dragon gang did not dare to breathe. Then they heard someone say, "contact the headquarters. We may need support."

"There is no signal on the phone. The signal here seems to be blocked!"

"Mine, too!"

"My watch is running the needle. What's the matter! Isn't it haunted? "

"Put your mother's criticism on it. How can there be ghosts in broad daylight! It must be a signal jammer! Everyone stay in the yard first. There must be snipers outside. As long as we don't go out for two hours, and we can't get any news from us, we will find a way to send someone to rescue us! "

After Yu Chengyang died, another person in charge of the base began to command the rest of the gang operations.

"After all, that man is still with us, so we won't sit back and ignore him..."


Before he finished speaking, everyone heard something being thrown behind him. Then they turned their heads together and saw three gray, round objects rolling on their heels. The sound was abrupt and harsh!


With a scream of despair, the gray object suddenly exploded. There was no deafening explosion and lethality in our imagination. All of us just felt that our sight was suddenly blurred. Then, a strong smoke of each other expanded in situ and covered the whole yard in an instant.

"Cough! Cough It's a smoke bomb! Let's go

In the panic, someone realized that it was not right. He covered his mouth and growled. Before he turned around, he froze and was hit in the chest by a bullet flying in front of him. He fell to the ground on the spot.

"Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof

In the solitude of the night, the dull and short gunfire suddenly gathered.

With a gun in his hand, Qin fan calmly looks at the disordered farmhouse. MUKANG stands beside him, carrying a copper wine pot used by the army. When he hears the gunfire, his face remains gloomy and highly concerned.

Even if all the secret sentries are eliminated, there are still more than 50 dragon gangs gathered in the farmhouse.

As long as the gunfire continues, his vigilance will continue. The continuous gunfire proves that the fighting is still going on.

Qin fan's eyes narrowed and said with a smile, "how soon do you think ah Hao can end the battle?"

"Half an hour." MUKANG raised his hand and looked at the time. It's 7:30 p.m. now. He started to take action 40 minutes ago to solve the secret sentry and find the sniper point The whole process should not last more than an hour and a half, otherwise something will happen in the middle of the process.

Qin fan smiles, "I think the slowest is 15 minutes."

"Why?" MUKANG turned his head in surprise. After all, it was a tough battle. Even if the opponent was not ready, under the cover of the courtyard wall, he could still deal with the "Hunter" operation team for a period of time, waiting for reinforcement outside.

Qin fan lit a cigarette and said faintly: "we can hear the gunfire mainly from the MP5 silencers equipped by the" Hunter "operation team. The weapons of the opponent's equipment are complex and not unified. The gunfire is messy and there are only sporadic noises. Nongjiale now belongs to ah Hao. They slaughtered more than 50 people unilaterally. Fifteen minutes is the most satisfactory speed It's over. "

It is the basic quality of the special operations team members to judge the battlefield situation by the intensity of different kinds of guns.

Because today is the first time that the "Hunter" special operation team is fully deployed, and the number of opponents it faces is far more than nine times that of the operation team!

Too much worry interferes with MUKANG's thinking, so he makes such a low-level mistake in his gambling with Qin fan.

"Qin Shao, if you don't serve, it's Jun Fang's loss." MUKANG, who had been slow to come, gave Qin fan a sincere look.

Qin fan smiles without explanation.

"Cheetah, the scene has been cleaned up, the battle is over, no casualties."

Ten minutes later.

Qin fan raised his hand to watch the time, the walkie talkie "thorn Lala" sounded.

MUKANG took a meaningful look at Qin fan again and said, "yes, Qin Shao and I will pass now."

Two people get on the car, MUKANG just put cool road Ze start, heard Qin fan pressed the co pilot window glass, pointed to the field under the curtain of night, said: "see, there is a fish in the net."Mu Kang's eyes were suddenly awe inspiring when he heard the words. He followed the direction of Qin fan's fingers and saw a figure galloping in the distant field, pointing out the direction of the village.

"I'm not sure he'll run away."

MUKANG said in a low voice, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator to the end. Cooluze's wide tires suddenly rubbed white smoke on the ground. The front of the car suddenly turned, and in the fierce roar, it directly rushed towards the field.

Cooluze has always been one of Qin fan's favorite off-road models.

There's no reason.

Because of its terrible grip and off-road performance!

When MUKANG was driving cooluze across the ridge of the field and flew to the field, the people who were running in the distance heard the sound of a sudden stop, suddenly turned his head, raised his hand to the car, fired a few shots, and then turned around and ran!

"Oh, in vain!"

After Ku Lu Ze crossed the ridge of the field, leaped into the field and landed, even people had to run with deep and shallow feet. We need to pay attention to our feet all the time to prevent the road from wrestling. With Ku Lu Ze as the top of the road, we can not reduce the speed, roll up the dust and directly catch up with the running figures.

Du Li didn't expect that he just stopped by to check the layout of Nandu stronghold today. In just a few minutes, he was killed by several people, and hundreds of gang members were lying in the village without any resistance. Fortunately, he had left a way back for a long time. When there was a scuffle in the farmhouse, he slipped out of the back door, but he didn't expect to be killed People are on target.

"Damn, it's going to change in the south. This is not the place where the Dragon gang can intervene. I have to go back quickly and report this to the top!"

While running, Du Li looked back to observe the situation, but when he saw the green coolozer, he was still able to follow him on this kind of ground. His face suddenly changed. His backhand lifted the gun behind him and pulled the trigger directly without looking!

"Get down!"

MUKANG roared, two people on the car lowered their heads together, the bullet penetrated the front windshield, but at the same time, the car had already arrived at Du Li's side.


Dragon wags its tail!

At the moment when Ku Lu Ze overtakes Du Li, Mu Kang pulls up the handbrake. At the same time, he slams the brake and kills the steering wheel in the opposite direction. He tells Ku Lu Ze to turn the front of the car suddenly and cross Du Li's body in an instant. Then he opens the door directly, and Mu Kang pours down on Du Li with his bare hands.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Without Qin fan's imagination of unarmed fighting, MUKANG almost effortlessly pressed Du Li on his body and beat him with a few punches. His head dropped to the ground, and his mouth spat blood out.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'm one of the minions here. Please don't kill me. I won't say anything after I go out! "

Du Li opened his mouth difficultly, and said vaguely.

"Minions?" MUKANG frowned.

"Jiangnan Silk is made by master private hand. It should be made of Longxiang's materials and workmanship. A coat alone costs more than one million yuan. The minions of the Dragon gang are really rich."

Qin fan got out of the car and stood beside them.

The vision lightly swept one eye on Du Li's body, then said with a smile: "don't pretend, it seems that we picked up a big fish today."

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