When MUKANG drove kuluze from the field to the village road and stopped at the gate of Nongjiale, Zhang Zihao and his party were already ready here.

"All of them."

"There are 92 people in Mingshao, yinshao and Nongjiale. Except for one living person, all the others have been killed. There are no casualties on our side."

Cao Yinghui leads the sniper, and Zhang Ziqiang's observation team is behind the base.

"Many people died..."

After Qin fan got out of the car, he smelled the bloody smell in the air and frowned slightly.

"These people are worthy of death. They are the Dragon gang. They are transferred from the other branches. In order to deal with the Nandu branch newly established by the Shen family, almost everyone's hands are stained with appointment. There are still three women's bodies buried in the backyard. Although they have only died for a short time, their bodies are no longer what they look like."

Zhang Zihao said, ah Hui will stay alive, a carry out from behind, said: "Qin Shao, how to deal with this person?"

"What's your name?" Qin fan glanced at the yellow hair and asked.

"Wu, Wu Lei..." Huang Mao knelt on the ground and said shivering.

"For what?" Qin fan asked again.

"Running errands, that's to say, I can't give anything to the Dragon..." For this reason, Huang Mao did not dare to lie.

"For what?" Qin fan squatted down and asked curiously.

"Deliver, deliver..."

"No one has been killed?"

"No! I'm really a messenger. I've never killed anyone or even fought. I'm different from them. Please don't kill me. I promise I won't say anything, really! " Huang Mao knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

"You can't do without saying anything. Well, you can help me identify a person. If you can accurately say his name and identity, I'll let you go."

Qin Fan said, MUKANG walked back, opened the door, pulled down Du Li, who was tied to the back seat, and threw him on the ground like a dead dog.

Almost at the same time when people were thrown on the ground, a flash of fear flashed in Huang Mao's eyes.

Although Qin fan was caught, it was good for him to hide.

"It looks like you do." Qin fan nodded lightly.

Huang Mao stares at Du Li. How can he not know Du Li! Just because this man is Du Li, he can't say anything! Otherwise, it will be more than just being killed, and the consequences will make his life worse than death! It's worse than being a ghost!

The sweat from the beancurd comes down.

Qin fan and Zhang Zihao look at each other, and their eyes fall on Du Li on the ground.

"I thought it was a big fish, but I didn't expect to catch the fisherman."

Qin fan patted Huang Mao on the shoulder, turned his head and said to MUKANG, "is the poisonous dragon still alive in the base?"

"Well, still alive." MUKANG nodded.

"Since he doesn't want to give Huang Mao a chance, he should give it to the poisonous dragon. Anyway, he's already spitting out so much, which is not bad I've dealt with it. "

Qin fan released his hand on Huang Mao's shoulder and stood up to walk to the car.

"I said Yellow hair almost blurted out!

Qin fan steps a meal, the head also does not return to ask a way: "you do not test my patience."

"His name is Du Li! It's the leader of Qianlong group of dragon Gang! In the Dragon Gang, in addition to a few leaders, the fourth person

In Du Li's venomous eyes, Huang Mao revealed his identity.

"You want to die!" Du Li was biting his teeth and staring at Huang Mao.

Huang Mao didn't dare to speak. He threw his head on the ground in pain. They had heard of the news of the dragon's accident and disappearance for a long time. Although there was no definite news, it was widely rumored in the gang that the dragon should have fallen into the hands of the Shen family. And the location of the branch headquarters was revealed tonight. These people easily killed so many outposts and secret outposts If the poisonous dragon didn't spit it out, they couldn't do it at all. They killed nearly 100 of them with just a few people.

Anyway, he can't live. Since the poisonous dragon can say it, he can also say it. Now Huang Mao can only pray that Du Li is in Qin fan's hands and has no chance to go out alive. Only in this way can he and his family survive. Otherwise, the consequences will not be borne by his family.

"Number four, Du Li."

Qin fan turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who was already angry and angry. He waved to ah Hui: "take this man back to the base, and then you..."

Qin fan stares at Huang Mao and says with a smile: "go back and tell the Dragon gang that it's clean. I'll find it soon."

In Huang Mao's unbelievable eyes, Qin fan stands up, sits on the cooluze with the members of the "Hunter" action team, and goes away in the night fog.

Crazy!This man must be crazy!

He not only took off the branch of the Dragon Gang, but also took away the fourth member of the gang! Also let oneself go to give Long Bang words, want to personally find a door!

Only a madman dares to do so. For the Dragon Gang, Nandu branch is not even a hair!

He thought that if he killed the branch, he could provoke the whole dragon Gang?

I don't know why.

Huang Mao at the moment, from the beginning of Qin fan's panic, fear to fear and look up, and now to pity and sympathy.

"You will die miserably, you will all die miserably! No one can challenge the dignity of the Dragon Gang! You will all die

Watching Ku Lu Ze disappear in the night, Huang Mao also gets up from the ground and runs away in the opposite direction like crazy.


It's at the junction of the village and the road.

A black motorcycle stalled in the dark.

Next to the motorcycle stands a red haired woman in a black tight leather suit. She leans her slim figure on the motorcycle. Her beautiful eyes watch cooluze leave the village and drive to the city. Then she lowers her head, picks up her mobile phone and dials a number.

"Hello." When the phone was put through, there was a voice of an old man with a low voice, but rather kind.

"The branch rudder is taken, and Du Li is caught. What should we do?" The husky voice of a woman echoes gently in the radio waves.

"Did you tell Kong Zhen?" The old man was silent for two seconds and asked.

"Not yet. The fight ended four minutes ago. The men just left." Said the woman.

"Think of a way to make Du Li shut up, and then tell Kong Zhen that the mess he caused, let him clean it up by himself. There are many people with three connections, and he can handle it well."


The phone was hung up.

The woman was silent for a moment. She found another phone number and dialed it out again. At the moment when the phone was connected, she said, "if you don't want to ruin the reputation of the Dragon gang for a hundred years, you'd better show your attitude now. Otherwise, the second master will help you clean up the door in person!"


Qin fan doesn't plan to take part in the trial of Du Li. Zhang Zihao has his own way. He needs to jump out of these things and take a longer-term view in order to maintain the attitude of commanding the whole situation, rather than being limited and interfered by one thing.

Of course, Qin fan was very happy to catch Du Li, the fourth figure of the Dragon gang.

I want to go home and have a drink with Chen Sixuan.

Back to Emerald Valley.

The villa lights on the hillside are still on.

When Qin fan gets out of the car and rings the doorbell, Chen Sixuan opens the door and appears in his sight.

Chen Sixuan, who has been moistened by love for the first time, is more bright and moving. Her figure has been developed and looks more plump. She has long hair on her head, red lips and white teeth. She is wearing her professional dress, and her slender white legs are shining. Even if she doesn't wear high-heeled shoes, she is still elegant and dignified, which stimulates her desire to conquer.

Recently, the biggest harvest is to catch the poisonous dragon and Du Li, as well as the breakthrough progress in the relationship with Chen Sixuan, right?

It's only now that Qin fan thinks about it. It seems that she was wearing something less last night. However, a wise woman like Chen Sixuan must have a solution, right?

Qin fan stepped forward, grabbed Chen Sixuan's hand, and said with a smile, "there was something else to do at night, but as soon as he thought you were still at home, he ran back."

Chen Sixuan's face was ashamed at first, and then full of sadness. She said to Qin fan seriously, "Qin fan, what I said in the morning is not a joke. I don't want to affect anything or anything because of my appearance. Do you understand?"

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