Nandu airport international terminal.

As soon as Qin fan got out of the car, he saw Zhang Zihao wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, big sunglasses and a black travel bag behind him.

"Ah Hao."

Qin fan came forward and waved to him with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Zihao turned around and hurried to Qin fan, saying, "Qin Shao, you are ready."

"What about the base?" Qin fan asked.

"The base has been handed over to MUKANG. I said it's not peaceful in the south these days. I want to protect you personally. The task has been suspended for the time being. Everything is waiting for telephone contact."

Zhang Zihao said, and explained: "I also arranged for ah Hui to watch over the feicui valley. If anything happens, the base will take action after reporting."

Qin fan nodded. Zhang Zihao has always been reliable in his work. He can consider many aspects he didn't think of.

"Let's go. The plane is about to take off." Qin fan nodded and said.

"But I haven't bought my ticket yet. Can I buy it now?" Zhang Zihao was embarrassed and said that he had been worried about this matter last night. If he had delayed his trip to Hong Kong Island because he had not been able to buy a ticket in time, he would spend the rest of his life in guilt.

"Air tickets?" Qin fan laughed, gave Zhang Zihao a meaningful look, turned and walked to the terminal.

Nandu is on a private plane to Hong Kong Island.

Qin fan asked airline stewardess to ask for two bottles of red wine. After sitting on the side of Zhang Zihao, some of the ignorant people touched the glass, he smiled and said, "in order to transfer the dragon's eye liner, I have asked them to use my ID card to buy a ticket to Australia, and found a substitute who has already taken my identity card to do the boarding. I guess the Dragon Gang is contacting the Australian side at that time, one thirty. Later, I won't know we went to Hong Kong Island. "

"Ah?" Zhang Zihao was holding the cup with his eyes wide open. Qin fan is meticulous and has a far-reaching vision. He has seen it before, but he can't help but be convinced that he has arranged such a cat for Prince trick in such a short period of time.

"But this plane..." Zhang Zihao wanted to say and stopped saying, "the route of private aircraft should also be within the scope of their control?"

"I borrowed the plane from my friends. The registered company is abroad. They don't notice it." Qin fan smiles and adjusts the seat to a comfortable position. Bai's plane is not in the control range of Longbang, at least in Nandu's Bai's private plane.

The TV on the plane is broadcasting an advertisement for Huang Huanxi's clothes. Huang Huanxi, who was born as a leg model, is tall, fresh and sweet. After being trained by superstar media, he has won the favor of countless businesses.

It is said that if it is not for her leg injury that she has to go to the training class for repair, the advertising contract this year alone will reach 100 million, which is unimaginable for a new comer who has just made a debut on the screen.

"I haven't been to a superstar for a long time, and I don't know if Huang Huanxi missed me..." Qin fan shakes the red wine in his glass and looks out of the window meaningfully.

When the plane arrived on Hong Kong Island, it was gray outside the window. The rainy weather on Hong Kong Island made Qin fan feel uncomfortable.

Although Qin fanhao was completely unfamiliar with this place for the first time, he took the first step.

"When you get here, don't let others see the identity relationship between us at a glance. You call me summer, and I call you brother. Anyway, no one knows that when I get here, just order anything."

Qin fan refused Zhang Zihao's request. He carried his travel bag on his back. After giving an explanation, he said hello to the maintenance team. They walked out of the airport side by side and took a taxi to the hotel they had ordered online in advance.

The hotel is located in the bay area.

It's not so far from the apartment where Li Peizi lives as Du Li said. It only takes less than 15 minutes.

Two people into the hotel, and did not go to the apartment near the first time to investigate the scene.

Instead, he took a bath, changed his clothes, and prepared for an auction to begin at 7 p.m.

"According to Du Li, this is a regular charity auction held by the upper class circle on Hong Kong Island on the last weekend of each month. In addition to her distinguished life experience, those who can participate also need to have their own platinum membership card in the Jockey Club. Six days ago, Li Peizi's people from Toron's gang helped her to set up a watch for her. It is said that she wants to take a Patek Philippe watch tonight and give it away Give it to Mr. Kong as a birthday present next month. "

Qin fan took a list of auction collections from Zhang Zihao and asked: "Li Peizi's money was cut off more than a month ago. Where can she get the money to auction these?"

"Du Li said that Li Peizi had already guessed that her bank card would be frozen at home. She had another one in advance and transferred all the money in the card." Zhang Zihao said.

"Oh, this woman has no idea how much trouble her present behavior will bring to her family."

Qin fan shook his head and read the auction rules in his hand.The Jockey Club has an unimaginable influence on Hong Kong Island. It can almost deal with high-class people from all walks of life. It also controls assets and institutions at all levels. The charity auction held by the Jockey Club on the weekend of the last week of each month is also a routine means of operation for the Jockey Club to maintain its influence on Hong Kong Island.

"Kangxi prefabricated pink enamel flower bowl Qian Weicheng's collection of Taishan Ruijing Ten volumes of the great Prajna paramita Sutra made by Xuande of the Ming Dynasty.... "

"It's all big money. These people are really rich..."

Qin fan repeatedly smacked his tongue. The poor regarded buying a house as an investment, while the rich bought antiques to wait for appreciation. During the 2008 financial tsunami, a Hong Kong businessman with assets of 100 billion turned over by selling the antiques he bought when he made a fortune after his enterprise went bankrupt.

The antique paintings and calligraphy worth 300 million at that time have sold for more than 30 billion after nine years. How can those rich people who have bought enough real estate and yachts and airplanes not be moved by such horrible appreciation space?

Soon, on the penultimate page, Qin fan turns to the Patek Philippe watch that Li Peizi plans to take tonight.

Patek Philippe.

Qin fan knows that Patek Philippe factory has a special workshop, which has maintained a tradition for more than a hundred years, that is, only one watch is manufactured by hand every year, and its price is about 30 million yuan. Anyone who wants to get this watch has to wait patiently for at least 8 to 10 years.

We can imagine what such a watch means to those collectors.

How many of the world's richest people are looking forward to it. There was a fashion magazine that introduced this watch with pictures attached. Qin fan wanted to buy one for Shen Jianping. As a result, it was delayed because of one after another.

There was one on Hong Kong Island at the charity auction of the Jockey Club.

Qin fan's eyes suddenly became complicated when he looked at this picture. 30 million is a small number for himself and for the Chen family. Even in a place like Hong Kong Island, where there are so many rich people, Qin fan is confident to take it.

But where did Li Peizi get the 30 million.

Chen Sixuan told him that before the freezing of Li Peizi's account, her account had at most five million yuan.

I don't even have enough money for a watch strap.

But since she can ask Longbang to handle a platinum membership card for her in advance in order to participate in the auction, it proves that she is also determined to win this watch.

Where did Li Peizi get so much money?

"It can't be the Dragon gang that also contributed part of it..."

Qin fan frowned. Although the current situation is not good for him, there is no way to solve it. But once Li Peizi and the Dragon Gang have an interest relationship, especially with their money, the meaning of the whole thing will be completely different

Although Qin fan wants to call Chen Sixuan and ask about Li Peizi's source of funds, considering the confidentiality risk and Chen Sixuan's current mental state, he still gives up the idea.

After all, she did not know when she came to Hong Kong Island to find Li Peizi.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Hello." Qin fan connects the phone.

"In the summer, I've already got someone to handle the Horse Club identity you want. It will be sent to the 4432 locker on the first floor of Hefu shopping mall in half an hour. The password is 73506. Just send someone to pick it up." On the other end of the phone, there was a cold voice.

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