"Yes, thank you." Qin fan is about to hang up.

"Yes The owner on the other side of the phone suddenly added: "I heard that some of the exhibits in this auction will come from the private collection of marquis Charles of Great Britain. If you can, I hope you can take one and I will pay you."

"OK, something." Qin fan responded.

"Women's history map!" Said the other.


Qin fan took a breath of cold air.

Women's history map!

Qin fan is not a senior antique lover, and even nenkeng is not. The most popular antique channel is the "treasure assessment" program on TV.

Can Rao is so, he also early to the female history zhentu's name, like thunder through the ears!

Even unforgettable!

Qin fan's understanding of such cultural relics comes from an interpretation program of Chinese history and cultural relics. The program ranked the existing well-known items born of 5000 years of Chinese civilization. Six of the top ten items were lost overseas, and the Tang Dynasty copy of "women's history" by Gu Kaizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty ranked first! It is now in the private collection of Charles, Marquis of Great Britain!

How precious is this tomb?

At present, the most precious collection preserved in China is the Song Dynasty copy of "women's history admonitions", which is displayed in the Palace Museum. It can be called the treasure of the museum!

But Rao is so, there are still many flaws in the collection, which can not fully reflect Gu Kaizhi's painting style and the original appearance of women's history.

But this does not mean that Gu Kaizhi's writing is lost!

The Tang Dynasty copy of the picture of women's history collected by Marquis Charles is not only the best collection to show the history and culture of the Chinese nation, but also the charm of Gu Kaizhi.

In the collection, there are the inscription of Xiang Zijing, the "seal of Hongwen" of Tang Hongwen library, and 11 lines of words and sentences in the book "women's history admonitions" written by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty!

The painting itself and its mounting parts bear the seals of the song, Jin, Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as the private seal of collectors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

It's priceless!

It's just a pity that the Tang version of women's history was stolen back to China in the Summer Palace during the war in 1900. It was once displayed in the British Museum as a treasure of the town hall. Finally, it was taken back by the later generations of Ji yongsong, the present Marquis Charles, and put in the private collection. It is no longer in this world.

Moreover, Chinese people are not allowed to visit!

Qin fan still remembers that at that time, the program once used such a sentence to describe the value and significance of the Tang Dynasty copy of women's history: without it, there was no doubt a huge gap in the popularity of the Chinese nation; when the historical treasures that should belong to China were displayed in the museums of other countries in the form of booty, it made the ancient country with thousands of years of civilization history more prosperous Shame on you!

This is not just a picture, but the dignity of the Chinese nation!

So when Qin fan heard that the picture of women's history was going to appear at the auction in the evening, he was shocked, stood up from his chair and asked, "are you sure the news is true?"

"I'm sure that Marquis Charlie's family has been defeated in this change in Great Britain and is in urgent need of a large amount of money. As a permanent member of the Jockey Club, he has entrusted the Jockey Club to auction the" women's history proverbs "at tonight's charity auction. So, Qin fan, no matter how much money is spent, no matter how big the price is, you can't help it If you want to buy this rose belonging to Huaxia, we will compensate you for all your losses and remember what you have done! "

The voice on the other side of the phone was full of the indescribable seriousness and sadness of the misty rain.

Yes, the things of the Chinese nation are left by their ancestors. Why should they be left to the foreign devils to rob them cruelly and put them at home as their personal belongings?

Qin fan seems to have understood that this matter is not just Bai Jianjia's personal behavior.

It's not your own personal behavior!

He will represent the forces behind Bai Jianjia.

On behalf of China!

Take this thing that belongs to our ancestors back!

In Huaxia's own exhibition hall, for Chinese people to look forward to!

"Well, you say, what should I do?" Qin fan gently breathed a breath, said.

"Well, listen, because the registered company of the Jockey Club is overseas, the upper class can't intervene in this matter. They can only use the private rich like you to sell the collection at a high price in their own name. But you should remember that you must not reveal your identity during the auction. Charlie is the second largest shareholder of the Jockey Club. Once you let him know, You are on behalf of Huaxia. I'm afraid your life will be in danger. " Bai Jianjia said in a worried tone.

Since knowing that Chen Lei is the ghost of the Shen family, Qin fan has completely abandoned the power of the Shen family in the southern capital, and changed hands to cooperate with Bai Jianjia in the capital.

Transferring parents from their hometown, creating and perfecting fake identities, borrowing her private plane, and managing Diamond members of the Jockey ClubEverything seems small, but it matters.

Chen Lei's father is still useful in the group, so Qin fan doesn't dare to use his family's power, but the only one who can make these things perfect is the white family.

"Is it so serious?" Qin fan frowned. "Even if Charlie is the second largest shareholder of the Jockey Club, Hong Kong Island belongs to China after all. In our own territory, they dare to shoot and kill hundreds of billions of rich people. Is that too arrogant?"

"No, the auction of women's history is not in charity." Bai Jianjia said.

"Where is that?" Qin fan frowned.

"The high seas."

"After the charity auction, in the name of banquet, the Jockey Club will invite the members above diamond level to board the star cruises. After leaving Hong Kong Island and sailing into the high seas, they will have a second auction. The women's history map is on the list of this auction. Although I know you have enough money, I still suggest that you keep all the money as part of the women's history map In bidding, there is only one chance. If you miss it, you will never have another chance. "

"Well, I'll pay attention, but am I the only one on the cruise? Or can we take bodyguards? " Qin fan worried that anything could happen in the high seas. He paid a huge price for the painting of women's history. If he died and came back alive, everything would be meaningless.

"No way." Bai Jianjia said directly, "the cruise ship will have its own security measures. No member is allowed to bring out strangers other than female companions. Even female companions must also be members of the club above platinum level before they can enter. So on the ship, you can only rely on yourself."

Qin fan almost wanted to swear.

If you had known that, you would have taken Bai Jianjia with you. You are both wise and brave. You just listen to her tone. Maybe you have just received the news. Now it's too late to rush to Hong Kong Island.

However, Qin fan felt a little guilty at the thought that if he wanted to board the cruise alone at night, he would have to take a picture of women's history in front of the Jockey Club and take it ashore.

"Qin fan."

Just when Qin fan felt a little depressed, Bai Jianjia suddenly said, "Qin fan, I know that this matter may have a great risk, and I am also doing my best to provide you with the most perfect leaving protection scheme..."

"Moreover, after you get on the ship, all communication equipment will be confiscated and kept by the Jockey Club. If you encounter any dangerous situation, a person with red petals tattooed on his neck will help you out. Take care and I'll wait for you to come back."

Hang up.

Qin fan stood in front of a 30 story French window, looking out at the Victoria Harbor, his heart could not be calm for a long time.

He thinks that he is not an angry youth. The main purpose of his visit to Hong Kong Island is to have an opportunity to have an in-depth understanding and even destroy the financial hub of the Dragon Gang on the premise of persuading Li Peizi back.

But did not expect, Bai Jianjia a phone call, completely changed his overall plan.

It's very difficult, even at the risk of life.

But Qin fan thought that as a flesh and blood Chinese, at this time, he would not refuse the request of Bai Jianjia or the people behind her.

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