The rich bow and bow one by one, and then leave quickly.

Well, in front of the richest man, their wealth is similar to that of beggars. They can only look up to each other.

"A new neighbor, chatting for a while." Li Peizi said.

"Go home first. Today your mother cooked a delicious meal for you."

Chen Tianyang smiles at the doting of his two daughters.

"That's fine. Let's talk when we have time."

After seeing them off, Chen Tianyang looked at Qin fan again, but at this time, his eyes were very cold and said, "young man, do you want to pursue my two daughters?"

"Well, just friends."

Qin Fan said truthfully, but he was not afraid of the richest man in Nandu. After all, the Shen family's property is nearly one trillion yuan, but it's not public on the so-called ranking list.

What's more, in the face of such a beautiful pair of sisters, as long as it's a normal man, how can he not move his mind.

"Oh? Just ordinary friends? "

Chen Tianyang's tone began to be contemptuous. Just now, he just asked tentatively, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even have the courage to admit it.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Tianyang stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Qin fan's eyes: "young man, no matter whether you are interested in my daughter or not, you want to make friends with them or you want to further your relationship. Without this number, I advise you to give up your heart as soon as possible."

"How much is this?"

"Ten billion! If you don't have 10 billion in total assets, you can't support one of them at all, so go and like the people you can afford. "

Chen Tianyang snorts and turns to leave.

At the same time, he was very satisfied with his performance just now, which must have completely eliminated the courage of this young man to pursue his daughter.


"Ten billion assets. I thought it was cash."

Qin fan was a little relieved.

"However, if 10 billion assets can support one of them, then 20 billion will be able to take all the sisters?"

Qin fan silently recalled the figures on the group's financial statements, and then his face showed a kind smile like an old father.

When Qin fan returned to the villa, he saw the physiotherapy car parked at the door, and Zhou Lulu standing by with her legs closed and smiling.

Nurse skirt, white silk stockings.

The unique amorous feelings of young women are incomparable to those young girls in the school.

Seeing Qin fan coming, Zhou Lulu took the initiative to come forward and wrap her arms. They went back to the villa side by side.

Although I have been observing outside for a while just now, I secretly envy Qin fan that he can own such a huge and luxurious villa when he is young.

You can enter the hall.

The magnificence and elegance of the villa made Zhou Lulu open her red lips slightly. She was surprised and recovered.

This is the real rich man!

Even before I graduated from University, I lived alone in such a big mansion.

It's something ordinary people can't fight for in their lives!

In contrast, the little suckling dog who only knows how to play games and drink in school is a waste of his youth.

When Qin fan saw Zhou Lulu, who opened her mouth in surprise, he took her hand and sat on the sofa with a smile

In villa 3, feicui valley.

"Peggy, how do I feel that your relationship with the boy just now seems unusual?"

In the dining room on the first floor, my sister Chen Sixuan was tasting the soup in a bowl and said something in a flat tone.

"Not so much? How does my sister see that? "

Li Peizi came from the living room. She was always hot and sexy outside. At home, she was just a little girl who was spoiled by her sister and loved by her father.

"Your royal Wynn VIP card. Last time I asked for it for my friend, you were not willing to give it. How could you be so generous to a smelly boy who met by chance this time?" Chen Sixuan was a little angry and said.

"If my sister wants to say that, it's true."

Li Peizi sat opposite, holding her chin slightly with her hands, making her eyes look narrow and charming.

"You see, this boy is only 18 or 19 years old. He is still a college student and has a good family. He has a car of 2 million yuan and a house of 20 million yuan. He said he could buy it without blinking an eye. However, when I was in the club that night, I saw him humiliated by a group of students, but he didn't even say a word. He was still very depressed. If he didn't let me go later on, he would not be able to help him I went to the manager to solve his embarrassment. I really don't know what kind of humiliation the whole person will be like

"Is there a tendency to be abused?" Chen Sixuan thought about it and said.

"Maybe, anyway, I think this boy is very interesting. He is very rich, but he can't fight back. This time he just moved to be a neighbor with us. I don't take good care of him and revenge him for robbing my car!" Li Peizi gritted her teeth.Chen Sixuan raised her head, glanced at her sister, then lowered her head and continued to drink soup.

In half an hour.

Zhou Lulu wiped her mouth and stood up to help Qin fan prepare lunch.

"Well Zhou Lulu is better. "

Compared with last night at the cinema, Zhou Lu was obviously much more skilled than Liu Mengmeng.

More understanding of men's mind.

Thinking of Liu Mengmeng, Qin fan took out his mobile phone and sent her a message.

In Gele KTV, Liu Mengmeng's performance really surprised Qin fan.

Originally, it was because of him.

Liu Mengmeng is just an innocent implicated person, and he is almost ruined by Long Fei in the private room.

But from beginning to end, she didn't say anything to Long Fei, similar to that she didn't know Qin fan well and asked Long Fei to let her go.

On the contrary, he has been defending Qin fan for fear that he would be hurt.

Qin Meng likes to exchange money with each other. He doesn't even know that there is a friendship between him and Liu Meng.

But Liu did.

A girl who has never been out of the gate of the campus must have a strong heart and more than ordinary people's psychological quality at that time to complete such calm performance.

No matter what reason she is in, Qin fan feels that he has to thank Liu Mengmeng.

It's been a long time since the message was sent out.

Qin fan had to call.

"Shut down?"

"Maybe she was scared. After all, the car of the public security department sent her back to school in person. It should be OK."

Qin fan hang up the phone, just want to go to the sofa to squint for a while, the phone suddenly rang.

However, the name on the phone is Huang Qianqian.

"What's the matter, beauty?" Qin fan answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Have you forgotten what day it is?"

On the other end of the line, Huang Qianqian sounds in a bad mood.

"The day?" Qin fan thought about it, then suddenly realized, "concert tickets, right? Now you come to the east gate of feicui valley. Call me when you arrive, and I'll send you the tickets."

This evening is my sister Chen Moqiu's concert. Xia Meng hasn't woken up yet, and Qin fan is too lazy to go.

By the way, I called Wang Chao and asked him to come to the same place to get the concert tickets.

Twenty minutes later.

Qin fan stands at the east gate of feicui Valley, waiting for Huang Qianqian, Chen Yao and Lu man who just got off the taxi.

"Why are they both here?" Qin fan frowned. It was only at noon today that he knew that the two courtyard flowers of the economic and Management Institute had made girlfriends for Long Fei at the same time. I really don't know how much money Long Fei has, or they have a crush on the power behind long Fei.

"I'm sorry, Yaoyao and Manman are just going back to school with me, so they'll come along."

Huang Qianqian is wearing a sailor suit today. Her hair should be new. She has two lovely ponytails and a pair of black silk stockings over the knee on her long white legs. She looks lovely and sexy.

"Oh, it's OK, but I only have two tickets. I'm afraid you won't get enough."

Then Qin fan took out two VIP tickets from his pocket and handed them to Huang Qianqian.

But before Huang Qianqian caught it, she was snatched by a hand.

"Show me! It's hard to get one ticket on the market now. The second row seats have been fired to 20 thousand, and they can't be bought. You can take out two tickets at once and give them away for free. Who can believe that? "

Chen Yao grabs the ticket, faces it to the sun and looks at it carefully.

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