"Yao Yao, what are you doing! Qin fan gives me a ticket, how can I give it a fake! "

Huang Qianqian's face was a little bit stiff, and she was in a hurry to get the ticket back.

"Oh, I'm not doing it for you. How can he buy such a valuable ticket and buy two at a time? If we are cheated, we will be driven out by the security guard in front of so many people. That's a big shame."

Chen Yao turned around and narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she had to find clues to prove that the two tickets were fake.

"Yao Yao, I didn't say that I would go with you to see this ticket. I said to my sister, two tickets, one for each person. We went to see it." Huang Qianqian said anxiously.

"Don't you show us?"

Chen Yao looks back at the ticket and throws it at her.

"My best friend, I don't even invite tickets for a concert. I really see through you."

With that, Chen Yao snorted and turned to leave.

"What's the matter with Yao Yao? How can she lose her temper?"

Lu man, who was wearing a black buttock skirt, came over, took Chen Yao's hand and asked.

"Lose your temper? If you ask Huang Qianqian, she took two broken tickets. It's like a baby. If you don't ask, you don't ask. It's like who's rare. Besides, I don't know if the tickets are real or fake. This loser can't even afford to buy fake tickets. It's just like real. "

Chen Yao holds the shoulder, the tone even satirizes to take the thorn to say.

Lu man lowered his head and saw the two concert tickets thrown on the ground by Chen Yao. He frowned and said, "Qianqian, you don't really want to invite us to the concert, do you?"

Huang Qianqian's words are bound together.

She has loved Chen Qiumo for a long time.

He is Chen Qiumo's most loyal fan.

She can sing her every song, and her movies and TV series are all ten strokes and twenty strokes to enjoy herself. It is Huang Qianqian's long cherished wish to see her live concert.

But Chen Qiumo is too hot.

Although the price of tickets for each concert is reasonable, as soon as they are released, they will be snapped up by scalpers. When they are free, they will increase the price five times and ten times to take out. The cheapest outfield will be sold online. She is an ordinary college student and can't afford such consumption.

Now the opportunity is better than easy to put in front of her. She wanted to take her sister, who is also a fan of Chen Qiumo, to see it, but she didn't expect that Chen Yao and Lu man forced themselves to give them tickets. Although Huang Qianqian was very angry, she didn't show it.

She bent down, carefully picked up the ticket from the ground, held it in her hand, carefully blew the dust on it, and whispered: "but I have agreed with my sister to go to see it at night. Besides, there are only two tickets, which is not enough for us to share."

"The three of us?"

Chen Yao holds her shoulder and looks at Huang Qianqian inconceivably. "Who wants to share with you? Since Qin fan is so capable, he can get two VIP tickets. You can ask him to get two more. If you want to get VIP tickets, you can also get ordinary ones. Anyway, you can go in and see them."

"That is, we are such a good sister. We are about to graduate from university. How can you give us these two tickets as a gift? Don't be so stingy. We used to invite you to dinner. Don't you forget it?" Luman also said to fan the flames.

Huang Qianqian hesitated.

Chen Yao and Lu man sneer at her several times, even betray her to Long Fei, but she can forget the past and make friends with them. It can be seen that the girl's mind is very simple. She doesn't think much about everything and always puts her friends first.

This time, she is faced with graduation again, and several people are likely to go their separate ways. There are few opportunities to meet in her life. In addition, the two people constantly use the words of "best friend" and "feelings" to stimulate her. For a moment, Huang Qianqian really hesitates and wants to give tickets to Chen Yao and Lu man.

The change of Huang Qianqian's look falls into the eyes of Chen Yao and Lu man.

Suddenly, Chen Yao changed her tone, took Huang Qianqian's hand, and said earnestly: "Qianqian, our best friend of four years in University, is in a dormitory and a class, can't the feelings of these four years compare with a ticket? Besides, we can go to the concert at any time. Chen Qiumo is so hot now, and can't breathe in three or five years. You can't go to the concert at that time Working, having money and looking down on concerts, we have no chance to make up for our feelings in the future. "

Huang Qianqian raised her head and held the ticket tightly in her hand, but she took a deep breath and said to Chen Yao, "well, I'll give you the ticket..."

"This is our good sister. Don't worry, we will remember your love today, and we will never forget it!"

Chen Yao said, eyes full of joy to take away the ticket in Huang Qianqian's hand, at the same time heart sneer, a fool, really when a sister, after the concert, everyone will go their separate ways, who also know who you are.

At the same time, Lu man happily came over and looked at Chen Yao. It was hard to hide the irony in each other's eyes."Sorry, the tickets are mine. I don't want to give them away now."

Just when Chen Yao and Lu man are about to win, Qin fan suddenly comes over and takes away the concert ticket, light said.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Yao was stunned for a moment, then pointed to Qin fan's nose and yelled: "you stinky loser, if you give away the ticket, it's someone else. What qualifications do you have to take it away?"

"That's to say, I've seen shameless people, and I haven't seen such shameless people. Now Huang Qianqian has given us the tickets. What's your face to ask for them? Besides, it's not sure whether your tickets are true or false. If we get the tickets and are driven out by the security guards on the spot, be careful you can't eat them and walk away with them!"

Two people, relying on their own women, regardless of the fact that the two tickets originally belonged to Qin fan, went straight up and reached for them.


Qin fan raised his hand in front of two people and tore the two tickets in half.


Not only Chen Yao and Lu man, but also Huang Qianqian.

This is the first VIP of Chen Qiumo's concert!

It's crazy outside. It's hard to get two tickets. They say they're torn?

Lu man and Chen Yao's eyes are full of anger, while Huang Qianqian's eyes don't know when, quietly climbs up the tears, clenches the powder fist, and doesn't move.

"Since you say this ticket is fake, tear it up so that you won't be kicked out by the security guard and come to me again." Qin Fan said it doesn't matter.


Chen Yao and Lu man look at each other.

Just now, Chen Yao has actually checked the chip in the ticket stub, which is specially used to check the authenticity of the ticket in the concert. This is clearly the real ticket! But in order to let Huang Qianqian give them the tickets, she lied to her that it was fake.

But they tried their best to cheat the ticket, and now they were torn by Qin fan.

Chen Yao suddenly got angry and looked at Qin fan bitterly. She said, "Qin fan, you stinky loser, you won't forget the things at noon so soon, will you?"

Chen Yao and Lu man are both long Fei's girlfriends. When Long Fei was in Qin fan's place for more than three million yuan, he immediately called them out to open a room. Then he gave them a LV bag and told them what was in the box.

However, he didn't say anything about Liu Yingying's appearance. He just said that he was in a good mood and let Qin fan out. Moreover, the more than three million yuan extorted by Qin fan was also said to be 30000 yuan, so that the two women would not want to be dissatisfied and buy more expensive things.

"At noon?"

Qin fan took a breath, but didn't answer.

"What happened at noon?"

Huang Qianqian responded at this time.

She had heard that Qin fan met Long Fei at the school gate at noon and was taken away. She was worried about it all the time. Originally, she called to ask about it, but when she thought about the concert, she forgot it.

"Nothing." Qin Fan said lightly.

"Tut Tut, don't you dare to say it? Afraid of shame? " Lu man said sarcastically: "it's good to know you're afraid. I'll give you a chance. Now glue these two tickets to me, or buy two seats in the first row and send them to us personally. Otherwise, I'll call brother long now. You know the consequences."

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