"One is dead?" When he heard that someone had been poisoned by the club, Qin fan's face became serious.

"Well, we controlled two diamond class members with cadastral identity in the Jockey Club. By tampering with their internal information in the jockey club system, our people came to participate in the charity auction instead of them. However, we didn't expect that when he got on the ship, his name was recognized by a security guard, and then he was directly put into a sack and thrown into the sea 。”

With a heavy sigh, Hong Xin doesn't seem to have completely come out of the grief of her drowning companion, but her strong professional quality makes her not excessively immersed in grief. Instead, she looks up at Qin fan and says, "in 15 minutes, Guo Tian and Zhang Yang will come to help you leave, and then you just need to follow them and leave the ship, and you will be safe All right

"I'm alone?" Qin fan heard the voice of the words and asked in doubt.

"Well, I have to collect evidence of Zhao Sheng's use of this charity auction night to launder money and transfer assets. I won't go with you for the time being." Hong Xin said.

"Evidence?" Qin fan frowned, "this is also one of your tasks here tonight?"

"Yes, in addition to selling national treasures and cultural relics on the high seas, Zhao Sheng is also involved in a money laundering activity, which is related to the owner above me. I can't leave until I get the evidence."

As the vice president of the Jockey Club, Zhao Sheng has mastered the wealth resources of more than half of Hong Kong Island. If he wants to engage in a fund-based activity, the capital will flow in continuously. How to transform these public capital into his own, he needs to use some means on board tonight.

"Don't you need my help?" Although he knew that his current situation was also very dangerous, Qin fan could not help asking.

"No, it's not easy to operate when there are too many lovers. If you leave at ease, you can just take the opportunity to create chaos, and I can better complete the task."

Hong Xin said, raised his hand to look at the time, stretched out his hand to turn off the video on his mobile phone, and said to Qin fan, "there are still 15 minutes left. Now you can take me into the bedroom and wait for Guo Tian to come and go."

Qin fan nodded, knowing that he was a scum with a combat value of 5 in the battle of commercial spies. However, after thinking about it, he still asked, "how long have I been here?"

"Seven minutes." Hong Xin said.

"I think, why don't we wait three minutes before we go out? Do not stop the video of your mobile phone? " Qin fan licked his face and said.

"Ah?" Hong Xinxian is stunned. When she understands the purpose of Qin fan's saying this, Qin fan grins and reaches out his hand to play the video in his mobile phone again.


Security room is still relish watching the surveillance screen, two people passionately out of the bathroom.

A patrol security guard came to the door, another security guard who was guarding here said to him with a smile, "why, did you come here again to smoke and leave?"

The patrolling security guard took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, handed him one, and said with a bitter smile: "don't mention it, the second generation of local tyrants and rich people are just drinking in the garden to soak up stars. Let's just stare at them, and have to look at whether there are suspicious items on the female stars. Can men bear the taste?"

"Ha ha, it's really pitiful, but it's better than us. You have a female star to watch. I can only stand here and watch the sea. Besides, it's meaningless for you to say who will run here in a broken monitoring room, if it's not for the direct order from above, the devil will be guarding here." The security guard on duty also complained.

"Ha ha, it's all the same. This is the boat of the Jockey Club. Who dares to come here on Hong Kong Island By the way, you have a wrench or a pair of pincers. When I caught the spy just now, I broke my belt. My pants are always falling down. I can't stand... "

"You're just as unlucky as the guy who threw it into the sea. There's a pair of pincers. Go in and get it yourself..."

The security guard on duty has been working in the Jockey Club for three or four years. He has been responsible for the security task of every cruise going out to sea. Nothing has ever happened, so he is not very vigilant. After lighting a cigarette, he uses the key to open the door of the monitoring room and takes the security guard on duty to charge it.

The security system of the Jockey Club has always been quite different.

The person responsible for monitoring the area will never participate in the security tasks of other areas.

Similarly, security guards in other areas can not easily enter the monitoring room.

Therefore, there are usually two security guards in charge of the monitoring room. One is responsible for guarding the door, and the other is responsible for switching the surveillance cameras inside. They are looking for the shady scenes of the rich dog men and women everywhere

The security guard, who was looking at the monitor, heard someone coming in and said without looking back: "Lao Wang, Hong Xin is really different from that on TV. Such a pure woman is even more active than a man..."

"Well, there are many things you can't think of, but this one may be the last one in your life..."

A strange voice came from behind. The security guard who was concentrating on watching the surveillance video was about to turn back. A thin wire rope had entangled the security guard's neck like a ghost from behind. He forced his way inside, and the wire rope fell into the meat. The security guard didn't even call out and fell directly on the ground.Similarly, at the door, the security guard in black suit was lying on the ground, but his face was more calm, like he had lost his life and had no chance to respond.

"It's almost time, Guo Tian, these monitors will be handed over to you. You only have six minutes, and there are still 14 minutes left from the time agreed with Hong Xin. We need to take seven minutes to walk from here to their room, and then after we get rid of the security guard at the door, we only have one minute to take them out of the guest room area, so you have to hurry!"

The patrolling security guard walked to the door, dragged the body of the security guard on duty into the monitoring room, then closed the door and stood guard at the gate, dressed in the same black suit as the security guard on duty, and looked warily at the direction where people might come.

And in the control room.

Guo Tian, who won the Buddhist sutra with 239 million yuan, then auctioned the painting of women's history with Qin fan for 3 billion yuan. He put his laptop on the table and connected it to the cruise ship's monitoring system. After that, his hands quickly knocked on the keyboard. It took less than six minutes. When the code was finished, he suddenly hit the Enter key and put the computer away, He opened the door and said, "four minutes. We have three minutes to leave."

Guo Tian has completely controlled the cruise ship's security monitoring system. As a former top-level young hacker, he does not know how many times he has cooperated with Hong Xin to complete commercial espionage missions. Although the monitors are still playing all the pictures including Qin fan's room, the videos they saw are repeated seven minutes ago.

"I've come to take Mr. Guo to his room. Please take us to..."

After showing Guo Tian's membership card and pass, the security guard at the door of the guest room area just turned around, and the thin steel wire appeared on his neck. Within two seconds, he collapsed into Zhang Yang's arms and was put aside.

"Hello, Mr. Guo Tian. I'd like to see Mr. Xia. Please let me know."

In the guest room area, there are not only security guards in front of Qin fan's gate.

Next to the door of three rooms, the same is true.

Two people stride to the door of room 7777. After showing Guo Tian's ID, they say to the security guard.

The security guard at the gate knew that Guo Tian and Qin fan had won a huge price for the painting of women's history at the auction, and the news had already spread to everyone on board.

However, his task is to protect and monitor here, and no one who threatens Qin fan is allowed to enter. So after checking Guo Tian's certificate, he glances at Guo Tian with vigilance and says to Zhang Yang, "take care of this VIP first, and wait until I ask Mr. Xia."

The security guard at the door turned around and rang the doorbell. At the same time, he said to the sensor, "Mr. Xia, Mr. Guo Tian said that he has something to see you now. Is it convenient for you to see him now?"

After waiting for a few seconds, Qin fan's panting voice came out of the sensor: "you come in with him."

The security guard nodded. Knowing that Qin fan was guarding against Guo Tian, he turned around and said, "come with me."

Opening the door, three people went in back and forth.

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