"There are still three minutes left. Guo Tian, you take Qin Shaoxian with you. Hong Xin and I will stay here to get the evidence. When it's done, we will make peace with each other in the old place. President Bai will arrange everything."

Zhang Yang drags the body of the security guard at the door to the middle of the living room. Guo Tian looks around. The monitors in the room have been disposed of by Hong Xin. Although he has firmly controlled the monitoring room, it's hard to ensure that Zhao Sheng doesn't make other arrangements and has a back hand.

Hong Xin nodded, turned to Qin fan and said, "follow Guo Tian. I hope we can meet again in the future."

Guo Tian stood opposite and looked at Qin fan with complicated eyes.

He thought that he was the core of this cultural relic rescue mission, but he didn't expect that as a professional spy, he had experienced many battles and became the foil of this unknown young man.

"Well, you also pay attention to safety, looking forward to seeing you again one day."

The situation is urgent. Qin fan also knows that staying here for one more minute will bring more danger to everyone.

He directly holds the password box with the picture of a beautiful lady in his arms, takes a deep look at Hong Xin, and then turns to leave the room with Guo Tian.

"We've got a speedboat in the cabin. I'll take you down in a moment. Someone will take you out of here and go straight back to Hong Kong Island."

After leaving the room, Guo Tian and Qin fan trot straight out of the corridor. At the same time, he explains the next action in a low voice.

"And you?" Qin fan glances at him. His impression of Guo Tian is still that of an invisible rich family. The sudden change of his role makes him more or less uncomfortable.

"You don't have to worry about me. Someone will send you out. You, the second generation of rich people, are only suitable to be the flowers in the greenhouse under the protection of a thousand people. It doesn't belong to you here."

It is obvious that Guo Tian is very dissatisfied with the fact that an agent of his own level wants to protect a rich second generation who has no power to bind a chicken.

It's enough for him to take a picture of it, and then he can easily leave with the scroll.

Instead of having such a burden around you to increase the risk of the task.

Qin fan looks at him in surprise. He doesn't know where he has offended Guo Tian, but when he turns his head and sees the security guard standing on the splint six or seven meters away from him, Qin fan's pupils suddenly contract.

Qin fan always has a good memory. He clearly remembers that the security guard in the middle of the guest room area and the banquet hall was a young man with white skin, clean face and hands, rather than the strong man in front of him, with a big body, full face and beard, and all his arms covered with looks.

What's more, the strong man's eyes, sometimes glancing at himself, were full of fierce light. When he saw that Qin fan and Guo Tian had come, a hand had been slowly extended into his arms.

"Be careful!"

Qin fan gave a low roar. At the moment when the strong man took out his gun from his arms, he pushed Guo Tian away and rolled over to the side deck.

Guo Tian is also worthy of being an experienced agent. Just now, he was pushed away by Qin fan. When he leaned over and noticed the strong man taking out the gun, he reached out and took out a short knife from his arms. The knife was stabbing into the strong man's throat. At the same time, he rolled over on the ground and got up. He rushed to the strong man, pulled out the knife and put it on his chest I made up for it.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that the strong man fell to the ground and lost his movement, Qin fan hurried over. Then he saw Guo Tian take out a short gun with a muffler from the strong man's arms and whispered, "the guards have all been replaced. It seems that the Jockey Club has noticed us. Hurry up, there's still time!"

The fact that the security personnel have been replaced, but the number of them has not been increased, proves that the Jockey Club is only waking up and has not launched any real action against them.

Guo Tian estimates that the Jockey Club will not be really alert until the things in the monitoring room are revealed.

"No way."

However, he heard Qin fan's voice of dissent.

"This man looks different from the photo on his ID card, and his clothes don't fit very well. I don't think the horse club has replaced the security guards, but the security guards have been changed..."

Qin fan took out a bloody certificate from the pocket of a strong man's suit. It was clearly the white faced security guard Qin fan had seen before. Moreover, his suit also exposed a section of his arms and legs, and his skin with exuberant body hair, so that they could see.

"Switch?" Guo Tian looked at Qin fan in disbelief and asked, "do you mean..."

"Someone is watching the ship. We have to leave quickly and inform Hong Xin of the situation so that we can deal with it in advance."

Qin Fan said a word. Looking around, he found that there should be a security patrol on the deck. Now there was only the body of the fake security guard in front of him. Moreover, from the back, he could hear the sound of music from Haifeng, which proved that the dance in the garden was still going on, and the jockey club didn't notice what happened here.

After Qin Fan said his inference, Guo Tian's face was moved again.

He was not surprised that someone dared to fight the idea of the Jockey Club cruise, but was shocked by Qin fan's keen observation, and his psychological quality of being calm in the face of danger and making accurate judgments quickly."What do you mean? I don't have a phone on me. If I want to inform Hong Xin, I can only turn back now. But the boat below can't wait any longer. If we can't arrive at the appointed time, the boat will still leave by itself. It won't wait for us at all! "

Almost subconsciously, Guo Tian began to put his hope on Qin fan.

"Where is the boat?" Qin fan asked.

"The cabin is a cargo boat. It came an hour ago to replenish wine and champagne for the cruise ship. The boss is one of our people. It is agreed that he will get on the ship in four minutes. If no one shows up at that time, it will prove that there is something wrong with the task. He will leave first and let the people on the island prepare emergency equipment." Guo Tian whispered.

"This is the only ship, isn't it?" Qin fan asked.

"Yes." Guo Tian nodded.

"What's the name of the boatman?"

"Liu Hao, also called mouse..."

Guo Tian said here, suddenly looked up to Qin fan: "you don't want to go to the cabin to find him alone?"

"What else?" Qin fan frowned, "or I'll give you the painting, you take the painting to leave, I'll inform Hong Xin."

Guo Tian is stunned. As a professional spy who is responsible for recovering the lost antiques abroad, he naturally knows the significance and value of this painting of women's history in Qin fan's hands, which can't be exchanged for many lives!

And the reason why he and Hong Xin and others are here tonight is to protect the painting.

It's his duty!

The most important thing is that no matter who goes back to inform Hong Xin of the matter, it's doomed that he won't be able to leave here by freighter. Although Qin fan is a little smart, it's a very dangerous thing for him to get the evidence of money laundering from the Jockey Club and then go back.

After all, Hong Xin and Zhang Yang are old teammates. They cooperate with each other and have a higher success rate.

Thinking of this, Guo Tian took a deep breath, put his hand on Qin fan's shoulder and said, "the painting is up to you. I'm responsible for going back to inform Hong Xin. After all, Fang is more familiar with the situation on the ship than you. You go to find the mouse and ask him to take you away. I hope we can have a chance to drink together when we get back to the port."

Qin fan turned his mouth when he heard the words.

Ma Dan, I spent three billion on the painting. What do you mean you gave it to me?

However, seeing Guo Tian's resolute and dignified expression, Qin fan nodded, raised his hand, patted the back of his hand on his shoulder, and said, "don't worry, the task given to me by the organization, even if it's smashed to pieces, throwing my head and blood, I will certainly take our cultural relics back, to ensure the mission and safe landing!"

Qin fan's words almost made Guo Tianxi cry. He always thought that the three billion Yuan Qin fan had photographed was also the money from above. He was afraid that the boy would be confused for a moment and really run away with the painting. However, judging from Qin fan's righteous words, this guy's consciousness was still very high, and even moved his mind to develop him into the team!

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